
All About RonnieB

RonnieB's picture
Ronnie Bezenar
Raleigh, NC
Real estate, gardening, companion animals

Topics I've Participated In

Bill O'Rafferty's daily info of importance Bill ORafferty2998 years 22 weeks ago
30 Days Quick Cash Formula michellecaseyks18758 years 43 weeks ago
Val's Journal Valuni3789 years 28 weeks ago
My 1ST Deal - Proof that ANYONE can do this!! bill971011210 years 11 weeks ago
Over 600 Deals Completed! cbrpower9112 years 24 weeks ago

Basic Info

Unemployed instructional designer
My Pets Are My Kids
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



Indiana-Joe's picture

Good luck with real estate investing. Remember that little "extra" effort wit the real estate action plan, can make all the difference in the world. Good luck on all your future deals! Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe

Hi Ronnie

cbrindamour's picture

Finally signing your guest book! It was great meeting you at the EDGE. Keep on pushing!


Hi Ronnie

Frankg314's picture

Frank from Sanford NC here. We have purchased 2 duplexes in Sanford and want to buy more multifamily homes in our town and maybe surrounding towns. Have you used Deans system as of yet? We just got the books and about to put together a buyers list. There is some great opportunity here in Sanford for real estate deals and hope we can take advantage of a few of these deals...
Dean's tips are going to be a big push for us..Take care and lets keep in touch and maybe if I don't have the resources for some deals, would it be alright if I run them by you? Thanks..
Frank G
Sanford, NC

Hi Ronnie B.

What forms do I need to use for a buyer and a seller? From start to finish.

Donald Myers
Myers Real Estate Group, LTD.