** Nervously New for Tomorrows Event **
So I'm scheduled to go to this RE "event" of Dean Graziosi's tomorrow afternoon. After watching the infomercial, although I have heard and experienced so much of this "kind of thing" before, I was cautiously excited.
After registering online for the event, being directed to this website, and reading thru some of the materials and comments from all of you, I'm now a bit apprehensive wondering if this is even something I can do.
I wait tables for a living. I don't know if I'll understand or have the ability to follow the course.
Today I'm asking myself, "Will I be just wasting my time and gas going to this event tomorrow? Will I understand what is being shared? Will I truly be able to implement any of this for any kind of success? How much will I need to pay for the "program" either tomorrow or in the future? Can I really start doing something with real estate with no money?
Dear false hope: Please don't be you again. I don't know if I can take seeing your face even one more time.
Good Karma
~ C Dub ~
You have enough cautious optimism to be careful. I say go and learn what you can there. Don't worry if you can't pay for whatever they have there to sell at this time. Go and then come back on here and learn from this site. It will not be a waste of your time. Do invest in a few books, and the one I recommend that will bring it all together is: "30 days to Real estate cash." Don't worry about doing it in 30 days, but believe in yourself. Go for it!
www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
And I'm not kidding either. I came upon your post, welcome to the land of the living. If all of us here had it together financially chances are we wouldn't be here. If working for a company fulfilled all our financial dreams then why bother sitting through a TV infomercial on how to make money in Real Estate?
You know C Dub, can I call you C Dub? I got dollars to donuts that says something inside you has been on your back for some time now concerning where you've been, where you are, and where in the heck are you heading to!
Look he's the deal like it or not, when folks come into your place of employment there's a good chance they are there for the good chow, or possibly famous cook. When was the last time you heard people lining up outside singing your praises?
Listen, you got a good chance here to make your life count for something. You don't want to wait on tables all your life and I sure as hell don't want cleaning animal cages one day more.
If your cycle of friends and family haven't try to talk you out of this idea then chances are you my friend are living a secrete life. For once folks around you get win of this move on your part everyone and their mother will be buying tickets to talk you out of the idea, and guest who'll be leading that charge? The Joker in your mirror.
Throw that trash out and head for that meeting!!! Everything starts with learning. Open your mind to the possibility. The good book say; "My people who are called by my name shall parish because of their lack of knowledge"...
The first and biggest lesson you'll learn is that you can make a change in your life. How you got to where you are concerning weather to go tomorrow or not is proof that you don't like where you are today.
And come back and tell us all how it went.
Sammy C
fill out your bio while your at it so we know where you are..... tell us a lil bit about you... hey SUZE ORMAN used to wait tables at the buttercup cafe in Chicago and look at her now. I wouldn't miss her show on Saturday night for nothing that's my girl. I'm going to make millions thanks to Dean Graziosi and Suze is going to help me manage it.... READ DEANS STORY UP AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE. you can do this........
Wow. I am overwhelmed by your responses. Thank you so much!! Sorry for my long delay. I'll be posting details of my experience at the event below.
But first:
Femailceo - thank you so much for your ideas and support. I am definitely going to pick up the book you suggested and hopefully learn what I need to learn through the website. Thank you for the direction and encouragement.
Sammy C - Thank you for the amazing detailed letter and notes of encouragement. Yes, I have been unhappy doing what I'm doing for many years. I did in fact go to the event (as detailed below) and yes, by all means, call me C Dub. All my friends and family do. (My boss used to call me this and it just kinda stuck)
Walt - Yes, I will soon try to update my bio info. Thanks for the interest. And I love the line that you'll make millions thanks to Dean and you'll use Suze to help you manage it. That's awesome.
So thank you all. It meant a lot to get some feedback and support.
So the event was scheduled at noon on Monday at the Hilton in Concord, CA.
I went to bed super late the night before with so much I hadn't done yet for the following day on my day off. When I woke that Monday morning for the event (I do wake late since I work late nights), and not being very much of a morning person (never have), I nearly talked myself out of going. Really was concerned I'd be wasting my time.
Having said that, I picked up a girl friend of mine (the owner of J Squared Event Planning) who was going for support more then anything, and together we rode out.
It was a very small group of people in attendance (as you might imagine being on a monday afternoon) and a guy by the name of Keith Sperry? got in front of the room and began to speak. He came off to me as being, although super smooth, a very nice guy with no real ill intentions, honest, straight forward, entertaining, fairly informative, and did a good job explaining things in a simple to follow and understanding way.
The whole time I was waiting for him to explain where the company's money was coming from. As he got further along in the presentation, I learned that they actually make money in all kinds of ways. But the biggest, I would say was tied into the fact that they do the financing on 100% of the deals that make sense from a numbers standpoint. This actually gave me great relief because they now had an invested interest in helping people be successful. (As opposed to just making money on solely selling the information on how to do it). Not to mention, having someone to fund these deals would be essential.
But at the end of the day, his job was to affectively sell this 3 Day Training Retreat.
The program to me made so much sense. It was a no brainer. Was it easy? I didn't get that impression. Was it work? Yeah, I feel like there will be a lot of work involved. But in life - nothing's easy.
The price? Wow! I was a bit floored because honestly, I thought they were gonna hit us for somewhere in the area of around $499. Nope. Try $1997! And I could bring someone for half price for $997! Wow.
The funny thing is that he made so much sense with the information he covered, that had I even HAD the money to give him, I would have done it immediately along with what seemed like the rest of the room.
But unfortunately, that was not my story. I didn't have $2000 to hand over. Nor $1500 if I could talk my friend in to going in with me. They mentioned something about financing, so when I went to the back of the room to discuss it with one of the sales people (all very very nice by the way), it was $500 down, another $500 later, and then finance the remaining $1000 at something like 21% interest for 12 months. The payment would have been somewhere around $97 a month or something if I remember right. And again, I would have even done THIS but as a waiter supporting myself and some family financially, I just didn't have it.
After people were finished signing up for the 3 Day retreat at $2k a pop, another gentleman, got up and spoke about a tax lien program. When he first started talking, I thought he was just expanding on the program we had already learned about. Come to find out, it was an entirely SEPARATE program.
He explained the program very well, and to be honest, I thought the idea was brilliant and I loved the idea that I could just be at the house and simply buy these tax liens online and wait for them to be paid by the homeowner along with late fees, interest, etc. I SO wanted to start participating in the program but I knew it had to be somehow tied up in that $2k deal from the first program.
I was wrong. It too was separate. haha! They wanted another $1500 for that program. Wow! So they wanted a total of $3500 between the two programs. I think the latter was discounted $500 if you enrolled in the first, and in fairness, they did give you $1500 credit for buying tax liens which I thought was cool.
But again, I just didn't have it.
In closing:
Simply put, I left there being excited about what I learned. Feeling that Dean Graziosi is not a bad guy just trying to get over and get peoples money. No. I didn't get that impression at all. In fact. Just the opposite. I believe he's actually probably a pretty good guy that has just created a great WIN/WIN/WIN business for everyone that's associated. And at the end of the day, he's doing what he's doing to make money too. And if he can make money helping others make money in the process, well then good on him. He's now amongst good company with examples like like J. Paul Getty.
In any event, as I left there excited and happy from what I learned, I also left disappointed that I didn't have the wherewithal to participate. Certainly not at this time. And I'm not really sure when I'll ever be able to come up with an extra $2000 let alone $3500 to participate in both programs. If I had to choose one tho, I'd probably have to go with the main $2k program since the Tax Lien program would still require me to come up with additional money to buy the actual liens from the county on the website.
So I'll be picking up the book that DG Superstar recommended, and continue to browse around this website and see if there is something I can do to get started. But I don't know how that's really going to work because I still need Deans help with the financing, etc. (amongst a host of other things).
Maybe I should sell my car...
Well, bout to get ready for work... I gotta wait tables tonight!
Thanks to whomever reads.
Good Karma
~ C Dub ~
C Dub! Great to hear you went to the meeting! I hear you about being all excited about this Real Estate venture. Allow me to address that bit of disappointment feeling... Like you I too was a bit short on the 2K, but good news this is not the end of the story my friend. Check it out! For way less than 2K I ordered Dean's book Profit From Real Estate RIGHT NOW and got a 2nd book from Dean BE A REAL ESTATE MILLIONAIRE for FREE! Just paid separate shipping. When the dust settle I was out of pocket $39.00. When you don't have $2000.00 just laying around somewhere $39 bucks is less painful. The books are loaded with great info and easy to understand. Now when you couple this information with the DG family and their post WOW what a great combo! Check out the video's too it will keep the home fires burning bright!
I'm telling you pilgrim there will come a time and real soon when you and I along with many new-bees on this site will look back and remember when 2K looked more like 2 trillion and just smile. If you're getting my driff.
Stick with it, look into INVESTMENT CLUBS in your area. I just went to my very first one this past Tuesday, man was that wonderful!!!!!! Got to meet Tammy one of our DG Family, what a nice lady. The education was FANTASTIC, AND! (Now hold on to your Lug Nuts there good buddy) it was FREE!!!!!!!!!!! Let me teach you 2 of my favorite words. PEPPY & CHEAP, I like Peppy & Cheap. No disrespect to Dean or Staff or to my DG family, this is what folks starting from the bottom say now and then (he said with a smile on his face).
But seriously C Dub if possibly set aside a little tip moo-laa for the purchase of Dean's books you be doing yourself a great favor, they are packed with great information.
You continue moving forward no matter what!
Sammy C
Sammy C
Thank you Sammy! (We have a Sammy at my job too). Thanks for the great reply!
So it's funny you mention "Be A Real Estate Millionaire" because I literally just had that book in my hands at Barnes and Noble about 20 mins ago. I went to look for the yellow 30 day book and came across this one (with a copyright of 2007). So I didn't buy it. As I thumbed through it, it all just seemed a bit over my head.
Seems like when you buy into DG's program for the retreat, it allows you to participate in the 100% financing on any deals that makes sense with numbers.
Don't I ultimately need to buy in to DG's program so I can participate fully? Not sure I have the intelligence to read a few books and pull all of this off on my own (with or without the help of the website).
However, having said that. I'm going to follow your recommendations and those of the others on this site, and I'm going to do my best to educate myself on whatever I can using DG's techniques. I'll buy the book you recommend along with the others and see if I can make heads or tails of it.
Just wish I knew a step by step process I could go through. Like what do I do FIRST? Ya know?
But I hear ya Sammy. Thank you!
Let's try to stay in touch thru the site.
Good Karma
~ C Dub ~
I like that name! Don't sell your car. Sometimes that book is given away by Dean or maybe you can borrow a copy. I don't think it is usually in the bookstore but you can order from this site for what 20 dollars! That us affordable I say order it because you will probably want it for reference even though it is an easy book to read and follow. No offense Walt!
www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
Thank you femailceo. I was actually able to pick up a few books (thanks to a new friend) including the one you suggested, 30 Days to RE Cash. I skimmed through the content for a quick once over. Looks great. Simple. Step by step. So I'll start the read here soon. Thank you for all your help! (hopefully I'll need more in the future. lol)
Good Karma
~ C Dub ~
Let me know if I can help you in any way. Tammy
www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
you don't have to sign up for the training to learn any of DG's strategies or to succeed; many of his students have done so; everything is in DG's books, especially 30 Days to Cash... read it a couple of times, not just once...
also, read some of the threads on this site that have great info... below is a link to one that you may want to read to get started...
Wishing you success on your re journey,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
I TOTALLY agree that you do not have to take any of the trainings to be successful. Are the helpful? Yes, probably. Are they necessary? No. I have personally never taken any of Dean's trainings and I am now a full time investor. Could I have maybe done it faster if I had done the training? Maybe. The key is, NEVER GIVE UP! Make up your mind that you will do it, NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES!
I have read every one of Dean's books and have devoured this site for over three years. It took 1 1/2 years for me to do my first deal, due to fear on my part (everyone goes thru that) but once you get the first one, they come faster.
Go back and read a lot of the old threads. They are much more informative than most of the newer ones. Hint: Click on the bio of some of the people who have been here for a long time. (If they show a diamond in their symbols, they are doing actual deals) Then at the top of their bio page will be a button that says "TRACK". Click it. There will be a list of all the threads that they have contributed to. Go to some of the earlier ones and work your way backwards.
Good luck!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Ooops! Double post!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
I read your post and wanted to reply to you here. First off congrads on taking action. It may feel small to you now but it was action. I know Keith the guy that gave the presentation you spoke of, I helped him when he came to my area of california. I have seen him two times now and he is a great guy. I am also here to tell you that dean is the real deal and even thou you feel you can't come up with the money you should find a way to buy his books and read them. I think they gave you two of them at the event on dvd. I started that way and just finished my 40th deal so it works with whatever you start with. Just start because it will change your life... Learn what you can here as well and find your local reia club and come to there meetings. I look forward to seeing you here..Keith
Not having a goal is worse than not setting one..
http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/92139/... -
Hey C Dub! Will you look at all these folks pouring out nothing but the best to you? I bet you figure who in world would bother to give you a mere waiter the time of day ha? Just brings tears to your eyes don't it... What a community.
Let's see now by my count there's femailceo, NATCHEZ MISSISSIPPI, Valuni, kareng, keb64, and me BigDyna aka Sammy C which totals 6 who believe in you to be successful to your.... what is it so far? Oh yes, 1 (self) who says "I don't think I can."
Sorry good buddy the yea's have it. So it get to reading, then get to work.
Sammy C
Once again, the support here is absolutely amazing!
Tammy - thank you so much.
Valerie - thank you for the encouragement and advice. As well as the link. I'm going to click through for a look just as soon as I finish this post.
Karen - wow. Thank you for sharing your experience and giving some great pointers on diamond symbols, links, and tracking. You have a diamond. I guess I'll start with tracking yours!
Thanks again. This is great! I hope to someday have a diamond symbol on my page too.
Keith - Yes, DG and Keith Sperry seem like straight shooters. After what I experienced at the event, talking to some people there, and experiencing this site and the support from all of you, I think I can trust DG's program to be a legitimate business venture. Unlike so much of the countless late night garbage we see on tv. Which also means, this is going to be work. Because nothing of true value ever comes easy. Thanks for sharing. I'll take Karen's advice and track some of your postings as well to learn from. Thanks again.
Sammy - haha... no question. The support has been inspiring. I thank everybody. Sincerely. Now I don't wanna let anyone down. I'll get started.
NOTE: I suppose if I had one question for all of you right off the bat... and I suppose maybe I'll learn this once I get well into the book (or maybe not), but one of the most powerful things I found with DG's program at the event was that they actually do the financing for you (when the deal makes sense that is), and essentially split the profits with you in the bottom line. It was and is my impression that I need to somehow buy into Deans program to become a member so that they'll finance the deals I find? Or can this still be done even tho I'm simply reading books to learn the info. Seems like having someone to purchase these properties is essential. But I think I'm a little confused at this point as I write this. So I digress. I'll read and come back. Thank you everybody!
Good Karma
~ C Dub ~
Hey C Dub! How goes it? You know someone else made mention of that once before... I'm not sure how this DG financing thing goes myself. But I'm sure our DG family members will bring us up to speed on that. BUT!!!!
In Other News!
Yesterday the 21th I got a Video Message from Dean. The subject matter was on REOs! Man this is great stuff!!! I'm telling you... that Dean is about as handy as a pocket on a shirt! With so many avenues to choice from in this business (as you will soon see) I was having all kinds of thoughts on which way to go.
There all good! Reading Q&A's from the DG family! Books, videos, encouragement.... Man the list is endless!!! WOW!
Oh yeah, the video message; Man I'm all over this one like White on Rice! I've gather phone numbers of banks and credit unions. Today I started in on the calls. I was so excited about the few calls I made I forgot to clock in after lunch at work! Found that out when it was time to clock out at the end of my shift. Ooops. My bad.
Any who come this Saturday I'll be meeting up with some folks to look at properties. GREAT CEASERS GHOST!!!!!! WHAT THE HECK AM I DOING????? WHO CARES!!!!! For now I'm going with my head up and my shoes shine!!!!!!! This is so exciting!!!!!
Hell my goal now is to book every Saturday (if not sooner) with theses here bank folks from here to Aunt Betty's! And should any of these well meaning bank people poo poo what I'm trying to do, well then POOP on them if they can't take a joke! In the words of Howard Hughes from the movie Aviator; "I got a Tiger by the tail and I aint letting go!"
Come on C Dub! Jump on in! I hope you can check out this video. Sorry I don't know how to get it to you thou.
Folks! I'm figuring the only thing we here on this site should be concern with, is that the Naysayers spell our names correctly; cause other than that it's a simply matter of them LEADING; FOLLOW; or getting the hell out of the way! This is our time!
Sammy C
We also had the same problem, no money set aside for something like this.Ive been a cabinet maker for 15 years so I guess you can say I have some skills not much but some lol ,so I made picture frames, rocking chairs anything from wood I could and sold them to friends and co workers.
Now we are going to our second (10-29-13) event this time with money in hand and we are going to take the 3 day training class and we are excited about it.
We would be happy to talk with you about what we learn there if that will help you,never know we might workout a partnership here (network).
Dont give up on your dreams.
I agree with everyone on this post. My only advice to you is for you to TAKE MORE ACTION as soon as you gain any form of knowledge/technique whatsoever from this website and from dean's books. Dean strategies work like MAGIC:)
I was like you 5 months ago. I had fear of the unknown and my first two months out I read 30 days to quick cash more than 4 times back to back and I was always dreaming how I will make make $100,000 in a month lol. But I never took any action. Right now I'm as bold as lion haha..
Miami, FL
Keep TAKING ACTION + gaining KNOWLEDGE = SUCCESS (Making Money)
"If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."- Karen Ellsworth
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
"If you are not making offers on properties you can not make any money" - Success Coach
Follow me on my road to riches http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/144538...
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
Follow me on my road to being a BILLIONAIRE http://bit.ly/1q7aOFX
Go LIKE my official facebook page http://on.fb.me/1qQGO6i
Sammy - Your post was hilarious! When you said, Who cares!? I literally laughed out loud on that one. Yes, I'll be interested in hearing more about these REO's your looking at. Lemme know if you can copy the link to the video for a look. I'm going to try to stay focused because like you said, it seems like there are so many paths and avenues one can take when it comes to DG's programs or ideas. So I'll try to stay focused, read this book, and step through the process the best that I can. So I'm jumping in as quick as I can here! lol...
Aaron & Suzy - thanks for sharing your story. You guys are showing that if there's a will there's a way. I'm excited for you guys to take this 3 day class. That is so fantastic. You're going to learn so much. If I may ask, what city is the next event in (on 10-29)? And what city or are do you guys live?
For the record, I'm in the California Bay Area currently in a city called Livermore. So if anyone is around here in the tri-valley, lemme know!
TC- thanks for the continued reminder to "Take Action". This is critical for this thing to work for anybody. I would venture to bet that most go to the event, or read the books or whatever, but don't take action on what they learn. I have to do my best not to be this person.
Good Karma
~ C Dub ~
So this might not be all that exciting for most, but a bit exciting for me. So I'm 50 pages into the book (30 Days to RE Cash). I am moving through the exercises and am doing my best to stay on track. My hesitation now is that in the first part of the book, he's talking about calling real estate agents using Matts script. Now I'm not afraid of picking up the phone to call RE agents, but I do know that if they ask me ANYTHING that's not somewhere in that script, I won't know what to say. I don't yet have enough knowledge or the language to have an intelligent conversation with them yet, so if it doesn't go like the script indicates, I'm going to feel stupid. Well, somewhat. After all, they're just real estate agents I'm talking to. So no biggie.
But I'm going to try not to over think things and be like Nike and Just Do It.
The book also indicates to get a street map of my local area and map out with little dots where cash buyers are buying properties and match them up with the areas the real estate agents are telling me are “hot.”
It also indicates to start another file for local market research. Learn where new business is moving, what areas are growing, and where people are moving. Note what you’re learning on your map, as well. When you see overlaps for these first three items, you’re seeing opportunity.
I have no real clue as to how to obtain this market research for these areas and I don't put too much weight on expecting a realtor to truly know this information, but okay Dean. I'll do my best.
So after 50 pages of reading, I have a bit of work to do.
Can't decided if I'm going to go ahead and start taking action as I read along, or if I'm going to read all the way through once first, and then re-read while taking the action.
But for now, I'm going to do what I can without "involving" others too much just yet. Need to read a little more I think.
Thanks for reading.
Good Karma
~ C Dub ~
C Dub,
Welcome, It sounds like your first training went well and that is that pattern form most real estate training. You go to a free meeting/Webinar/Conference call and at the end of it there is a special offer, and for today only a very special price of......... LOL. Now, that doesn't mean that all these free events are worthless but don't get sucked in. You have everything you need in the book that you have and this site.
Just ask and dig in, I noticed you are in CA so I would look for other DG'ers in you area up that to better understand the nuances for you turf.
Don't let anything stand in your way.
Dreams are simply reality that YOU have not fulfilled, yet.
With your success in mind,
Jim McKinney
"With integrity, nothing else matters.
Without integrity, nothing else matters!"
People have said that you can call an area further away from you for practice. Call agents outside of your area. Also read the material again and look on this site for info on calling agents. You will learn and make mistakes as you go, but really it is the only way to learn. Just do it!
www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
Jim - Thanks for the feedback! And yes, I'm looking for other DG's in my area too. I haven't yet looked too hard on account that I want to get some more reading in under my belt as well as maybe a little action, but I did post a forum for people in my area to reach out. I just did that last night as a matter of fact. Thanks for the encouragement.
Tammy - thats a good idea about practicing on agents out of my area. Thanks for staying in touch. It means a lot.
Back to it. . . .
Good Karma
~ C Dub ~
Could not delete. Oops.
Good Karma
~ C Dub ~
We are driving to Kansas city about two hours from us,kinda far but we think its worth it.
Everyone is right you can learn from Deans books and this site but for some it take a little more help and thats what we are looking for.We plan on doing a lot more thru Dean and all he has to offer,one step at a time fall down get back up and keep going.
Make goals big and small and stay true to them and always remember the WHY you are doing all the hard work it takes and you will succeed.
C Dub, Aaron n Suzy
look for a rei club in your area and attend their monthly meetings; get some business cards made (vista.com has free ones, just pay shipping), and bring them to the meeting; introduce yourselves to other investors there and exchange business cards with as many investors as you can. Ask everyone if they need a birddog (just about every investor needs birddogs); then ask what they are looking for... they will be happy to show you the ropes in exchange of you bringing them some deals... It's a good idea to network with investors in your area, and you will find them at these rei meetings. I'm including a link (creonline.com) where you can search for a rei club in your area; just click on your state and start searching... when you find a club near you, call them and find out when their next meeting is, and make an effort to attend.
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
Got that one on our list to do and look forward to the people we meet.Good advise we hope to maybe find a mentor that we can work with, never know till you try.
Aaron-n-Suzy - Congrats! I'm excited for you guys!
Valerie - Wow. That was some powerful information! Thank you. And the link you posted was priceless. There are several clubs in very close proximity to me that I will take advantage of in the near future. Thanks so much! This is great.
Good Karma
~ C Dub ~