I've been in technology for 22 years. I spent the first few years taking care of computers and networks for end users, and the last few years writing web-based applications for a platform/language called ColdFusion, currently owned by Adobe.
I have no college degree. I have a tech school Associates in copier and typewriter repair, which is where I got my first exposure to networking, but that's the extent of my higher education. In fact I was homeschooled and never really did much schooling past 9th grade... which sounds bad until you realize that I was reading Shakespeare at age 5 and tested out with a 9th grade math level in 3rd grade.
It took me 15 years, but I managed to work my way up to a 6-figure income in my industry. I run one of the only conferences for programmers using ColdFusion/Railo in the whole world... and I run it on 3 continents. I became somewhat globally famous in my little niche, and I loved it. I loved the people, and the technology and the sense of community. But, as it turns out, I hated my job.
From the time I started programming I never kept a job for more than 2 years. I spent a great deal of time as an independent contractor and never managed to keep a client for more than one project. I was, in a word, an epic failure at actually working in the industry that I had built my life around. And I just couldn't seem to find a way to make it work. Ultimately I ended up losing the last job I could stand to lose in early fall 2011. When I lost that one, I knew... I couldn't go back. I had no stomach for the career I'd spent 2 decades building, but I'd spent my entire adult life building it and had NO idea what to do with myself!
Backing up a few months... I was up late one night in early summer 2011 watching something on the DVR on TV. My show ended and I was headed to bed when on whatever channel it was I saw this little bitty crazy dude in his car making fun of himself and peddling his latest NY Times bestseller book on making bazillions of dollars in real estate.
I was bemused.
I thought. I considered. I listened.
I kinda like the guy... as the Night Hob from The Neverending Story was fond of asking, "Is he a nutcase!?" And indeed it seemed he was. But the good kind of nutcase who was enthusiastic about what he does and, honestly, just wanted to share it with people. Well, share it with people and make some money at the same time, but still...
So I ordered the book, and I got the extra special incredible deal of his previous book at the same time! A week later some lady called and offered us entrance to PMI, which my wife and I took advantage of... in fact I think we're still trying to pay that off! But it came with coaching, tutorials and so on.
And I really did nothing with it. For some reason, the training just didn't work for me (I'm not a sit-still-for-slideshows kinda guy, honestly). I called the coaches a few times, but I didn't even know enough to know what questions to ask or how to ask them. I was a brand-new baby trying to play football with grownups, and it was driving me batty.
But I kept at it. I joined our local Real Estate Investors Association and started going to meetings. I went to one of Dean's 3-day events hosted by Stephen Edwards... but I spent most of the summer writing software and trying to take a whole different angle at finding deals. I'm still convinced it would work, but I needed a TON more education and experience to make a go of it. Finally I came to the firm decision that I needed to just start doing what I was told instead of trying to figure it out for myself. So I got some bandit signs. And I didn't put them out.
For two weeks I had those signs and I was petrified to put them out. To put those signs out was a declaration of capability to the world. It invited people to have expectations of me that I didn't know I could fulfill. Interestingly, I felt very insecure about the fact that I had no objective reason to put them in one location versus another location, so picking where to put my signs was extremely uncomfortable, at least at first. Eventually I realized that marketing is about experimentation... and this is all about marketing.
It is. You market to your buyers. You market to your sellers. You even market things to yourself. But when it comes to real estate, it's ALL about marketing. And once you get that down you realize that even if real estate dried up you could make money at about anything because you KNOW HOW TO MARKET. And in this game of real estate, he who markets best makes the most.
So it took me over a year to stop thinking and start doing. One day I just put out 3 signs... and started getting calls. So I put out more signs, and got more calls. And more, and more. And then fewer and fewer. So I put out more signs. I made an offer on a house and it was accepted, but I never did find a buyer for it. And I kept marketing, not realizing what I was doing (marketing). And the more I did, the more leads I got. And the more comfortable I felt with myself and my new career.
As I sit here today, I have one home under contract for a desirable price in a somewhat less than desirable location. I got it for a good deal, and I could make $35k on it if I had the time to market it that way... but I'm scared and I don't want to let the people down, so I've just restructured the selling price to assure that I get a quick and easy close. And I'm still worried about it. But, it's all about marketing, right?
It never ends... you're always learning and you're always insecure about something for some reason. The trick is to learn how to stay positive and continue to move forward, giving credence to your worries and using education and community to keep your head up and your path straight. Nobody walks this road alone... to try is to invite failure.
Which is why I'm bothering to write all this down. See, my goal is to do what Dean, Matt, Carol, Gena and company do, mentor and promote people in the pursuit of their dreams and freedom. But in order to do that, I need make a fortune as a successful real estate investor and wholesaler and build the kind of life that other people want. I need that experience to be able to mentor those coming up behind me... so my initial goal is to make that fortune. My overall goal is to use that experience to build up others who want to do it too.
So here I am, world, just me, Jared. My wife Jenna, daughter Lizzie, our two dogs Shane and Daisy and our cat Pif. We are the J-Team, we will succeed because we have eachother, and we have you all.
Thanks for reading.
Hey Jared,
Great story. I wish you the best on your journey.
Let us know how your current deal turns out.
Jared Im confident you are going to make it happen;-) Loved the post dude.. Remember if i tried to program i would fail miserably!! but i bet you could show me and if i did exactly what you said i could start making stuff work..
Trust in the education and trust in yourself and make it happen!!!!
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
Thank you both for your comments.
Yanno, it's funny...
Dean is famous. Dean is the massively freaking rich guy that's on TV. Dean's been doing this stuff for 22 years. Dean is Da Guru.
And yet... I'm every bit as happy to get Adam's comment as I am Dean's!
Dean, it's so cool to know that you're paying attention and care about my success... but it's even cooler to know that there's a nation-wide and even international family of people who are doing the same things I am and trying to succeed at it AND THEY'RE ALL ROOTING FOR MY SUCCESS!
And I'm rooting for theirs.
That's what the DG family is all about.
Wow Dean rarely comments, so I was surprised to see his comment. You somehow caught his eye! Please fill out your profile too, so others can connect with you and get to know you.
www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
You know I'm rooting for ya and yes, that's what the DG Family is all about.
If you have determination, you will succeed and Jared, YOU WILL SUCCEED!!!
Great story.
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE Member
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
great story, but you know what's the only thing missing??!! a successful end!!! so keep going, get past your fears, and get your deal done! you're almost there! once you get the first one done, then you do another, and another, and before you know it, you've got a system in place that keeps bringing in the deals!
Only you can make it happen, so make sure you do the 7 levels deep exercise and know what your true reason is to make it happen; when you see your reason first thing in the morning and see it last thing at night, nothing will keep you from achieving your goals!
Wishing you great success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
Wow! Compelling story, Jared! You even prompted a reply from Dean! Very Impressive.
It truly is all-about-marketing!!! You hit it.
Long live the Home-schooled!
Conquer the FEAR! ~Keep on keeping on!
Happy Prospering! ~Kat, Liberty Residential Investment Acquisitions
• "To every thing there is a season, & a time to every purpose..." ~Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
• "Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy!" ~Dale Carnegie
• "Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise." ~Horace
• "Never, never, never give up." ~Winston Churchill
• "Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
...it just hasn't been written yet.
We're just getting to the chapter where everything changes, my father-in-law has to admit that he was wrong (HELL YES!!!), most of our anxiety evaporates because it's financially motivated, and we can start actually planning for a future rather than day-dreaming about it.
That's chapter 4, at least going by decades.
Funny, in the last year I've lost a 20-year career, a job that I didn't like, lost a business checking account, handed financial management of my one remaining business over to my meeting planner, very nearly lost that business too, and my house is in foreclosure. And I'm going to turn 40 in exactly 69 days. Jan 4.
So... I'm a firm believer in rebooting.
Love the story....keep it alive!!
Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors
Are you over analytical? Maybe ur too smart for this. I know several people that can tell you anything you want to know about Real Estate but, have never done a deal, or even attempted to do one. Maybe I'm fortunate that Im not the smartest guy on the block, but I got this attitude that I know I can do this. ANd I usually jump b4 I look. Maybe if u dumb down haha. You have good writing skills. Dont over analize everything. Just jump. And never give up. rando
I had an epiphany yesterday. It went something like this:
I am a wholesaler. What I do really has little to do with real estate other than to understand the numbers and recognize deals. I only know enough about the industry to help my buyers build their businesses.
I have complete permission to walk away from a mediocre deal. My sole job is to market the buying power of my buyers and to find, negotiate, and lock in the deals they want.
I need buyers, and I need to know for each one of them how their margins work. In the process I will learn every angle there is to make money in real estate, which will eventually make me far more money than picking one and sticking with it. I am free to stop trying to figure out how to make a deal out of every property and simply move on to the next leads.
It also means that I need to employ every marketing angle I can think of to generate as many leads as possible.
With all this in mind, I wrote what I'm calling the Wholesalers Creed, to remind me of what I am, and to make sure that I don't lose sight of what I do. It's my "every morning, every night and before every meal" reminder of what I do and why. Feel free to leave feedback...
I am a professional wholesaler. I find excellent deals on distressed properties for my customers.
I am not a rehabber. My inventory is paper. My product is purchase agreements. I do not build walls. I do not tear down walls.
My services are extended in both directions. May the hungry buyer find my Craigslist ad. May the distressed seller call my bandit signs.
I will not let the "nearly-good" deal distract me. I give no shelter to the notion of "doing it myself".
I am a professional wholesaler. It's what I do. It's what I am. I will zealously build my buyers list. I will market the collective buying power of my buyers to hidden-market sellers from now until the uttermost ends of the earth.
I am a powerhouse of marketing know-how. I can network any room to find leads and contacts. I am unstoppable. I am invincible.
I am not out to give a bad deal to my sellers, but to help them turn property they don't need into money they do. I am dedicated to finding them the best deal with the fastest turnaround. I live and die by the 30-day close. Without me they are stuck, but with me the sun shines on their shoulders and they are free.
My buyers need me. My sellers need me. I am a professional wholesaler. I am a professional negotiator. What I'm good at is not what they are good at. I am good at finding inexpensive and/or free ways to get the message to the sellers. They are good at wrangling sticks and nails into houses.
I will use the tools at my disposal to do my best for both buyer and seller, to get them both what they want, what they need, and to provide for the health of my business and my family. I have an extended family of colleagues behind and beside me, supporting and encouraging me, and I will rely on them and they will rely on me. To get the job done.
We are professional wholesalers. It's what we do and we do it well.
Boy I can see you will do just find, your already off and running in your writing, keep the energy going ,youll be in the top ten soon and may be in the world.Trust me this is alot of fun and the joy of helping others is awesome, take care my friend Jim
The checking account is overdrawn because the car payment came out and we had to get gas and groceries.
That means that listsource and realtytrac are out of reach again for the time being.
My wife is frazzled and discouraged. We're both running out of our meds and with no insurance we have to pay out of pocket.
I've had 5 significant deals come up and not happen.
I'm gluten intolerant and now I can't even have chicken nuggets. Had a couple yesterday and I'm sick as a dog today.
And just to add insult to injury, I ran out of coffee this morning.
I'm not tempted to stop doing this. I'm not even tempted to slow down. I feel like I have nothing else to do with myself that has a chance of building a life. But like Dean's WW from the other day, I find myself asking, "Dammit! When will it be my turn?!"
I am building a new career, and I know it's going to work... I am positive, I am powerful. I can do whatever I set my mind to.
I guess I just needed a minute to vent to people who understand it.
Right now I am hanging out with my daughter till my wife gets back home for her appointment. When she does there is a LOT more action I need to take. The next 30 days are going to be killer... I can't wait to see the results!
... overwhelmed, terrified, exhilarated, discouraged and encouraged!
All at once. These days my mantra is "Pros do it with a headache!"
This past week was hell on earth. Not only did my last 3 unemployment checks get held up, but when I responded to the investigation, I found out something very interesting:
If you do anything for more than 32 hours a week, unemployment considers you full-time employed. So, if you've been dishing soup at the soup kitchen and cleaning cages at the dog pound while you're out of work... yes, just plain-old good-citizen volunteerism... you're considered employed and ineligible for unemployment.
OH, and whether you get paid or not for actual work doesn't matter either.
So when I told them that I'd been working on this business since Labor Day, they not only cut off my unemployment but decided to bill me for overpayment on every week since. So on top of now not having ANY money coming into the household, I owe unemployment $5000 for what they consider overpayment. Nice, huh?
And I had arranged to make $100 selling some time and services to other wholesalers by generating reports on banks in their zip codes... but when I went to create the reports I found out that my access to the site where I get the data had expired. Fortunately I told the owner my current circumstances and he agreed to let me have another trial period.
But, at the same time I have hit a milestone... yesterday I showed 2 different properties, each to a different buyer. I consider that a milestone, really, because it says to me that I've got a lot going on and I'm making positive progress.
I am also working on offers on 2 different REO properties owned by smaller banks.
I've started soliciting other wholesalers to send me their deals based on my buyers list, which is very, very strong. And that's working too!
And I have 2 properties at this point that I am showing to people, one offer under consideration and another guy out deliberating on a deal that may make me $32,000.
Imagine, as much or more from one deal than a third of the people in the US make in a year.
But that's why I'm doing this at all. I just can't go back to a "real job". I can't do it. I never could do it very well... I suck at being an employee. I'm pretty good at being an entrepreneur, now that I'm getting some training and assistance at it. And I can only get better as I do more and get trained more and that cycle will feed on itself.
Right now, though, I just need a deal to go thru. I need gas in the car and food in our pantry.
My 4-year-old daughter and I have started this kind of high-five thing whenever I'm going to go work on a specific deal... "COME ON HORSES!" we yell as we high-five each other. It's because she wants horses soooo badly. It's something to do to get her involved. And since we started doing that, she's started doing bandit signs of her own. I'd post a pic here, but there's no way that I can find to put up pics on this site.
So, 2 deals in progress, 2 offers in progress... I have a lot going on. Lots of good action taking place!
I just need it to PAY OFF now. This is my turn, this is MY chance. MY FAMILY DESERVES THIS EVEN IF I DON'T (BUT I DO TOO!!!!)
What a thing to say, huh? I mean really... needy and desperate much?
Well, yeah. Needy and desperate A LOT. At least at that point (as of my previous post to this journal, see above!)
But check the dates and think about what I just said. "At least at that point." THAT POINT was Saturday, December 8, 2012. TODAY is Thursday, December 13, 2012.
I was needy and desperate at that point, 5 days ago.
I've gotten a small windfall to make it thru the next few days thanks to my other business and the generosity of family. However, as of next Weds, just under a week from now, I will have taken in $4,900 in proceeds from the two closings I have next week. One deal brings in $2900, the other deal brings in $2000 plus a few thousand more in January and February. I made somewhere between $7,000 and $11,000 THIS WEEK!!!!
There is a lesson to be learned here, folks... things change fast in this business, not just on a per-deal basis but overall, your fortune changes fast when you throw yourself relentlessly into it. I went from terrifyingly broke at the beginning of this week to modestly flush next week. Granted it ain't over till the ink is dry and the money has changed hands, but these deals are pretty secure.
Go, folks... don't hold back, don't be afraid and don't doubt yourselves. If you're just starting out here, dive in and ignore everything but finding and closing those deals. Get tunnel vision. Don't look back, or to the sides... spend your free time playing numbers games in your head. Don't be afraid to sound silly because people can tell if you're serious or not. Just don't stop.
This isn't a business about you. It's a business about numbers. Demonstrate that you want to understand the numbers and PEOPLE WILL LINE UP TO HELP YOU. It's true. I couldn't leave the last REIA meeting for 90 minutes because I had so many people coming up to me wanting to talk, ask questions, discuss the properties I was trying to deal with or help me understand things I didn't quite get.
I am smart, and I've been a lot of places and done a lot of things in my life... but none of that has had anything to do with how I got these deals other than being unafraid to stand up and say I AM HERE, LET'S DO THIS!
Glad you got another deal! Bet that takes a bit of pressure off eh?
Cathy B
Follow my progress at:
You have NO idea, Cathy! Thanks for your support.
Congratulations Jared!
Hey Jared at least you have a family to work with what a blessing that is huh!!!!!!!Your going to do just fine honesty is the key to life and you can go along way with it and humilty who can beat it, wishing you so much success, Jim
I posted my 2012 take me away video to YouTube, and I'd really like to post the link here... but every time I try to post a link to a YouTube video here it declares my post to be spam and nobody ever fixes it.
Anyway. Minor setback... life goes on.
Have a wonderful holiday season everyone!
If you did not already do so, you must submit your video through the actual contest site. You must provide proof of your deals, fill out their contest questionnaire, DGadmin will look it over, edit you video the way they see fit and then THEY post it to the contest site. I had 20 deals on my video but they edited down to 6. I think my video is about 6 minutes. I thought that must be the allowable time frame but another contestant has a 9 minute video. So they are free to do whatever they want. It's their contest!
Michael Mangham
Mentoring/Team Building Nationwide
MD Home Acquisitions LLC
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins
http://www.mdhomeacquisitions.com Seller site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionsbargainhouses.com Buyer site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionshousehunter.com Bird Dog Site
http://www.mdlodeals.com Tenant/Buyer site
A friend gave me a link to the actual contest website, so I am in the process of doing what it says now.
What might that be? The link?
Is the contest for elite members/superstars only or is it open to all DG-ers???
Happy Prospering! ~Kat, Liberty Residential Investment Acquisitions
• "To every thing there is a season, & a time to every purpose..." ~Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
• "Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy!" ~Dale Carnegie
• "Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise." ~Horace
• "Never, never, never give up." ~Winston Churchill
• "Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The contest is for anyone who has done deals and participates in any of Deans programs.
Jared, your journal has resonated with me. You have described in great detail your trials and tribulations , and all the emotions that you were feeling during your journey of doing your first real estate transaction, and later of your happiness in successfully closing your first (not only 1 but 2) deals, and 2 more deals during a short period of 1 month. CONGRATULATIONS! Your experiences have encouraged and inspired me to be determined, focused and to keep on fighting my own FEARS so that I can also emulate what you have accomplished. Thank you for sharing. Rosalind