Lease Option a home with a realtor listing

Lease Option a home with a realtor listing

It may be possible with the help of a realtor listing, to get a home L/O. This e-book from Wendy Patton, goes into it more in detail. When I was reading, I thought, "No way!". It won't work with a bank reo, but it will with a normal mls listing. I've attached it to this topic for review.


File Attachments

Thanks for the attachment!

Thanks for the attachment! Didn't know it was the whole book Smiling Very Helpful!



~Act successful! And you'll draw it to you.~
~Every achievement, big or small, begins in your mind. It starts as a thought.~

your're welcome

It make take a hour to read it (atleast it did for me). lol Let me know what you think.

Dallas and Lenee

If you go to her website she also has a whole list of articles talking about Co-p L/Os and Sub2 and a host of other helpful subjects.

If you decide to go the L/O route, I strongly suggest her book, "Investing in RE with L/Os and Sub2 Deals". It is very good!


"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"

"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"

L/O link

Omg! I read the 1st chapter and I was soo excited. I love it. Thank you very much.


Thanks, Karen!

I signed up for the free book, and I get emails everyday for a week from her.


kareng wrote:
If you go to her website she also has a whole list of articles talking about Co-p L/Os and Sub2 and a host of other helpful subjects.

If you decide to go the L/O route, I strongly suggest her book, "Investing in RE with L/Os and Sub2 Deals". It is very good!

great info

I went on the post "Can I make this happen" and saw your response. Thanks for this info! Will check it out.

Try it on one realtor...

See if it works. And if it does, great. If not, at least you tried. There is a way you can still guarantee the realtor a commission when the house sells - you just have to do it in a smarter way. This is at least another way to think outside the box. Laughing out loud