Many of you who are signed up to attend Dean's 'Gain the EDGE 2010 Live training event have asked if we have a way to pair people up to share rooms or rides from the airport to the resort.
We have started this thread for everyone who wants to share resources to organize and network. Simply reply inside of this thread to post your request.
As always, do not post your phone number or email address in the forums for all to see.
Instead, connect with people via PM (private message) and then share your contact information privately.
When you post your message, be sure to post any pertinent info. For instance, if you are looking to split a room, make that known in your post. If you are looking to split a rental car or cab, make that known.
If you need any special assistance our team can try our best to help you out. Just email [email protected].
If you are not yet enrolled for the event, don't wait much longer. We are getting close to being sold out, and this event is going to blow last years event out of the water (I know, if you went last year you are thinking that is not possible, but we have outdone ourselves!).
Sign up here:
Thanks to Dean's team for making this thread available. I will be arriving at Sky Harbor at 9:05am on Friday, May 21. I have already reserved a room at the FireSky Resort for Friday and Saturday night and would like to room share with another guy(s) also going solo. Check-in is at 3:00pm but I will be calling in days ahead of time to make sure I can get an early check-in. The room I reserved has two queen beds. They are the $110/night + tax rooms that Deans Enterprise negotiated. I would also be open to sharing a cab.
Jaguar Investments, LLC
URL for Journal :
All things are possible to him who believes! ----- Mark 9:23
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity ------ Albert Einstein
I haven't made my travel plan yet, but will post as soon as I do. I will be arriving Friday early afternoon? What are everyone's plans?
... Verses: 35 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 ...
looking to share ride to/from airport and also a roomie for the event. I haven't made travel arrangements yet But I plan on arriving a day early and leaving a day or two after the event.
Hey, there's a super shuttle that costs $20 each way for the 10 mile ride to the hotel.
I am arriving Thursday at 2:00 pm and leaving Monday evening around 10:30. I have already booked my flight but not the room yet. I wouldn't mind sharing with a female for as many of those nights as possible. Please PM me if interested. Thanks!
Hi Kirstin,
I sent you a PM about the possibility of sharing a room. Let me know if you're interested.
I haven't been in for a few days, sorry. I would be more than happy to share a room and will send you a PM later this evening. Thanks.
I wasn't sure what to do to get to/from airport. It's nice to know there's a shuttle available; works for me. Unfortunately I didn't book my flight right away with everything else and now it's a bit more but I'm sure it will be worth every cent and more.
Let me know if you're still available for room sharing. Either confirm here or reply to my PM. Thanx.
thanks for putting this thread out here.
I am looking for someone to share the room with. I booked a room at Fire and Sky already, but can cancel if someone else has a room booked. I arrive Friday around 5pm and am leaving Monday. Please send a PM.
Looking forward to meeting at the event.
I'm hoping other people are bringing kids. It looks like as of right now I will have my kids and am hoping we can pool a couple of sitters together to watch the kids. I really don't want to miss all the after hours networking going on again.
You may get better results by making a new thread regarding EDGE 12 instead of EDGE 10.
Mark K.
Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.
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Hello everyone,
I will be arriving into Phoenix Friday morning at 1030am and leaving Monday morning at 6am. I already booked a rental car but not the resort/hotel. If there is another solo guy who wouldn't mind sharing a room and maybe catching a ride to/from the airport PM me and we can work something out.
You can never fail if you keep trying.
If you do something everyday that puts you closer to your goals it will never be a wasted day.
Hi All,
I contacted the fire and sky about transportation.
There are shuttles from the airport the cost is $20.
They can be found outside baggage claim.
The hotel does not offer airport service.
See you there!
is cheaper than the shuttle! Found out last year the hard way. LOL
Blessings & Favor,
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I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13
Psalm 1:1-3
Looks like you may be the only one that has noticed that. Funny!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
and may be able to pick people up from the airport. I've got to get a new GPS first though as my dog sat on mine and cracked the screen (we took the kids offroading witht he ATVs and I followed in the truck, and my son broke down. I had put the GPS on my seat because of all the bumping and when I went out by my son, the dog jumped on the seat and waaaalaala
. Without a GPS I get lost REALLY easy, and I'm really useless! It would not be a good thing!
So I'm going to be reordering one.
I am arriving in Phoenix Thursday and leaving on Tuesday.
After that sales pitch, I doubt a lot of people will be asking you to pick them up!!!
They may be worried the conference will be over before you find the airport!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
I agree! But I will have one before that time!
I have to! LOL
hey guys, i've been hearing so much about the 2012 edge event, also watched DVD's of 2011 edge. But I couldn't find any information regarding to this years event from at all. Can someone tell me when and where is it taking place, and of course what's cost, requirement? or where can I find out the info. I would like to take my RE business more seriously, although not in a situation for attend the event. But who knots I might win the lotto tomorrow,
Never Give Up!!!
All the information is here. But the cost now is $2495. Other than that, I believe this should give you all the info you need! I would love to meet you!