Everyone Please VOTE to DEMAND the Profile info to be filled out BEFORE allowing a DG membership.
Time after time WE ask new members,even some that have been here a while, to fill out their profile info and they don't, BUT, they continue to ask questions and want us to HELP them and answer.
We all want to help each other here.
If we can't convince the DG ADMIN to require a profile info filled out before allowing membership, or members refuse to fill out their profile info, then maybe we should just NOT help by answering their questions and let them search the ENTIRE DG site and try to find the answers on their own.
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools
Where do we vote??
I don't mind reciprocating with help (that I paid thousands to learn) but it sure would be nice to know who we are dealing with.
Come on people, this isn't Facebook or some other social site. You don't have to put your private info into your profile. We don't bite here!
Remember the golden rule: "You have to give in order to get." When you do that, you'll get a lot more
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS (you can check out my profile anytime
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
It would make networking so much easier.
And I would also like to bring something else to the attention of the DG administration.
All these people who join on this site to advertise links to: cheap jewelery, how to get pregnant fast, computer games, cheap cellphones, how to do the best job interviews, advertisements in german for I don't know what, canadian parkas, ties... I am not making this up, why are these people posting on this site???
Anyway, I vote yes.
Thanks Mike
"Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee
To be perfectly honest this should have happened a while ago. However, going forward the cream always rises to the top !! To the new investors I welcome you with open arms and much success ,this is truly a website like you'll never find anywhere !! If you think the website is great, wait till you get to meet the true and dedicated DG family who post here !! If it were not for this format most of us would not be where we are in our growth as RE investors. What i am saying is don't take the posting, the dedication of the members, the format or Dean himself for granted, who's made all this possible. The true and dedicated ones again I say Welcome and happy to have you join us. All others well ......... SEE YA !!!
I am rather new, and didn't figure out how to do this right away, but when people told me to do so, I made it a point to figure it out. It wasn't hard. If it is required it would be done. I think it is best for us all to network and know who we are dealing with. Is there a way that we can talk directly to the dg admin to make this policy? I am all for it!
www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
Hi Mike,
I'm not sure I follow (and I may well be one of the unsuspecting culprits...sorry!!)Is this not a personal preference thing if one chooses whether or not to fill out their entire profile info? Maybe some people are uncomfortable having their personal info displayed in an open forum. Now maybe if there was a closed member only access area this might be different But like I said, I may be wrong and I often am so please explain.
"There is nothing to fear but fear itself..."
"Never Say Die Until a Dead Horse kicks ya!" An Aboriginal Elder
Personally, I don't typically fill out profiles. That is my choice. If I ask a question and someone doesn't answer because I don't have a profile, that's ok... that is their choice. Making profiles mandatory will not eliminate the spammers, but may well result in fabricated profiles.
I believe Dean has a truly sincere, driving desire to help others. I vote to keep this site free and easily accessible to everyone, even those who do not wish to disclose their personal information.
But that's just it. Nobody says you have to give out personal info. Where you're from would be nice. What your RE experience is or why you got into RE would also be nice. Don't write your age if you don't want to.
Don't give out your address and phone number if you are concerned. This isn't facebook. You can be general and still be private. You never know, you could have had someone in your own backyard with a house that you can sell but since they didn't say what area they were in, you never got to know them. I think that's what Mike is referring to. Networking is about sharing. Networking is important to successful investing. Just telling someone that you are in Kansas or Nevada or Florida or... puts you ahead of everybody who writes nothing.
Just my 2 cents...
Your pal,
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
Andy nailed it!
Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
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LIKE my FB page http://www.facebook.com/JandBHouseSolutions
Even if it's just a first name, general location of where you live and what strategies you'll being using would help.
For those of you that say no, you could be missing out on deals. Doesn't matter to me, that deal will end up with somebody else that had their info up to date in their profile.
Even if you don't have money on hand or a business set up there's nothing that says you can't earn a bird-dog fee.
One more thing, if you don't want to put info on here, how are you going to market yourself in real life? We all have skeletons in our closets, that's what we're NOT here for. We are here to make a better life and to make a positive difference in the lives of others as well.
Not to mention if you put in the general area you're in and ask questions on dg.com, people may be able to tailor their answers more specifically due to knowing where you are.
Mark K.
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It's nice to know whom you are chatting with! I always look to see the profile it gives you a good idea where their coming from and their experience...It's a good thing!
I am not experienced like several on here, but I still can do most contracts and know how to make some money.
But I too get several sending a PM and asking me to help financially, or do the deal for them, or to buy their property, and other things. I look on their profile to see who I am dealing with and there is only a first name.
Yes this is not a private website, but for those of us who spent money for in depth training or those who just bought the book, I feel this site helps us to meet our goals. Many people can't afford more than just the book. I would help them with all I got, but after being took for $14k because someone, not on this site, went behind my back on a deal, I would never trust anyone who asks for my help or info on deals, without knowing who they are.
If you meet someone at an event and you want their advice or help, you generally shake their hands and introduce yourself. Giving your name, and most cases where you are from. This helps to put you on more of a friend level and the person is more willing then to help you.
I have refused to answer some PMs and even asked a couple times, who are you and were are you from, funny isn't it......you usually never get anymore answers from them.
Knowing where you are from, I may be able to send you to someone from that area, if you are sincere, and they can help you.
This site is a privilege to be on, and was put up to HELP each other.
At least be polite enough to give your name, even just your first name, where you are from and maybe a bit about your goal with this.
Andys' post #8 is what I'm talking about!
I got your back Andys
"Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee
I am very sure that by giving my vote I won't be making friends with some. That saddens me and I am sorry. The reason I vote "no" on adding conditions and restrictions is because this was setup as an open website and when someone does pick up Dean's books or sees him on tv giving his web address it opens the door for some (possibly many)to new opportunities. They are not sure what they are getting into in the beginning.
We don't need to fog up this site with too many rules and restrictions like we have in our government today. It would be better to deal with each newbie one on one nicely and in a friendly tone. I doubt that we would need to get harsh with anyone and you do not need to give out information and help unless you want to. We all have a different learning curve so if we are really in the business of people helping people,lets do so kindly.
Those that have made it in the business of real estate investing know the hardships and obstacles you have faced to get where you are so why would you want to be an obstacle and impede someone in learning about the business. Some people pick up on what it takes to be a success and go like gangbusters. Some others can study it for a long time and go at turtle speed.
When someone makes a thread to ask a question and you see that they have not filled out their profile, I say just simply explain that to get connected to others on the site we ask that you fill out your profile. Welcome to dg.com .
I personally struggle with giving info on the website and have tried to be transparent by making postings and it took awhile for me to learn how to navigate on this site. I still have stuff to learn. It just does not hurt to be kind to the new people that come to the site.
Have a good day everyone.
I got your back Andys
Thanks for the comment. Hopefully the message will be taken in the spirit it was given... POSITIVE. I ALWAYS look at profiles because I am looking to network with people in my area. If I can't see where people are from, how would I know?
Just yesterday I needed to use the services of a fellow REIA member who is 100 miles away from me. (His services fit perfectly for my local client.) That's because this REIA is all about networking. See the power of networking???
Help is here people. Your profile is your handshake. My handshake can be found at "ANDYS." Enough said.
Andy Sager
Dg's AndyS
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
We don't need to fog up this site with too many rules and restrictions like we have in our government today. It would be better to deal with each newbie one on one nicely and in a friendly tone. I doubt that we would need to get harsh with anyone and you do not need to give out information and help unless you want to. We all have a different learning curve so if we are really in the business of people helping people,lets do so kindly.
Those that have made it in the business of real estate investing know the hardships and obstacles you have faced to get where you are so why would you want to be an obstacle and impede someone in learning about the business. Some people pick up on what it takes to be a success and go like gangbusters. Some others can study it for a long time and go at turtle speed.
When someone makes a thread to ask a question and you see that they have not filled out their profile, I say just simply explain that to get connected to others on the site we ask that you fill out your profile. Welcome to dg.com .
I personally struggle with giving info on the website and have tried to be transparent by making postings and it took awhile for me to learn how to navigate on this site. I still have stuff to learn. It just does not hurt to be kind to the new people that come to the site.
Have a good day everyone.
Please review my comment at space #8. It's exactly why newbies should fill in something about themselves so others CAN give a more specific help. It speeds up the process and may ultimately open them up to new business relationships.
You know, a newbie can't really hide the fact that they are new. The sooner they learn, the faster they will grow. What better way to learn than in this FAMILY setting? My parent's always told me that " Your family will take better care of you than your friends will." I say, give your DG family a little hug and a handshake and let's sit down and talk. It doesn't cost you anything but a few minutes. It's why I sign everything I write in these forums with my full name and DG name. I want people to look at my profile to see if we are a good match.
Hope you understand.
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
We are all a family, there is no need to break friendship over a disagreement. This is just how Andys, myself and others feel. Ultimately it is up to DG administration to decide what to do about this issue anyway.
I would never refuse to help new members on this site. My response to their question can be tailored to where they are at and what experience they have, if they fill out their profile. I just would like to know who I am working with.
All that is needed is a: first name, city, state, goals, level of experience, and which(if any) of Dean's materials does the person have. Everything else can be optional.
"Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee
Esteeanna says it well. Keep it simple. RE is hard enough as it is.
Sandi, I do agree with you that if someone is sending PM's, they certainly ought to offer some kind of an introduction... and if they don't in the PM and don't have a profile, then they should not expect much of a response!
Mark K, you are right. Having just the basic name and location is helpful. When I figured that out, I put it in... I'm sure others will too... without being coerced to do so.
Like Esteeanna says, people land here not knowing what dg.com is all about. Keep the door open so they can just come in and browse.
I really do appreciate your support and I want to keep the door open to new people. I do agree new people should tell us something about themselves. It takes awhile to learn the ins and outs and ups and downs of REI. I just don't like to make things any more difficult than they already are. Everyone has a right to opinions and I like to help the little guy if I can. There are enough deals to go around.
To tell the truth, I have not had good experience with family and find that a friend may be closer than a brother. Some people are blessed to have wonderful families. What a blessing. I work to overcome obstacles and bad experience. Walk a mile in another man's shoes. Look around and see that there are people who have it worse than you do.
It seems to me that Dean created this site to have an open door to all people. I will just gently inform and educate people that I may come accross to fill out the profile. I seriously doubt that a newbie who asks questions making it clear from the question that they have not read the material is going to be any threat to you or your investing business. They are just trying to find there own way.
It might be nice to have a box on the home page that says NEW TO THIS SITE - Please set up an acct and fill out your profile. That way you can introduce yourself to your new family.
God Speed and Good Luck to all. Think positive and set goals. Lets find solutions that don't constrict and restrict us.
Just want you to know I am not trying to break any relationships. There is just more than one way to look at things. Also, when I come across those who are advertising weird stuff I simply flag them as offensive and when it asks for reason I choose "other" and in the comment box I type "has nothing to do with real estate". Done deal. It is removed immediately and then I go on with my reading and trying to learn new things.
It saddens me and makes me ill sometimes to see freedom that we once had taken away from us due to all the new rules, restrictions, constrictions and loss of freedom of choice. If someone or something is in the way just go around.
A society does not exist successfully in the absence of basic rules.
To those who agree, no explanation is necessary. To those who do not agree, no explanation is enough.
This goes to the basic idea that a society or a group exists within rules for the benefit of all, or a society exists in the absence of basic rules and the bad guys begin to take over.
I agree with reinvestor42 at the top of this thread, and now end my political rant.
Happy Investing!
Think Less ~ Do More
Take Action = Results!
If it is to be, it is up to me.
I agree with you Mike and I'll even go you one better. Why don't you tell those people who you see that have not filled it out by name. Maybe they don't know how to or maybe they are having problems filling it out. I have asked people on here for help and no one has answered.
i agree with you !!!!! dgadmin i move that we require it....
You have a point. I see more and more freedoms being taken away from the people of this country and the saddest thing of all is that many people seem happy about it, and say it is necessary.
) the only required fields that are needed is a first name, where the person is from, what experience they have, where they want to go, and if they have any of Dean's materials. The only personal info I see is their first name and where they are from. That tells me nothing. In real estate it is like Carol Stinson says: you have to make yourself and your services known, to make yourself the go to person in your market.
Dg.com is like a club,(although a free one
True, others have had gone through terrible things in their lives; members are here to help each other overcome difficulties and push forward to success. I love coming on here and being inspired by other people's posts and helping others as much as I can with the limited knowledge I have. Those who mock others, and try to hurt other people; they will have what is due to them.
Whether someone fills out their profile or not, I am here to help and I wish them success.
"Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee
I joined in Feb of 2010, and must admit, had no idea how this even worked.
I thought I was just allowed to read some things posted, never knew until months later that I could get on here.
No one explained it and I had just signed on for the Success Academy.
I never knew we could click on forums and contribute, thought this was for some special group.
Around August I finally found out I could be on here. NO ONE ever explained any of this to me, and I had no idea how this worked. I still don't know what everything is for or how to use it. Don't even know how to find someone. Wanted to ask Rina something, being from Wisconsin, and people would say go on search, and I still couldn't find her.
So for a brand new person to be on here, I understand being totally lost on here. But what we are asking is that once you realize you can be on here and ask for help, which that is what most people ask for, is how they do something on a deal, the profile makes a huge difference.
And all we ask is your name and where you are from is a good gesture. Like I said, if you meet someone at a meeting or event, you shake hands introduce yourself and that is how the doors open.
Thank you for that. I think we can just not answer at all or skip over if someone does not want to fill out their profile and info. If we choose to take the time to let someone know they have to let us know who they are first, then that is great. If someone asks a question and doesn't get an answer because their profile is not filled out, then they may figure out and realize they need to do something different. Each is an individual case and we have a choice to be or not to be people helping people. I have problems trusting people sometimes even when I know something about them. At my age I know we have to have rules to live by and I think this site works just fine the way it is.
I need to put more time into finding my first deal.
Have a great day!
Too many people in this fine country of ours are just plain unaware of the freedoms that are being taken away and lost because we people get caught up in our own little worlds and can not see the forrest for the trees. It scares the hell out of me to think of the things that are going on that we have no way of knowing about in order to do anything about it. Ouch! that really hurts all of us.
I have been on the site since Augut 09 and guess what - I am still finding out there are things on the site to take advantage of. Navigation of all the internet sites is a challenge for me with so many different ways to set a site up. It can be like coming in contact with a foriegn language like Greek for some.
I love the site though. It is one of the best and I have learned so much and grown as a person by having so many people to gleen info from.
Some may look at it as being negative, but filling in your profile could me to your advantage for networking purposes. You might be looking for a good deal and someone in your area could facilitate that for you.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I'm just trying to enlighten those who are concerned about their privacy. I'm probably the biggest one of those people! I don't trust easily. I prefer to do my networking in person but that can't always be the case so it sure would be nice if we had a little info before hand. Here, unlike other social sites, you can be private and still be part of the group. That's all I'm saying
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
To those who agree, no explanation is necessary. To those who do not agree, no explanation is enough.
This goes to the basic idea that a society or a group exists within rules for the benefit of all, or a society exists in the absence of basic rules and the bad guys begin to take over.
I agree with reinvestor42 at the top of this thread, and now end my political rant.
Happy Investing!
Well said Brad.
I'm all for keeping things open to everybody but in order for us all to succeed, there have to be some rules. In order for things to be fair, there has to be reciprocated fairness.
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni