How to Save 25% on the next rehab

How to Save 25% on the next rehab

I found this to be helpful from John Glover. Since Working in the multi-fanmily business, I knew about vendor & contractor accounts. Check it out, if you wanna try to same some $ for the next rehab.


In these thin financial times investors always need to pay attention to their bottom line, cost vs. value added. In just a few short steps I’ll reveal to you how you can add more value to you rehabbed properties while reducing your cost on all your future rehab projects.

Looking at the title many may think, 25% isn’t that big of a deal because you have a contractor you’ve been working with and he/she gives you the best price around. I assure you that you still can save more on your rehabs by making a few simple changes. I will cover these changes and the steps necessary to implement them effectively.

There are many steps to reducing your cost of a rehab 25%, some may require very little work and some require your time, attention to detail, a little patience and establishing business credit. Wow, you didn’t see that curve ball coming. Business credit is essential to have and establish if you’re rehabbing properties and have established this as your business. I won’t go all into the in and outs of establishing business credit because that’s not what this is about, but you can visit for a complete detail explanation on how to begin getting credit in the name of your business.

Outline of the steps to saving 25% on your rehab.

* Your Accounts & Contacts

* (K.I.S.S) Keep It Super Simple

* Setting The Guidelines

* Finding The Right Contractor

* Specials & Discounts

* Replicate, Replicate, Replicate

Your Accounts & Contacts: Establish charge/revolving accounts at your local home improvement stores, such as Home Depot, Lowes, local hardware, local paint or local flooring stores. When establishing these accounts you also need to be mindful of developing a working relationship with store managers/supervisors. Explain to them what you’re doing and how you will be a high volume repeat customer. Once this is done explain to the supervisor that your contractors will pick up supplies for your jobs requiring all purchases to have a Purchase Order Number and a call needs to be placed to you for that Purchase Order Number. This is done for two reasons…. first, so you can verify what items are being purchased (so they don’t buy extra supplies or tools on your account), and second, you can control the cost of the material. This stops the contractor from marking up this price of the supplies needed. When rehab is complete keep all extra supplies…..they are yours.

(K.I.S.S) Keep It Super Simple: This is self explanatory; you want to keep things simplified. Always use the same kind of drywall, paint, tile flooring, carpet, light fixtures and so on. This rule keeps things in perspective as far as pricing and material is concerned. If you keep them the same from each project to the next then you don’t have to worry about purchasing new paint and all the other material each time you have a rehab project, you can simply start with the left over supplies from the previous job.

Setting the Guidelines: These are the guidelines by which you operate and conduct business with the contractors you work with. I have a few that MUST be followed no matter the contractor.

1. Contractor MUST be licensed, insured and bonded.

2. No drinking or drugs on the work site.

3. Contractor MUST be willing to supply bids with labor only prices (I supply the material). Contractor also needs to give amount of material needed to complete the job.

4. Contractor must agree to payment terms: 25% to start and payment in full (CASH) which I will 1099 them for), when I have inspected and approved the work. I refuse to pay a contractor to do a job twice, meaning they do an incomplete job and I pay another contractor to correct it.

5. Contractor MUST sign a release of lien on the property, so they can’t place a lien on the property for some reason without me having a way to defend it.

6. Contractor MUST agree to complete the work up to standard in the timetable established or there will be a reduction of $350/week in price for every week they go beyond the original planned completion date.

7. I also sign a contract with the contractor that states: If work site is vacated for 3 days without work being performed said contractor releases all rights to complete work and remaining payment due them. Said contractor can be replaced without any recourse be it legal or otherwise. The 3 day period isn’t in effect when holidays run the day prior to or after a weekend.

Finding the Right Contractor: While trying to find the right contractor to work with I suggest going over the guidelines with them. This will eliminate many of them because they make a great deal marking up the supplies, so they will tell you “I/we don’t conduct business that way”. There are many contractors out there still to work with because their work load has slowed due to the housing situation. When you have narrowed down your candidates ask them for references, to see pictures of their past work, when was their last job, and proof they are insured. It’s a good idea to have 3 to 4 contractors you will work with just in case 1 or some of them are busy on other jobs when you may need them.

Specials & Discounts: Specials and discounts come into effect after you have conducted business a few times with your vendors. These are the above mentioned stores or companies you purchase your supplies from. Once your track record is established it’s best to always work with the same individuals at these stores so they will have a firm grip on the types and kinds of material you are using. This person or persons can keep you abreast of specials and discounts coming up on the things you use. They will also be knowledgeable about any supplies or materials that are similar in appearance and quality to what your currently using that may be discontinued or on closeout, saving you a good amount of money. Always let the reps you’re working with know to stay on the lookout and contact you when they have these things available. Another good source for these specials and discounts are the items the keep in the back as vendor returns, they’re typically scratch and dent items that may have gotten that way during shipping. These items can be obtained at a STEEP discount. When utilizing these items I urge you to inspect them thoroughly, making sure that the blemish can be easily repaired by you or your contractor. With this established working relationship the store rep will keep you aware of any contractor specials or appreciation days they may have along with any coupons or special pricing they’re having.

Replicate, Replicate, Replicate: This is the easiest part of all. After following the steps mentioned above you will begin to see your savings ASAP, all you will have to do is repeat this process each and every time you have a rehab project. Feel free to tweak what I have outlined to fit your personal style or investing method.



This is great Dallas! I was

This is great Dallas! I was actually thinking of using an account with a store. Still pondering it though. I'm also in the process of trying to set up a general plan for the houses. Meaning paint color, molding, countertops, carpet color etc,. I'll keep looking out for this post to see what else is added.




DC Terry,Sr.

DC You can cut a lot of

DC You can cut a lot of cost on a job, when you start one make a list of materials that you need, put everything on it. If you take it to H/D pro-desk ask for a bid package,as long as you spend up to $2,500 in the first phase everything gets discounted that and everything after untill you complete the job. There are a few more things but when you like call me and I'll go over some more when ever you want. # is on website can't post it here.

Thanks Jim!! I always like

Thanks Jim!! I always like to hear from the veterans. When you've been in business a while and matured, you alway like to avoid the costly mistakes of the unlearned. Eye-wink


DC Terry,Sr.

Now are you guys getting

Now are you guys getting your cabinets from Home Depot also or do you order them from somewhere. I know an investor here that uses a company, just in case something happens with them. He says if they are installing, then they pay for damage. I was thinking that it would still be cheaper if I did it and just pay for another section if something gets dropped.


DC Terry,Sr.

DC I get all of my off the

DC I get all of my off the shelve from Lowe's,no waiting for redelivery if something is damaged. Lowe's will replace it on the spot no problems. I have been buying them there for over 15 years. Some times if you need a special cabinet that they don't stock it only takes 7-10 days. I do whole kitchens for less than 2k.

Jim, do you prefer Lowes

Jim, do you prefer Lowes over HD or is that just what's closer to you? I'll be running by HD this evening, and maybe lowes also look more in depth at their cabinets.


DC Terry,Sr.

Self-Install Cabinets ?

I've heard that those are still great, and they work just as good as the factory made cabinets - you just put them together like you're putting a new computer desk together. I wonder if Direct Buy is any good?


James Kendrick wrote:
DC I get all of my off the shelve from Lowe's,no waiting for redelivery if something is damaged. Lowe's will replace it on the spot no problems. I have been buying them there for over 15 years. Some times if you need a special cabinet that they don't stock it only takes 7-10 days. I do whole kitchens for less than 2k.

Under $2k for

a kitchen worth of cabinets? You're my new hero, Jim. peace,

James Kendrick wrote:
DC I get all of my off the shelve from Lowe's,no waiting for redelivery if something is damaged. Lowe's will replace it on the spot no problems. I have been buying them there for over 15 years. Some times if you need a special cabinet that they don't stock it only takes 7-10 days. I do whole kitchens for less than 2k.


Dana w/ Crossroads Solutions LLC
I am direct to the VP of a $100 million dollar open-ended debt and equity fund which actively writes checks to fund businesses with an EBITDA of at least $1 million a year. We fund also have access to up to $500,000,000 for the purchase of distressed real estate, specially commercial $7,500,000 and up.


Don't discount them. A few friends of mine have gotten their cabinets from there also and the prices are comparable if not less.

Another way to save is to go pick up the materials w the contractor. Its then when you'll notice the difference in prices because you won't be paying the 'inconvenience' fee that contractor tack onto your bill for getting the materials. Thats not including the full tank of gas they may or may not charge(you'll never know)

Go with them and compare to the times when they went solo. You'll really notice a reall difference.


I thought of Direct Buy this weekend. However, since Lowes and HD are closer, I'll stick with them. Also, to answer the question on the price match, It has to be the same product and manufacturer. I'm not sure how that'll work, since they have the same products from different manufacturers.(at least most I think) The 10% coupon works though.

And if your order is over $2500, you get the bid price.


DC Terry,Sr.

DC I get the cabinets at

DC I get the cabinets at Lowe's because I've always gotten better quality there, at H/D to much variation in the colors.

Thanks Jim, I'll check Lowes

Thanks Jim, I'll check Lowes tomorrow.


DC Terry,Sr.

Thanks guys

great info from everyone, thanks. When we start a rehab I will make a list and bring it to Lowe's (I prefer them over HD)and ask for the same discounts. They will match and sometimes beat HD.


"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."

Shaun Omar
DSD Investor Group Inc

Thanks DC

Yeah, I know Lowes can do it with appliances, too. Most local appliance stores will either meet or beat another's price, too.

What bid price, DC?

Dallas, If your order is

Dallas, If your order is over $2500, you go to the contractors desk and they take a look at what they are getting it for and how much of a discount they can give you. This is how they explained it to me. It does not have to be one product, but your total order.


DC Terry,Sr.

Direct Buy

you have to commit to them for a specified amount of time and pay a monthly fee. Thats my main problem with them.

Suppose I only need to use them for one time in a year and i'm still paying them???

Lowes and HD are good for cabinets but the mom and pop hardware store also make good basic cabinets and most are lower prices and more flexible.

Dallas, and DC the bid

Dallas, and DC the bid package at H/D is great if you are ready to get a lot of the things you need that first day, and then you benefit from the discount on the rest of the project.

Elix the good thing with H/D and Lowe's is you get everything interest free for 6-12 months,pay it off when you sell.

If you guys are rehabbing you have to make contacts for everything, you can't just shop at one location.

Cabinets-- I get from Lowe's

Carpet I get from a carpet wholesaler,and they install it.

Appliances - Years ago I found a small appliance dealer and I get great prices, Last house I went with white I got stove,refrigerator,dishwasher,and microwave all for $1,250.00 delivered.

Roofing, Siding,and windows I get from another wholesaler.

Most everything else from H/D.

Pricematching Appliances and...

Jim, I agree with you.

Appliance prices are around that price, and less if you get smart about it. I was thinking what one could also do is to get all the prices from the others, go to each store and get them to out beat each other on everything. Maybe they figure if you get all the stuff from one place (HD or Lowes) you could get a bulk discount, and they get the business? But, it makes sense to have backup vendors/suppliers and accounts like Wilmar and HD Supply or Grainger, because they bill you, too. HD Supply can pricematch some stuff, too. They ship the stuff to you, even appliances. They're good to use if you have apt. complexes or if your a hardcore rehabber. Their customer service is good, too, and they can get you hard to find parts thru the special order dept.

Sometimes the "scratch and dent" stuff works or anything from the clearance or "bargain cave" too. (IF the noticables aren't on the front side of the appliance and the side, back or if they're missing parts, it's a good deal, and sometimes you might be able to haggle on the price if it isn't already discounted enough and you buy enough appliances from them anyway.)

Appliance repair guys are good to have on your team, too. (And most or some will do Net30 billing like other supply vendors ~ just make sure they get paid.)


James Kendrick wrote:
Dallas, and DC the bid package at H/D is great if you are ready to get a lot of the things you need that first day, and then you benefit from the discount on the rest of the project.

Elix the good thing with H/D and Lowe's is you get everything interest free for 6-12 months,pay it off when you sell.

If you guys are rehabbing you have to make contacts for everything, you can't just shop at one location.

Cabinets-- I get from Lowe's

Carpet I get from a carpet wholesaler,and they install it.

Appliances - Years ago I found a small appliance dealer and I get great prices, Last house I went with white I got stove,refrigerator,dishwasher,and microwave all for $1,250.00 delivered.

Roofing, Siding,and windows I get from another wholesaler.

Most everything else from H/D.

I know trust me

James Kendrick wrote:
Elix the good thing with H/D and Lowe's is you get everything interest free for 6-12 months,pay it off when you sell.

If you guys are rehabbing you have to make contacts for everything, you can't just shop at one location.

Cabinets-- I get from Lowe's

but i was saying sometimes you can find a better deal with a smaller company

Direct Buy

What you do, is you buy what you need, then after that cancel your membership. (unless they charge you an outrageous amount to do it) Take your list of cabinets, etc. to Direct Buy and get them to price match. I didn't know they charge membership fees. See if you can bargain with them on the membership fee if you continue to use them?

elixbrown wrote:
you have to commit to them for a specified amount of time and pay a monthly fee. Thats my main problem with them.

Suppose I only need to use them for one time in a year and i'm still paying them???

Lowes and HD are good for cabinets but the mom and pop hardware store also make good basic cabinets and most are lower prices and more flexible.

Been out looking at

Been out looking at properties, and in meetings the last few days. I'm looking at HD, Lowes and looking for wholesalers as well for everything.

I've not moved toward Direct Buy. I think I'll stay with the others for now.


DC Terry,Sr.

Time is money,you guys are

Time is money,you guys are starting to sound like a partner I had on my last rehab chasing prices cabinets he got three times,when he was done screwing around I picked them up at Lowe's and installed them that day end of story.


Its also very important to actually have a property that you are putting cabinets in!! That is what I always worry about first.
I have a couple of friends that will look up phone numbers and call 20 places, taking up 2 hours and then drive 10 miles to save $20!! They always provide amusement.

What are the laws like and what licenses are required where you are at to remodel a house your self that is not your primary residence? How about properties older than 1978?

Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site

The only thing to worry

The only thing to worry about here is that you are supposed to get a licensed plumber,which never made since to me the worst thing someone gets wet.But you can do your own electric just have a fire underwriters electrical inspection, and half of them don't know what you did unless you show them.

Jim, the cabinet issue was

Jim, the cabinet issue was really settled when you suggested lowes. Almost every home that I viewed on yesterday needs a whole new kitchen, so this info is very handy. Now, I just have to make a decision as to which one I really want. I did look at another, that was similar to one that I sold last week. It needed nothing but paint, carpet and a fridge. It's in a high end neighborhood, but I think I can get this for a decent price. I have many more to submit offers on, but of course you always have the ones that you would really like to get. Smiling We'll see. I have one more to get off the books, and I'll have all guns blazing again.


DC Terry,Sr.

DC I wish I had that

DC I wish I had that problem, not knowing which one to offer on.

I only chased prices because...

When you work for a property management company at a low income apt. complex, you do what you can to save the company money. I see your point, though. Smiling

James Kendrick wrote:
Time is money,you guys are starting to sound like a partner I had on my last rehab chasing prices cabinets he got three times,when he was done screwing around I picked them up at Lowe's and installed them that day end of story.

Dallas your still looking

Dallas your still looking for deals, whats the address I'll come and put them dam cabinets up.

Jim, I'm trying to increase

Jim, I'm trying to increase the funds now. This way I can choose all of them. LOL Then , as Michael suggested, sit back and let the contractors get'em all done. It'll come though. I really had to be sure on some prices though, to avoid the mark-ups around here. Still haven't found that perfect contractor yet. I have a few workers that I can call, who are in between builder homes. So, it's working out well on the woodwork and painting.


DC Terry,Sr.

I had an older gent that

I had an older gent that built our cabinets for $500. But he's out of touch now. My wife's uncle did our doors, but he's cruising on his Iron Horse most of the time now. I come from generations of carpenters, but it's alot when you're by yourself. Also, the price is never as good as when you build something yourself. Smiling Anyway, don't want to ramble.


DC Terry,Sr.