I found this to be helpful from John Glover. Since Working in the multi-fanmily business, I knew about vendor & contractor accounts. Check it out, if you wanna try to same some $ for the next rehab.
In these thin financial times investors always need to pay attention to their bottom line, cost vs. value added. In just a few short steps I’ll reveal to you how you can add more value to you rehabbed properties while reducing your cost on all your future rehab projects.
Looking at the title many may think, 25% isn’t that big of a deal because you have a contractor you’ve been working with and he/she gives you the best price around. I assure you that you still can save more on your rehabs by making a few simple changes. I will cover these changes and the steps necessary to implement them effectively.
There are many steps to reducing your cost of a rehab 25%, some may require very little work and some require your time, attention to detail, a little patience and establishing business credit. Wow, you didn’t see that curve ball coming. Business credit is essential to have and establish if you’re rehabbing properties and have established this as your business. I won’t go all into the in and outs of establishing business credit because that’s not what this is about, but you can visit www.allbusiness.com for a complete detail explanation on how to begin getting credit in the name of your business.
Outline of the steps to saving 25% on your rehab.
* Your Accounts & Contacts
* (K.I.S.S) Keep It Super Simple
* Setting The Guidelines
* Finding The Right Contractor
* Specials & Discounts
* Replicate, Replicate, Replicate
Your Accounts & Contacts: Establish charge/revolving accounts at your local home improvement stores, such as Home Depot, Lowes, local hardware, local paint or local flooring stores. When establishing these accounts you also need to be mindful of developing a working relationship with store managers/supervisors. Explain to them what you’re doing and how you will be a high volume repeat customer. Once this is done explain to the supervisor that your contractors will pick up supplies for your jobs requiring all purchases to have a Purchase Order Number and a call needs to be placed to you for that Purchase Order Number. This is done for two reasons…. first, so you can verify what items are being purchased (so they don’t buy extra supplies or tools on your account), and second, you can control the cost of the material. This stops the contractor from marking up this price of the supplies needed. When rehab is complete keep all extra supplies…..they are yours.
(K.I.S.S) Keep It Super Simple: This is self explanatory; you want to keep things simplified. Always use the same kind of drywall, paint, tile flooring, carpet, light fixtures and so on. This rule keeps things in perspective as far as pricing and material is concerned. If you keep them the same from each project to the next then you don’t have to worry about purchasing new paint and all the other material each time you have a rehab project, you can simply start with the left over supplies from the previous job.
Setting the Guidelines: These are the guidelines by which you operate and conduct business with the contractors you work with. I have a few that MUST be followed no matter the contractor.
1. Contractor MUST be licensed, insured and bonded.
2. No drinking or drugs on the work site.
3. Contractor MUST be willing to supply bids with labor only prices (I supply the material). Contractor also needs to give amount of material needed to complete the job.
4. Contractor must agree to payment terms: 25% to start and payment in full (CASH) which I will 1099 them for), when I have inspected and approved the work. I refuse to pay a contractor to do a job twice, meaning they do an incomplete job and I pay another contractor to correct it.
5. Contractor MUST sign a release of lien on the property, so they can’t place a lien on the property for some reason without me having a way to defend it.
6. Contractor MUST agree to complete the work up to standard in the timetable established or there will be a reduction of $350/week in price for every week they go beyond the original planned completion date.
7. I also sign a contract with the contractor that states: If work site is vacated for 3 days without work being performed said contractor releases all rights to complete work and remaining payment due them. Said contractor can be replaced without any recourse be it legal or otherwise. The 3 day period isn’t in effect when holidays run the day prior to or after a weekend.
Finding the Right Contractor: While trying to find the right contractor to work with I suggest going over the guidelines with them. This will eliminate many of them because they make a great deal marking up the supplies, so they will tell you “I/we don’t conduct business that way”. There are many contractors out there still to work with because their work load has slowed due to the housing situation. When you have narrowed down your candidates ask them for references, to see pictures of their past work, when was their last job, and proof they are insured. It’s a good idea to have 3 to 4 contractors you will work with just in case 1 or some of them are busy on other jobs when you may need them.
Specials & Discounts: Specials and discounts come into effect after you have conducted business a few times with your vendors. These are the above mentioned stores or companies you purchase your supplies from. Once your track record is established it’s best to always work with the same individuals at these stores so they will have a firm grip on the types and kinds of material you are using. This person or persons can keep you abreast of specials and discounts coming up on the things you use. They will also be knowledgeable about any supplies or materials that are similar in appearance and quality to what your currently using that may be discontinued or on closeout, saving you a good amount of money. Always let the reps you’re working with know to stay on the lookout and contact you when they have these things available. Another good source for these specials and discounts are the items the keep in the back as vendor returns, they’re typically scratch and dent items that may have gotten that way during shipping. These items can be obtained at a STEEP discount. When utilizing these items I urge you to inspect them thoroughly, making sure that the blemish can be easily repaired by you or your contractor. With this established working relationship the store rep will keep you aware of any contractor specials or appreciation days they may have along with any coupons or special pricing they’re having.
Replicate, Replicate, Replicate: This is the easiest part of all. After following the steps mentioned above you will begin to see your savings ASAP, all you will have to do is repeat this process each and every time you have a rehab project. Feel free to tweak what I have outlined to fit your personal style or investing method.
Dc I build a lot of custom things but when your flipping houses you have to be mindful of time and cost.
If you saw that bar in my slide show I built all that, the bar and the back cabinets, all that wood work around the walls,very time consuming.
Here at my house I built wall unit floor to ceiling wall to wall,three different depths custom doors and trim work.
I gotta admit ~ your work is beautiful. Now on the slide show, Which house was it that it was burnt?
If you saw that bar in my slide show I built all that, the bar and the back cabinets, all that wood work around the walls,very time consuming.
Here at my house I built wall unit floor to ceiling wall to wall,three different depths custom doors and trim work.
I don't want to be a smart ss but it was the one with the smoke on the walls.
LOL ~ I had a blonde moment. Sorry, I thought it was the 3 story house with the roof torn apart. I found it. Nice rehab!
Thanks Dallas, Jim, Elix, DC, et all for your input...
I was debating which card to apply for my LLC, H/D or Lowe's; ater reading this thread I'll apply for both!
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
That roof was not torn apart, Those people asked me if I could make a room for their son up there.
I talked them into letting me build them a whole master suite. That one was back in 86. I made them a huge bedroom with walk in closets,a huge bathroom with 6ft wide shower with two separate faucets so no one had to stand in the cold. 7 Foot double bowl granite sink hanging from the wall so she could sit in a chair there. A large sitting area with 8ft wet bar and frig,
Then a loft above it for him to have an office up their. I installed an intercom system on all three floors, and told them that they didn't' have to see the kids unless they wanted to.
7 years later someone a few doors from them call and asked if I could do their attic and I did.
That one you see with all that drywall and staircase was all a big empty attic.
LOL!! Dallas did you dye your hair??
DC Terry,Sr.
DC Dallas didn't see all of the pictures because he's got so much white out on his screen trying to get rid of the mistakes.
Jim, that's some major buddy. That's out of my league. My grandfather and father did that kind of work, but I'd have to take off the quater for that. The 1st month just to get all of the blond out of MY hair, Dallas.... LOL
DC Terry,Sr.
Haha, I know once you have the place you get the supplies form, it's your place for life. I don't think it hurts to have a couple others or so, like you said. I wouldn't go with Direct Buy if my life depended on it. Haha!
I'm glad you said that! As I read this thread and saw the words Direct Buy pop up, I had a slight panic attack. About 9 years ago I had just started out in Real Estate and wanted to flip houses. It was going pretty well, at one point I was rehabbing 4 houses at once. I decided it was worth checking out the club (they had been sending me offers to tour the program). Once there, they kind of trapped me in the building while they droned on and on about their products. Everything was beautiful, and seemed like a great deal. Then they laid down the hammer, said if I didn't commit right then, that they would remove me from the building and I would NEVER be granted access again. Never have the chance to join again, unless I did it right then. I was like 8 months preggo with my 2nd child so clearly not logical lol but I let them go over the membership fee and monthly payments (but wait, there's more!) with me. I decided to go for it.
Then my father passed away. I kind of shut down for a few months, and when I started to get back to my normal self, I had some catching up to do. DirectBuy did NOT like me getting behind on payments. Their billing dept called me constantly. When I realized I hadn't used them once since I signed up but had already paid them more than $3k, I said no more. I tried to cancel but I was locked in for like 2 years or something. To this day, they are still hiring new debt collection agencies to harass me and create new "charges" on my credit report, even tho it should have dropped off two years ago. I have no idea if they've changed their policies or backed off the intimidation methods in the last few years or not, but I would never ever suggest someone use them ever. Whoops, sorry to ramble! Just hate to see anyone else go thru what I did!
Skeptic, turned hopeful, turned determined!
You will NEVER succeed if you don't try.