Here is an especially important message to all owners of the Set For Life Membership. Please take a moment to watch the video!
Automated Foreclosure Finder (AFF) Version 2 Officially Released!
June 25th, 2008 | posted by dgadminI want to let everyone know, after lots and lots of feedback, and lots and lots of development time... AFF Verison 2 has been released to our clients!
All AFF members with version 1 have been upgraded to version 2. Everything stayed intact with your websites and other setups, so don't worry.
The features now present in AFF v2 are:
1. Getting Started Walk-thru wizard. No more confusion on what it does, where to start or how to do it.
2. Automated HOT lead generator. Find hot leads in your area with a couple clicks and download via CSV file or view online.
The Low Down: Automated Foreclosure Finder vs Foreclosure Alert (AFF vs FAL)
June 24th, 2008 | posted by dgadminI've seen a lot of people pondering what exactly the AFF and FAL systems are, how they work, what they are good for, and if you are only suppose to have one or the other. Even more often, the question of if they are worth the money...
We Need Your Help...
June 17th, 2008 | posted by dgadminWe need your help...!
Dean is in the process of writing his new book. Dean has taken all the thoughts, feedback, struggles and everything else you've told us on this site and otherwise to come up with the topics and strategies that will be the most beneficial to all of our loyal readers and newcomers to the Real Estate Investing scene.
Now, we need your help choosing the perfect title. The type of title that sparks the inspiration and curiosity to open the book and start taking it all in. We have a poll posted to help us decide. Please, if everyone wouldn't mind taking a few seconds to read through the titles and pick your favorite, it would be much appreciated.
If you have any other ideas for titles, or feedback on the existing ones post your thoughts in the comments.
If we decide to go with one of the user contributed titles, that user will get a cash reward of a way to say thanks!
Use My Money To Invest and Go On Vacation
June 10th, 2008 | posted by dgadminHey everybody. Dean here. Today I'm not going to write about teaching, or tell you any of the neat stuff that's going on with my daughter or anything personal. Today I just want to know how many of you would be interested in going on a vacation of a lifetime to the Caribbean.
Better yet. Would you like it if I PAID to send you and a guest on that vacation of a lifetime?
And what if during that vacation, we picked a day for you and I to hang out together for dinner or lunch, to talk about investing?
Then, what if after we met, I decided to partner up with you on some investments? Deals where I put up the cash and you find the properties and we enjoy the profits together?
One Needy Family to Be Given Beautiful Home – Expenses Paid - For One Full Year!
February 9th, 2008 | posted by dgadminA week from Christmas, one needy family will be the recipient of a very big helping hand, because on Tuesday, December 18, 2007 they will be notified that they have won a home to live in FREE for a full year. The “Operation Free Home” contest has been running since November 13th, and one heartbreaking story after another has poured in.
Arizona Man to Award Needy Family A Beautiful Home – Expenses Paid - For One Full Year!
February 9th, 2008 | posted by dgadminA week from Christmas, one needy family will be the recipient of a very big helping hand, because on December 18, 2007 they will be given a home to live in FREE for a full year. It’s a contest called “Operation Free Home” and its purpose is to help fill homes and fix lives. However, you can’t buy a ticket for this contest; the only way a family has a chance to win is to have lost big already. That’s because the criterion for entering is to submit two stories of 400 words or less.