I have read 4 of Dean's books and to date i haven't found anything wrong with his material. I like the way Dean writes and presents his techniques and i am very much looking forward to his next book
i would have to say that i spent all that money on other courses and Dean's inexpensive books are just about as good as any of the courses out there that cover the same material. i also would have to say that there aren't many other "gurus" out that that care as much as Dean seems to and who else has a free website where we can all communicate with each other. no one!
I don't have one!! Deans books, programs, the academy etc. Have all the information and theory needed to go out and take action.
Now what I do have complaints about are the people that have all this information and come on this site and post questions that are in the material they already have. Indicating they did NOT study and are lazy!! You must take action, no course, no "virtual investing", no computer is going to establish a consistent business model for you. Learn your market, your product or have the people on the ground that can do it for you, period.
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins
is the people that label Dean as a guru and give him a bad name because they gave up and attribute that to Dean's material. There's a site that goes so far as not allowing anyone to talk about him on their website at all. Its like a conspiracy theory over on Bigger Pockets. They will delete ANY message that mentions his name at all; good or bad.
Threads get deleted here sometimes that shouldn't be; but its to keep the atmosphere here positive. But over there, so much as a HINT at his name and you get reported and your post removed. (How do I know this??? ... little rebel me has posted about Dean on at least 4 occasions over there. Each time I get a personal message from Josh (he runs and owns Bigger Pockets) about what a great sin I've committed. ) I'm such a big rabblerouser, aren't I?
We should all go to bigger pockets and start posting good advise and encourage people to make money and take action and then always at the en of the post state how much we have learn from DEAN!!!!
Those that have the instruments to fish and sit on the shore gazing in space. Those that reach late and the train has already left the station. The complainers that continues to complain while everyone else is shooting for the finish line.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
My biggest complain is more of a regret... I wish I had joined this site sooner , and I wish I had joined the Success Academy a bit later...
There are so many great people on this site that are like family! I look forward to 'chatting' with them and learn from them every day.
I wish I had read more threads here before I joined the S.A. I want to make the most of the coaches and be able to get my five deals before I reach my year!
Dean has made me a stronger, more knowledgeable person; he has made me an investor!
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
is the people that label Dean as a guru and give him a bad name because they gave up and attribute that to Dean's material. There's a site that goes so far as not allowing anyone to talk about him on their website at all. Its like a conspiracy theory over on Bigger Pockets. They will delete ANY message that mentions his name at all; good or bad.
Threads get deleted here sometimes that shouldn't be; but its to keep the atmosphere here positive. But over there, so much as a HINT at his name and you get reported and your post removed. (How do I know this??? ... little rebel me has posted about Dean on at least 4 occasions over there. Each time I get a personal message from Josh (he runs and owns Bigger Pockets) about what a great sin I've committed. ) I'm such a big rabblerouser, aren't I?
See Zion I use to have A account at Bigger Pocket until I got slammed for spamming due to me posted to many post to soon & I didn't know & the members also attacked me as well as the owner Josh , & I didn't know that their was a rule that you couldn't a certain number of posts & i closed my account because they made such a big deal about it & I've never been back .
& Now since I know this too I'll not be going back ever .
The only thing wrong Dean's System is that it does not come complete with
A "Majic Wand" My wife presented me with several negative Blog comments this week about Deans Books and System.
Not One says I spend thousands of dollars on joining the Success Academy and was ripped off.
Every one of them were people that read the book and put it on the shelf and immediately began telling everyone that those get rich programs never work.
I have taken Carlton Sheets course, Russ Whitneys course and now Deans course.
I have been involved in buying and reselling properties on and off for twelve years and never have I encountered any learning system that comes close to what Dean offers to all of us.
Good Luck and Take what Dean offers and run with it. The only way it doesn't work is if YOU Don't.
We purchase and resell Homes. We also buy mortgage notes. We also take some debt takeovers.
Haters will hate and critics will boo but Dean Graziosi has bent over backwards just to see you succeed through! Try his course and you'll see what its like to really be free...
First a lot of good responses:), and Tammy, my goodness, such a rebel}:)! Linda is so right, no one else offers this. I also had Carlton, Russ, the Cash Flow workshop, and tried Jeff Adams and Tim Mai. Even bought Deans first book over 4yrs ago, and like everyone, because of working a job and taking care of my farm, didn't read much and set it on the side. A year ago after getting the next couple books and joining the Academy and finally by accident, understanding this web site, things started happening for me.
Dean is a real person, not demanding money and also giving us a very inexpensive way to change our lives permanently. and he actually cares about each one of us, he doesn't leave anyone behind.
So smiles, if you are just getting started, take the "free" advice on here and ask questions, but most important.........Just do it!! If it doesn't work for you then you didn't do what you were told, and find a REI club by you that will really open doors for you:)
I believe I saw someone having problems with a question of agency when they attempted to use the instant equity exchange in the state of Massachusetts. Can't direct you to the specific post but it might be worth searching.
I think that you are on the right track when you say that nobody or system is perfect. Dean has put together and offered some great tools that have allowed me to overcome my fear of doing this. I think more than anything Dean is a great motivator. Yes he offers great products and services through the Edge, Success Academy and Books, but I think it's all about what each individual person does with those tools. As for me, I would have liked to have seen a little better coverage of all of the product offerings from the one day "seminar" to the 3 day seminar. Although I haven't completed the Boots on the Ground" portion of my training so I really don't have too much room to complain. I am excited about building my family's future with real estate and regardless of Dean's "imperfections", I have nothing but respect and gratitude for him and his DG team and family. Without that, I would still be sitting on the sideline. The knowledge is out there for ANYONE to get, it's getting your butt into ACTION that will make the difference!! Dean can't do it for any of us, but I do know that he motivates the heck out of me and I'm excited to be a part of the "family".
Lance J. Palmer
Silver Key Properties of Idaho, LLC
Silver Key Properties of Montana, LLC
With that said, there are areas in the country that are easier than others, and definitely some areas where some of the techniques are more difficult to do, but he gives us many different strategies to use and try.
Like I said in the beginning, some of the responses were of a "how dare you ask if there are any complaints to Deans' methods" tone, which I didn't agree with.
Its only human nature to question something that doesn't go your way, but then what you do afterwards is on you.
I don't believe i've ever told someone to just DO IT because to me in this biz thats the equivalent of jumping in an empty pool head first. I think having a plan, be it from beginning to end is the best method and while I do see that Dean gives a foundation on things, his way to the letter is not everyones way to the letter and they must alter it to their needs or regions or parties ie, buyers or sellers.
I don't think anyone meant this was perfect and just jump in. I took the question as, is anyone having problems in any areas, and does anyone have any reasons this may not be the best system. He is checking it out before committing.
I had a t-shirt years ago that said Just do it. Means learn what to do and then do it. Because too many will learn and then do nothing.
My dad taught me when I was young how to do some engine repair on my car, and I was scared to do it, though I knew how. He told me... just do it. When I did, wasn't scared at all. Riding horses, doing some barrels, had to just do it. So in all aspects of life, knowledge is nothing unless we do it.
I love Deans system, because I didn't feel scared or stupid, he gives support and you don't have to spend thousands to learn the basics.
But I do agree with you, we need to watch that we don't get away from the question.
I myself love this website and that we can do this, never found this in any other systems, it sure gave me a push!
I have heard a few complaints about the success academy, I guess it's contracted out and you don't always deal with the same company ( haven't purchased it yet, I've just read it on this site )
On the other hand, many, many more people say that they strongly reccommend the S.A. and it works great.
Also, I think it would be nice if Dean would come to my house and teach me in person for free. Just a thought Dean
Just kidding, I don't personally have any complaints but I'm new at this and just happy to be able to plug in to all of the knowledge that is offered in Dean's books and on this site.
I just joined the SA and love it. Tried college and it wasn't for me. Hated the fact that I had to take courses that I wasn't interested in. The SA focuses on what we want to learn. Love the fact that I control the pace at which I learn. Its hard working full-time and going to school. The SA shows how bad you want it for the simple fact that its all on you. Love the coaches. I do think that it might be contracted out, but I think its all put in place to help us out. I can say from my personal experience, a month ago I was just reading Dean's book. Today, I'm taking action. Nike had it best, JUST DO IT!!!..
I take issue with people that feel they have a need to complain about things that they can control.
To me, Dean's materials & teachings (or anyone else's for that matter) wasn't and never will be a one-size-fits-all solution. I use other real estate materials to supplement with what I've learned from Dean's materials and the Success Academy. It's not so much the material isn't valid as it is the way it's presented for your personal intellectual absorption.
I originally had a coach that I wasn't compatible with so I got a different one.
It's no biggie people, take what you can use and leave the rest, find the missing spots in your information somewhere else or by asking around.
And above all, be thankful for what you already have.
Mark K.
Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.
As long as you work them. But the coaches themselves I didn't get much help from. I was still able to do deals but only after networking with other people in my area that I met at the REIA I helped form (Since there wasn't one in my area. Now we have 4.) Just work the information you learn, find a technique that works for you and get paid.
I suppose people did not want to say anything bad on here especially as they see this as a great forum to get help, but I also understand Elix and using constructive criticism and that could only help Dean to improve if they thought it was a valid criticism of his programs. Just not sure if people will want to do that here or not. Great to see what so many people think. I continue to learn from you all especially a certain rebel. LOL!!!
I also don't think posts should be deleted. I think that if there is only positives it just isn't that reliable as there is no balance. I also know that people have different views, but I think there is some room for opposing views. We learn from those as well. Deleting posts would be my main complaint!
To answer the question (unlike some others), my biggest complaint(s) is not being able to submit a support ticket or being able to submit seminar feedback.
Also, Dean lends his name to several different, "Systems," so it's hard to know which the OP is referring to.
If I had one other, "Complaint," it would be that there is no payment plan to be able to purchase the more advanced systems. I'm not sure how Dean's company would pull that off from a business point of view, but there are many students and users that can't afford to purchase $2,000-5,000 systems, but they could easily make that much on their first deal, too. However, I know that Dean is caring and is very aware of the economy and the financial difficulties of his students as are the people that work for Dean.
I would have jumped in feet first two years ago and done a number of deals by now, but as a disabled, Gulf War Veteran I find it hard to afford Dean's more advanced systems, real estate investing or even promoting my real estate sales business.
eboneyrose620 that is a bummer I also felt that at the 3 day seminar but I was just overrsensitive but I hope you are better and that is uncharacteristic of Dean's organization. DJmario I echo what you said we have to push through, my biggest complaint is that when I talk to the coaches & tell them I am following the 25:1 system I get sometimes a little bit of diff advice than what I get from Matt on the dvd's or rock bottom blueprint but then I realized that the coaches too have diff strategies they are using and we just have to stick to our guns w/thge strategy we picked and just do it for lack of a better term ha. no offense. I do love this site and truly there is no other like it or at least I havent found anything like it and I did get another system and it is a cheap version of Dean;s and cost more money! unbelievable!
I am truly sorry to hear about your health issues but I trust that is behind you now and you are well on your way to full recovery. God's blessings to you and your family.
You actually raised an interesting point about the Success Academy. I too paid for the SA and looked forward to following their advice and making it work for me (and getting my check back also after five {5} deals). Well then along came AIG and I was laid off and knocked off of my game. Actually to steal a phrase from someone else, I guess someone 'moved my cheese'.
I was in the process of getting a rental property when I was laid off in May 2009, right after attending EDGE 2009. This really knocked me off of my game and took the wind out of my sails. How could I finance any transactions without an income of any sorts.
Well, I am still under-employed but I have to say something very good about the Success Academy. Here it is a few years later, I still have access to the online courses AND I STILL HAVE ACCESS TO THE SUCCESS ACADEMY AND CAN CALL THEM UP WITH MY QUESTIONS!! So how can I complain if after all of these years they still honor our agreement and I can still consult them??
In all honesty, DEAN is the real deal. Other's are just interested in how much they can squeeze out of your pocket; Dean on the other hand really wants us all to succeed. THAT is the difference; and no complaints about Dean or his courses here.
lonestar and success4life, thank you. yes I am cancer free at this point it took a few years I ended up losing both breast which is not so bad I hated wearing a bar anyway lol. I do believe in the program and I am working on getting my first deal done. I spoke with a private investor today with any luck he will fund my deal and we both can make a little money.
I have read 4 of Dean's books and to date i haven't found anything wrong with his material. I like the way Dean writes and presents his techniques and i am very much looking forward to his next book
is most of the people who purchase the system get overwhelmed and dont take action and use the system to change their life...and then complain
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools
I wished I would've started sooner. I just joined the Success Academy and can't wait to start making some money. Take action.
"The best is yet to come."
"Never let someones opinion become your reality"
i would have to say that i spent all that money on other courses and Dean's inexpensive books are just about as good as any of the courses out there that cover the same material. i also would have to say that there aren't many other "gurus" out that that care as much as Dean seems to and who else has a free website where we can all communicate with each other. no one!
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
I don't have one!! Deans books, programs, the academy etc. Have all the information and theory needed to go out and take action.
Now what I do have complaints about are the people that have all this information and come on this site and post questions that are in the material they already have. Indicating they did NOT study and are lazy!! You must take action, no course, no "virtual investing", no computer is going to establish a consistent business model for you. Learn your market, your product or have the people on the ground that can do it for you, period.
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins
http://www.mdhomeacquisitions.com Seller site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionsbargainhouses.com Buyer site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionshousehunter.com Bird Dog Site
http://www.mdlodeals.com Tenant/Buyer site
is the people that label Dean as a guru and give him a bad name because they gave up and attribute that to Dean's material. There's a site that goes so far as not allowing anyone to talk about him on their website at all. Its like a conspiracy theory over on Bigger Pockets. They will delete ANY message that mentions his name at all; good or bad.
Threads get deleted here sometimes that shouldn't be; but its to keep the atmosphere here positive. But over there, so much as a HINT at his name and you get reported and your post removed. (How do I know this???
... little rebel me has posted about Dean on at least 4 occasions over there.
Each time I get a personal message from Josh (he runs and owns Bigger Pockets) about what a great sin I've committed.
) I'm such a big rabblerouser, aren't I? 
We should all go to bigger pockets and start posting good advise and encourage people to make money and take action and then always at the en of the post state how much we have learn from DEAN!!!!
What is Dean's "system"?
Those that have the instruments to fish and sit on the shore gazing in space. Those that reach late and the train has already left the station. The complainers that continues to complain while everyone else is shooting for the finish line.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
My biggest complain is more of a regret... I wish I had joined this site sooner , and I wish I had joined the Success Academy a bit later...
There are so many great people on this site that are like family! I look forward to 'chatting' with them and learn from them every day.
I wish I had read more threads here before I joined the S.A. I want to make the most of the coaches and be able to get my five deals before I reach my year!
Dean has made me a stronger, more knowledgeable person; he has made me an investor!
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
Threads get deleted here sometimes that shouldn't be; but its to keep the atmosphere here positive. But over there, so much as a HINT at his name and you get reported and your post removed. (How do I know this???
... little rebel me has posted about Dean on at least 4 occasions over there.
Each time I get a personal message from Josh (he runs and owns Bigger Pockets) about what a great sin I've committed.
) I'm such a big rabblerouser, aren't I?
See Zion I use to have A account at Bigger Pocket until I got slammed for spamming due to me posted to many post to soon & I didn't know & the members also attacked me as well as the owner Josh , & I didn't know that their was a rule that you couldn't a certain number of posts & i closed my account because they made such a big deal about it & I've never been back .
& Now since I know this too I'll not be going back ever .
Thank you they think money will come out of the books when they open it , & it doesn't work that way .
you have to be motivated & Ready for Change or else you'll always Complain .
The only thing wrong Dean's System is that it does not come complete with
A "Majic Wand" My wife presented me with several negative Blog comments this week about Deans Books and System.
Not One says I spend thousands of dollars on joining the Success Academy and was ripped off.
Every one of them were people that read the book and put it on the shelf and immediately began telling everyone that those get rich programs never work.
I have taken Carlton Sheets course, Russ Whitneys course and now Deans course.
I have been involved in buying and reselling properties on and off for twelve years and never have I encountered any learning system that comes close to what Dean offers to all of us.
Good Luck and Take what Dean offers and run with it. The only way it doesn't work is if YOU Don't.
We purchase and resell Homes. We also buy mortgage notes. We also take some debt takeovers.
Haters will hate and critics will boo but Dean Graziosi has bent over backwards just to see you succeed through! Try his course and you'll see what its like to really be free...
John 14:6
First a lot of good responses:), and Tammy, my goodness, such a rebel}:)! Linda is so right, no one else offers this. I also had Carlton, Russ, the Cash Flow workshop, and tried Jeff Adams and Tim Mai. Even bought Deans first book over 4yrs ago, and like everyone, because of working a job and taking care of my farm, didn't read much and set it on the side. A year ago after getting the next couple books and joining the Academy and finally by accident, understanding this web site, things started happening for me.
and he actually cares about each one of us, he doesn't leave anyone behind.
Dean is a real person, not demanding money and also giving us a very inexpensive way to change our lives permanently.
So smiles, if you are just getting started, take the "free" advice on here and ask questions, but most important.........Just do it!! If it doesn't work for you then you didn't do what you were told, and find a REI club by you that will really open doors for you:)
I believe I saw someone having problems with a question of agency when they attempted to use the instant equity exchange in the state of Massachusetts. Can't direct you to the specific post but it might be worth searching.
I think that you are on the right track when you say that nobody or system is perfect. Dean has put together and offered some great tools that have allowed me to overcome my fear of doing this. I think more than anything Dean is a great motivator. Yes he offers great products and services through the Edge, Success Academy and Books, but I think it's all about what each individual person does with those tools. As for me, I would have liked to have seen a little better coverage of all of the product offerings from the one day "seminar" to the 3 day seminar. Although I haven't completed the Boots on the Ground" portion of my training so I really don't have too much room to complain. I am excited about building my family's future with real estate and regardless of Dean's "imperfections", I have nothing but respect and gratitude for him and his DG team and family. Without that, I would still be sitting on the sideline. The knowledge is out there for ANYONE to get, it's getting your butt into ACTION that will make the difference!! Dean can't do it for any of us, but I do know that he motivates the heck out of me and I'm excited to be a part of the "family".
Lance J. Palmer
Silver Key Properties of Idaho, LLC
Silver Key Properties of Montana, LLC
With that said, there are areas in the country that are easier than others, and definitely some areas where some of the techniques are more difficult to do, but he gives us many different strategies to use and try.
I completely agree.
Like I said in the beginning, some of the responses were of a "how dare you ask if there are any complaints to Deans' methods" tone, which I didn't agree with.
Its only human nature to question something that doesn't go your way, but then what you do afterwards is on you.
I don't believe i've ever told someone to just DO IT because to me in this biz thats the equivalent of jumping in an empty pool head first. I think having a plan, be it from beginning to end is the best method and while I do see that Dean gives a foundation on things, his way to the letter is not everyones way to the letter and they must alter it to their needs or regions or parties ie, buyers or sellers.
Again, I feel people were being too hard on him
I don't think anyone meant this was perfect and just jump in. I took the question as, is anyone having problems in any areas, and does anyone have any reasons this may not be the best system. He is checking it out before committing.
I had a t-shirt years ago that said Just do it. Means learn what to do and then do it. Because too many will learn and then do nothing.
My dad taught me when I was young how to do some engine repair on my car, and I was scared to do it, though I knew how. He told me... just do it. When I did, wasn't scared at all. Riding horses, doing some barrels, had to just do it. So in all aspects of life, knowledge is nothing unless we do it.
I love Deans system, because I didn't feel scared or stupid, he gives support and you don't have to spend thousands to learn the basics.
But I do agree with you, we need to watch that we don't get away from the question.
I myself love this website and that we can do this, never found this in any other systems, it sure gave me a push!
I have heard a few complaints about the success academy, I guess it's contracted out and you don't always deal with the same company ( haven't purchased it yet, I've just read it on this site )
On the other hand, many, many more people say that they strongly reccommend the S.A. and it works great.
Also, I think it would be nice if Dean would come to my house and teach me in person for free. Just a thought Dean
Just kidding, I don't personally have any complaints but I'm new at this and just happy to be able to plug in to all of the knowledge that is offered in Dean's books and on this site.
Thanks, Ben
I just joined the SA and love it. Tried college and it wasn't for me. Hated the fact that I had to take courses that I wasn't interested in. The SA focuses on what we want to learn. Love the fact that I control the pace at which I learn. Its hard working full-time and going to school. The SA shows how bad you want it for the simple fact that its all on you. Love the coaches. I do think that it might be contracted out, but I think its all put in place to help us out. I can say from my personal experience, a month ago I was just reading Dean's book. Today, I'm taking action. Nike had it best, JUST DO IT!!!..
"The best is yet to come."
"Never let someones opinion become your reality"
I take issue with people that feel they have a need to complain about things that they can control.
To me, Dean's materials & teachings (or anyone else's for that matter) wasn't and never will be a one-size-fits-all solution. I use other real estate materials to supplement with what I've learned from Dean's materials and the Success Academy. It's not so much the material isn't valid as it is the way it's presented for your personal intellectual absorption.
I originally had a coach that I wasn't compatible with so I got a different one.
It's no biggie people, take what you can use and leave the rest, find the missing spots in your information somewhere else or by asking around.
And above all, be thankful for what you already have.
Mark K.
Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.
Real Estate Glossary - Click Here for PDF
View My Everyday Blog - Click Here
I like your complaints, especially the "it's all Dean's fault!" lol
Anyone else have any complaints?? They can be good complaints!
Learning and progressing every day,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
As long as you work them. But the coaches themselves I didn't get much help from. I was still able to do deals but only after networking with other people in my area that I met at the REIA I helped form (Since there wasn't one in my area. Now we have 4.) Just work the information you learn, find a technique that works for you and get paid.
BRE #01956371
I suppose people did not want to say anything bad on here especially as they see this as a great forum to get help, but I also understand Elix and using constructive criticism and that could only help Dean to improve if they thought it was a valid criticism of his programs. Just not sure if people will want to do that here or not. Great to see what so many people think. I continue to learn from you all especially a certain rebel. LOL!!!
I also don't think posts should be deleted. I think that if there is only positives it just isn't that reliable as there is no balance. I also know that people have different views, but I think there is some room for opposing views. We learn from those as well. Deleting posts would be my main complaint!
www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
To answer the question (unlike some others), my biggest complaint(s) is not being able to submit a support ticket or being able to submit seminar feedback.
Also, Dean lends his name to several different, "Systems," so it's hard to know which the OP is referring to.
If I had one other, "Complaint," it would be that there is no payment plan to be able to purchase the more advanced systems. I'm not sure how Dean's company would pull that off from a business point of view, but there are many students and users that can't afford to purchase $2,000-5,000 systems, but they could easily make that much on their first deal, too. However, I know that Dean is caring and is very aware of the economy and the financial difficulties of his students as are the people that work for Dean.
I would have jumped in feet first two years ago and done a number of deals by now, but as a disabled, Gulf War Veteran I find it hard to afford Dean's more advanced systems, real estate investing or even promoting my real estate sales business.
Rick Allison, Realtor
Amarillo, Texas USA
Find comps, private lenders and cash buyers nationwide: www.TheRealEstate.PRO
Foreclosure and pre-foreclosure search engine: http://tinyurl.com/b6w7h6o
The People Helping People Movement: www.greatEPXsite.NET
eboneyrose620 that is a bummer I also felt that at the 3 day seminar but I was just overrsensitive but I hope you are better and that is uncharacteristic of Dean's organization. DJmario I echo what you said we have to push through, my biggest complaint is that when I talk to the coaches & tell them I am following the 25:1 system I get sometimes a little bit of diff advice than what I get from Matt on the dvd's or rock bottom blueprint but then I realized that the coaches too have diff strategies they are using and we just have to stick to our guns w/thge strategy we picked and just do it
for lack of a better term ha. no offense. I do love this site and truly there is no other like it or at least I havent found anything like it and I did get another system and it is a cheap version of Dean;s and cost more money! unbelievable!
Quitting is forever pain is temporary
I am truly sorry to hear about your health issues but I trust that is behind you now and you are well on your way to full recovery. God's blessings to you and your family.
You actually raised an interesting point about the Success Academy. I too paid for the SA and looked forward to following their advice and making it work for me (and getting my check back also after five {5} deals). Well then along came AIG and I was laid off and knocked off of my game. Actually to steal a phrase from someone else, I guess someone 'moved my cheese'.
I was in the process of getting a rental property when I was laid off in May 2009, right after attending EDGE 2009. This really knocked me off of my game and took the wind out of my sails. How could I finance any transactions without an income of any sorts.
Well, I am still under-employed but I have to say something very good about the Success Academy. Here it is a few years later, I still have access to the online courses AND I STILL HAVE ACCESS TO THE SUCCESS ACADEMY AND CAN CALL THEM UP WITH MY QUESTIONS!! So how can I complain if after all of these years they still honor our agreement and I can still consult them??
In all honesty, DEAN is the real deal. Other's are just interested in how much they can squeeze out of your pocket; Dean on the other hand really wants us all to succeed. THAT is the difference; and no complaints about Dean or his courses here.
'If it is to be, it is up to me'. -Unknown
lonestar and success4life, thank you. yes I am cancer free at this point it took a few years I ended up losing both breast which is not so bad I hated wearing a bar anyway lol. I do believe in the program and I am working on getting my first deal done. I spoke with a private investor today with any luck he will fund my deal and we both can make a little money.