Got a bit of a head start on Sunday, I placed ads on Craigslist and so my phone will start ringing. Printed a few thermostats to keep me motivated. Finished unpacking, doing laundry, cleaning, got groceries so I would get that 'menial' stuff out of the way... LOL! Read my quick start methods to get me going today.
8:00 AM Go to post office to get mail on hold
Drop off food donation to shelter
9:00 AM Cruise a neighborhood on way home
Call pool service to get that set up
10:00 AM Return calls from ads placed on Sunday
Call on FSBO I found cruising
11:00 AM Call on ads I found online
Have lunch
12:00 PM Check DG Forum answer ?? & PM
Post My Journal
12:30 PM Waiting for pool guy and return calls
Spoke to Realtor to revise my searches
Signed up for this month's REI meeting
Looking for cashflow 101 gamers
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Congrets on your DIMAND I love dimands. Also what ad did you place in the paper? And what did you ask the FSBO what question did you ask I still don't get some of that stuf. Thanks and welcome home.
I am ready to play. Congrats on starting your journal
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
I got a diamond AND an inner circle metal too? I'd like to thank all the wonderful people who made this possible.... (I already have my speech prepared!)
Seriously, I'm still reeling from the pot o' gold I got! Wow, I feel like Weezy Jefferson, just movin on up!!
Ok back to business, the ad I placed was the one I put on here: Help I need more inventory! I also put the HANDYMAN SPECIAL! One went on homes wanted category, the other on homes for sale category... For more exposure, hint hint. I placed both ads on craigslist and Both are good and FREE, (my favorite word). The questions I asked are the typical ones: I always ask if this is the owner of the house before I start, so I don't waste my time... Here's what follows:
Property address: _______________________________________________
Is the house vacant? _______________ How long? __________________
Why are you selling?_____________________________________________
How soon do you need to move? ____________________________________
How long have you been trying to sell it? ________________________
What will you do if you don't sell it? ___________________________
( I try to get them to tell me their situation before I start right in with these types of questions so they start to trust me and build rapoire)
What is your the balance? _____________________ Payment? _________
Are the loan(s): Current? ______ Behind? ______ Amount: $___________
What are you asking for the house? _________________________________
If we were to have the house appraised, what do you think it would be worth?________________________________________________________
When would you like to close?_____________________________________
Does the house need repairs? ______________________________________
How long have you owned this house?_______________________________
How many bedrooms and bathrooms? _______________________________
What is the approximate square footage? _____________________________
What kind of construction? _______________________________________
Is your objective getting cash for your equity (if any), or getting the payments off your back/creating an income stream? ____________________________
Would you consider Owner Financing or “Subject To”? Yes ____ No ____
What’s the least all cash offer you’d consider? ________________________
Copy and paste this into word so you can attach it in an email or read from it when you're calling.
Hope this helps you! Let me know if you can't find the ads and need them again k?
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
what i like to call homeowner interview worksheet, basically the same exact thing that is listed here, this is a must when in the begin stages of fact finding with the homeowner, SULLY.
Thank you I safed it and printet one out.
You're gonna use that every time, you can change it to fit your personality better too. Lilie, I never make offers when I'm getting this info and building rapoire. Even if they ask, I will always say, I'd like to run some numbers and discuss it with my partner (imaginary friend) before I make any offers, so I can give you a couple of options that would best fit your situation... When is a good time to call you back?
I do this 1. because I'm so nervous just contacting them in the first place and asking all these personal questions... LOL!
2. It gives me time to think about what's the best way to create a good deal. To me that's the hardest part! I'm not a natural at it like Dean is, I really gotta think hard and I even ask other more experienced investors for their advice on what offers to make and why. I'm sure with more practice I'll get better at that.
Hope this helps you,
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
8:00 AM Go to post office to get mail on hold
Drop off food donation to shelter
9:00 AM Cruise a neighborhood on way home
Call pool service to get that set up
10:00 AM Return calls from ads placed on Sunday
Call on FSBO I found cruising
11:00 AM Call on ads I found online
Have lunch
12:00 PM Check DG Forum answer ?? & PM
Post My Journal
12:30 PM Waiting for pool guy and return calls
Spoke to Realtor to revise my searches
Signed up for this month's REI meeting
Looking for cashflow 101 gamers
1:00 PM Processing my Superstar promotion!
Answering pm's and posting more info
2:00 PM Pool guy just called to reschedule for 8am not happy but he's the cheapest I’ve found!
3:00 PM Daughter's boyfriend came over after school took a break to visit and give him a hard time... LOL!
Got a callback from another service I called this morning, might be cheaper and will convert to salt water. Sounds interesting! I just want to get back to night swimming, it's great for my back!
Still waiting for callbacks on FSBO's and ad responses.
4:00 PM Got 3 email responses from ads. Replied, now waiting for theirs.
Going to get dinner started while I read more DG posts. It’s addicting, I’ll tell you!
5:00 PM At dinner, I got a call from my daughter in TX, frantic,
she’s not feeling good and is alone and panicking!
6:00 PM Waiting to hear back from daughter, while checking DG site
Answering emails and watching Seinfeld for a good laugh.
Think I’ll take the rest of the evening off and spend time with the
Twins. I have a headache now, but I might be back on the site after they turn in… He He!
10:00 PM Well, I couldn't stay away! I met another awesome person here at the DG Site. They just keep on comin' and all thanks to Dean!!
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
It is addicting you'r right took me all day to clean my house because I had to stop and check. ugh I had a glas of wein for your promotion MommyE. Email Sully about the credit too.
I do this 1. because I'm so nervous just contacting them in the first place and asking all these personal questions... LOL!
2. It gives me time to think about what's the best way to create a good deal. To me that's the hardest part! I'm not a natural at it like Dean is, I really gotta think hard and I even ask other more experienced investors for their advice on what offers to make and why. I'm sure with more practice I'll get better at that.
Hope this helps you,
It does help I'm like that too I get so nervous but after, I can think and you will get better at it when it is not new anymore. LOL.
Everyone here is a star! All of us, you too! Thanks for celebrating for me, that's sweet. Can you send me the name of the bank you used too? That's good information that I might need too.
Thank you dear,
Momma E.
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
I used the American credit union.
See? You're a star too!!
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Congratulations on your medals and your promotion!
It's a nice end to a good day, huh?
Best wishes,
P.S. Thanks for joining us in the journals.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:
Boy, I'm glad to be home girl... Thank you so much for all your support and for believing in me, it's exactly what I was searching for!
Bless You All,
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Well, I'm stuck at home waiting for two pool guys to show up. So I'm making the best of my time by checking out the forum, researching some things online and looking for deals through Craigslist, backpage and seeing what my Realtor sent me. I'm waiting on a couple of responses. I have a possible lease option on a house in Tucson. The one my friend has been trying to sell for over a year now. I suggested lease option or carrying the loan many many times but he wasn't receptive. Funny, now that he's dropped his price over $100k and STILL sitting on it, he's willing to do either one! But I'll help him out anyway I can, since he's a childhood friend of mine.
Well, I was stuck at home today because of the pool guy, it's going to take 3 days to get my pool sparkling again and about $340!! YIKES! But on the bright side, I did get alot accomplished and even learned a new tidbit of helpful info.
As I'm listing my friends home for rent, sale and Lease to own online, he calls me and says his phone's been ringing non-stop. He was actually 'complaining' that he was getting too many calls and running out of minutes! Can you believe that? I had to laugh at him, then he informs me that a couple of the people that called him had to move quickly because their landlord was going into foreclosure! I was speechless!!! He know's that I'm experienced in short sales, although I don't like them as much as wholesaling, I'll do them or assign them to other short sales specialists. He didn't even refer them to my website or give them my number... So, being the savvy investor that I am. I edited ALL the ads so that any interested parties would contact me first! Exactly 10 minutes after the last post I got an email. Wow, that was quick! So folks, FREE ads work, don't think they don't! Try one yourself and see! Well, I've gotta get dinner started I'll be back later.
Tomorrow is my birthday so I don't think I'll be doing much related to investing, but on Thursday it's business as usual...
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
I didn't do much in the way of REI yesterday since it was my birthday.
Today I found some wholesalers with some interesting deals. One guy sent me over 135 houses he's got on an excel sheet!! I'm still looking over the list, I'll contact him tomorrow on a couple of them. I've been working on my website for the majority of the day, trying to get more traffic to it and updating it.
That's about it for today, still waiting for call backs from calls I made the 10th!
I'm going to cruise some neighborhoods tomorrow morning, I always get at least 10 good leads that way.
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Happy belated birthday!! I totally forgot to look at my calendar! hee hee
For your birthday I will give you a new nickname. Miss Ellie, Ellie Mae, Lena (we've got lots of Ole & Lena stuff up, Laney? Never mind. None of them sounds as good as Momma E.
Hey, good job on the leads.
Luv ya,
P.S. I've been meaning to tell you, I love the verse you chose for your posts.
Source of strength for each and every day!
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:
Hey MammaE HAPPY BIRTHDAY Wish you all the health and love and of corse success in the world. Next year at that time we will celebrate your B-day in the Bahamas uh-hu.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Lilie.
Awesom job on the lids.
That's funny Rina, my family calls me Lena or Len! I spent all my birthday money on my cement pond (as Ellie Mae calls it), so we didn't do much, but when it's ready we're havin a swimmun party! But Lilie's idea is way better!! Next year we'll all be sipping our fruit coolies in the Bahamas!! Plan on it girls!
Hey Lilie, what happened at the auction, did you go? I forgot to ask you.
I'll let you know what happens with the leads I got.
Love ya,
Momma E.
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Ohhh I did went to the auction and it was not as I expected first of all it was outside in poring rain and 50F it was cold they started late I did not ever hear the hole auction I mist it, dogh to me. I met some people but will have to go again next week it is held every Friday morning (better prepared and no heels). But I talk to some people and learnd a lote so it was still good.
Dress comfortably and take an umbrella! See you learn something new with every experience... Ha Ha! Take your business cards so you can tell everyone you're an investor, it's all about networking!
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
I don't have any I have a small barrier that I have to go around. And here is why as you know I work for a mortgage broker as a loan officer a couple of weeks ago we sigh a new contract with a (brokerege firm we do as DBA) so they are the main mortgage brokers ahywho the morged with another company and that company had it in the contract that I can't own eal estate business not realy sure exacly what they mean by that trying work it out.
Lilie, you can still buy real estate without owning a business. No cards? You can get 250 FREE (my favorite word) business cards online from, you just pay $5.99 for shipping. They deliver them through the mail and you can pick the style. Just put on them your name, I buy houses for cash and your phone and email, if you have a website put that too. You don't have to have a business to pass out cards. You're an INVESTOR!
Let me know what happens with that though.
Momma E!
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Happy...B-day, hope you had a good one!
Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH
Thanks MammaE I will do that. should I come up with a name or can I do that leter?
It was pretty good. No party or anything, I spent my b-day money on my cement pond, it got green while I was away and it cost a pretty penny to get back to sparkly. But it's worth it when it's 110 degrees here!
You're so welcome Lilie honey!!
No you don't need a name, especially if you don't have a website yet. Just put your lovely name, under that put RE investor, your phone number, email address and that you buy houses for CA$H! That's all! But do it today so the next time you go out you can give them to everyone you meet. It should take a couple of weeks to get them.
Momma E.
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
I just realized it's Friday the 13th!!! Dunt dunt duhhhhh!!!
Seriously, today I cruised a neighborhood I'd seen a couple of vacant houses at. I got 10 leads, as usual, but we'll see how many actually pan out. I have 4 other deals I'm looking into. Waiting to get the info and call backs. I'll keep you posted.
On the homefront, my pool is clear, but cloudy. The pool guy says it might be pushed back til Monday now. Bad news is it's costing $90 each day, the good news is if it's not clear by then they won't charge me, but that's also bad news because I'll have to drain the pool and start over. Here's the clencher, I won't be able to do it until the weather cools down because the heat could crack the fiberglass and make the whole pool implode! Maybe it's time to find another house for ME to move to... LOL! I'm not kidding, houses are so cheap right now, I could get a brand new one for half of what I paid for this one! I'm keeping my eyes open just in case... More later!
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Maybe I schould never buy a house with a pool, or better I should hiare a poolboy ha-ha. It is cold in WA meybe I should move to AZ when my hubby gets the last nerve out of me that is an idia. Me liket a lot. LOL
This is my first house with a pool, too. I hired a pool guy and he wasn't that cute, otherwise I wouldn't mind... LOL! But that's the main reason I chose this house was the pool! Well, if you do move here you better let me know... k? Not that I wish you and hubby split.... LOL!
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
On the homefront, ..... clear, but cloudy.
That sounds exactly like our weather forecaster. haha
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: