This Weekly Wisdom is all about helping the folks whose lives have been affected or even devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Post an encouraging message to those on the East Coast and we will donate $5 bucks for every comment left.
Again, everyone who watches this video and leaves a message of support will help raise money for the good people affected by Hurricane Sandy. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore hope to hurting people. Thank you.
PS- If you haven't already, you can still test drive Insider Elite for just $1!
Been where you are. Be
Been where you are. Be thankful that you are breathing. The rest, with time you can do.R
Been where you are. Be
Been where you are. Be thankful that you are breathing. The rest, with time you can do.R
Been where you are. Be
Been where you are. Be thankful that you are breathing. The rest, with time you can do.R
Been where you are. Be
Been where you are. Be thankful that you are breathing. The rest, with time you can do.R
Hurricane Sandy
To all those affected by this storm. I pray that you get what you need to get you through each day until you are fully restored. There was a man in the Bible who went through great devastation and God restored everything 10 times what he had. I pray for great strength and comfort in this time of devastation. I pray for peace and protection for all who live in this area during the time of recovery. I pray for many hands to help in the restoration.
The Sandy Storm
We have you in our prayers it's bad but stay with positive thoughts and actions, God has not forgotten you nor will we.
Sandy Community Help
You never know the friends you have until you are hit with a disaster like this. People come together to help that you would never think would come together. My prayers to everyone who was hit with tragedy and all those coming together to volunteer time, money and support in this time of crisis. Pay it forward when you get the opportunity.
Thanks for what you do Dean.
we have been praying for the East cost Dean I hope all of your family is safe that still live in that area. We also hope and pray that our East cost DGers are doing well. I have not finished the vedio or read the other posts at this time.
Dean you are the best mentor out there in so many ways. Other mentors out there have made the news in a bad way here lately. So Dean let's make the news in a good way. There are going to be so many people helped by what you are doing Dean and they may not know who you are or ever bought a book from you but you are still helping them. That is what makes you the best.
Thank you again Dean for what you do.
God bless the East cost and Dean.
Steve and Veronica
thought & prayers
I know all of you are being tested in your faith with the disaster you've just experienced. Remember that God is at your side. Seek him and draw on his strength to see you thru he was there you are a survivor trust in him to provide you with guidence on your journey to recovery.
The encouraging posts here have touched my heart
You are all so wonderful!!! I live in NJ and the devastation here beyond anything I have ever seen. Going through such an angry storm was humbling and there are so many here without shelter or the basic necessities such as food and heat. Thank God my family was spared however the destruction around me, the homes blown off their foundations and many of the landmarks that I grew up loving as a child are gone is just to much for me to even wrap my brain around.
Reading all of your posts of encouragement made me cry knowing that people are there for us in prayer and thought is enough to give us the strength to move forward. It's going to take time to rebuild not only the structures by the mindset of the people.
We are bearing down now for another storm due to hit us this Wednesday, not as powerful, but with everything and everyone so fragile it is not going to take much to hinder what little efforts we have made to start to rebuild.
Keep the prayers coming as I know that God in His mercy hears the prayers of His people.
Stay strong!
Carol Stinson
I Hope This Helps
Words for dollars...what a great idea.May God Bless them all.
Thoughts and Prayers
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you who have suffered losses and are still trying to pick up the pieces. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU!
Praying for Victums of Sandy
Sometimes events are so big we feel we can do nothing. But "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective". (James 5:16b (NIV) Then there are those like Dean who go the extra mile and money does help!! Thank you Dean for your concern and involvement. God Bless You and may God help those who are hurting.
We pray for all the families who lost everything that God WILL lift you up and bring the help you need to rebuild you lives.
east coast
So many uplifting comments. I would like to add that I and my church family are and will continue to pray for a quick recovery.
Thinking about the Sandy victims
Everyone, I'm wishing you the best for a quickly reestablishing your lives. I can't imagine the hardships you must be going through but I believe that our East Coast people are incredibly resilient and resourceful. Just know that we're thinking of you.
Wishing a quick recovery and keeping you all in our prayers...
Sandy Debacle
Thanks to Dean Graziosi for assuming the check for this little note of encouragement to our brothers and sisters in peril because of Sandy. Just two minutes I saw a horror story of a woman in Brooklyn whose apartment was devastated, on the tenth floor and freezing!
I hear on TV that conditions are slowly on the mend. By the grace of God we pray that our contributions will ease your suffering. Godspeed to a quick recovery.
Chris Roblee
God Bless All
We can never understand God's reasoning but we "MUST" rest assured that HE had a reason. Our prayers are for not only the people that endured this storm as it devastated so much of the east coast and especially the people that didn't survive, but also for the people recovering and helping others to recover. We pray for a speedy recovery and safety for all.
thanks Dean for what you do
We have been praying for the East cost Dean. I hope all of your family that still live in that area are safe. We also hope and pray that our East cost DGers are doing well. I have not finished the video or read the posts at this time.
Dean you are the best Mentor out there in so many ways. Other Mentors out there have made the news in a bad way here lately. So Dean lets make the news in a good way by helping people that may have not bought your books, but are hurting do to the storm. By you helping these people Dean is what makes you the best Mentor. Thanks for giving back even though they may not have given to you.
Thank you again Dean for what you do.
God bless the East cost and Dean.
Steve and Veronica.
God Bless
Our prayers our with you all
Just wanted to offer our prayers and encouragement to those who have suffered any type of loss during this event. We exhort you all to look to the Creator for strength and peace in overcoming this obstacle. My personal hope is to try to venture there to be a blessing in some small way. Love to all!
Standing in the gap for you through prayer
My heart grieves for you and your loss. I believe through prayer and the help of other comming together you will be back on feet soon.
God bless you
Thanksa so much for thinking about us. We have not had power for a week but had no property damage so we are far luckier than so many who have been devastated.
Thanks for always wanting to help!!
Joe Brennan, Long Island , NY
Hurricane Sandy Relief
Thanks for helping the victims of Hurricane Sandy Dean! Those folks will be in our thoughts & prayers. May God Bless! David Christy & Yvonne Farr, Lakeland Florida
Hurricane Sandy
Our prayers and thoughts are with you. We pray that you will come out of this soon and God Bless!
All Sandy Storm survivors
Let us dedicate this Buddhist
Prayer to all living and deceased
From Sandy where ever you may be
Now our hearts are with you.:
May you be safe
May you be healthy
May you have peace of mind
May you have love in your life
May you be happy
May you be free
Our prayers and best wishes go out to all those affected by Sandy, swift recovery and peace.
Tragedies remind us so
Tragedies remind us so strongly to love God and one another as the most important commandment of all. Thank you Dean for your good reminders as well. May the Lord be with all the victims in the East Coast. Stay strong and hopeful. You are not alone.
To all those affected by Sandy
To all those affected by Sandy please know that my thoughts and prayers have been and will continue to be with you. Having been thru Hurricane Ike in 2008 I know what heartbreak you are experiencing. Please hold on tight and know that eventually things will get better.
To you Dean - How do we thank you enough for your never ending generosity and kindness. You truly are one of a kind.