This Weekly Wisdom is all about helping the folks whose lives have been affected or even devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Post an encouraging message to those on the East Coast and we will donate $5 bucks for every comment left.
Again, everyone who watches this video and leaves a message of support will help raise money for the good people affected by Hurricane Sandy. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore hope to hurting people. Thank you.
PS- If you haven't already, you can still test drive Insider Elite for just $1!
God bless everyone who was a victom of sandy, and as a Christian, I will be praying for them.
Why do thoughts from others, even strangers, help so much?
To those of you faced with enduring loss from Super Storm Sandy,
Please accept my thoughts to help you heal. I cannot imagine what you are going through, but when I have had thoughts and prayers come my way during a loss, I know somehow those cards, words, calls and gifts helped so much-- accepting them graciously helped me through.
Just a month ago one of my daughters took a job in Atlantic City. As it turned out she came home 2 weeks later, but she showed me her residence and place of work evacuated, flooded. Her friends were okay, but I'm sure they know someone who wasn't. Our thoughts are with you.
Understanding how or why the Universe, God, Mother Nature works is often hard, maybe it will always elude us, but humanity comes forth in tragedy and heals us.
As humans, we are never alone. Please accept our thoughts and Dean's gifts on the road to recovery.
- Tina
Las Vegas, NV
Prayrers for Our East Coast Family
Our prayers go up for all those affected by hurracaine Sandy. Especially those who have have lost homes! Keep the Faith... You will come through this!
Rise above!!
Dear Lord, provide courage to those that have lost, and let your good heart be shown through the works of us that have the ability to help. Good bless. Thank you Dean!
Good Luck
I feel bad for all of you who have had to deal with this situation and I wish you a rapid recovery! Good luck to All of you!
Praying for those affected by the hurricane. Praying for protection and restoration for what you have lost.
Praying daily
These aren't just words, but feelings from the heart. I'm praying for the victims daily. I know God answers prayer, and even though we don't understand why some things happen, God is ALWAYS in control. I'll be praying everyday for the people that have been affected, not only now,but in the months ahead as they try to recover.
Thoughts and Prayers for My Home
I was Born on the Jersey Shore, and most of my Family still live in and around the Buffalo / New York City / DC area. Though I am no Longer there, I think of them and Close friends, Neighbors that may be hurting know and wish them and everyone good thoughts and well being. You Guys are strong, tough, and will come out on top.
Keep the Faith.
Sandy victims
Praying for the victims of Hurricane Sandy.
Thanks Dean for helping!
Our Prayers
Our Prayers go out to the victims of the hurricane. I hope you all find a way to pull through and that god opens up new doors for you even though disaster has struck you and your family.
hurricane Sandy victims
My thoughts and prayers go out all those who are suffering right now from Hurricane sandy God bless you all. Jerry
Here in Louisiana, we know what you went through and what you're going through.
God provided for us and know that He loves you and will provide your needs in your difficult situations.
In the name of Jesus, my prayer goes out to you.
God Bless!
Opposite Coast Sends Our Prayers
We are far away but still our thoughts and prayers are with the people hard hit by hurricane Sandy. May you see a speedy recovery and an end to sadness. We are with you though far away.
Thinking of you!
We are so sorry to hear about so much devastation. Know that we are praying for you and sending help! Hang in there and have Faith! This too shall pass! We love you brothers & sisters! Thanks Dean, for sharing your wonderful heart!
Hinze Family
Gods blessing on all that are going through this trying event.
The lord is with all of the victims of sandy. I'm sure we all at the DG Family wish the best to them.
Stay Strong, Recover Soon
Keep your strength and positive outlook. As Americans you will use your powers to help each other and come back better than ever. Thanks Dean for all you do and all the help you are willing to share. God Bless All.
Lorrie in Illinois
Praying and looking to help!
I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. During the storm, I actually believed that this storm was just regular. Every time I looked out my window, I saw people walking normally and cars on the roads. I mean the news really did not match what I saw out my window. I am happy to say that the area I was at was not affected. However, we only lost power for two hours, which is nothing at all compared to what people actually did suffer from. Once we got power back, I turn to the news. I was in shock and in disbelief of how big Sandy was then last year. I was so thankful and blessed to still have a roof over my head, power and heat too. I can not complain, However I am a New Yorker and looking for ways to help being that transportation is tough right now, people fighting for gas at the stations. Cops surrounded the area for safety. I want to donate however, I never see results. but I will find a way.
I have a non profit organization that I just started because I really wanted to help my country which is Haiti, all that money donated and nothing done. My family and others are still struggling, so I wanted to start something to get the job done. I would like to help my area as well. Reconstructing homes, appliances, etc. for what Sandy has damaged, we can restore and actually get the job done.
For those interested, visit or our website: if interested in donating to build homes back again where people can get the help they need. I will post everything on youtube for updates on what we have done together.
Hurricane Sancy
If you look for it there will be a silver lining. My wife - Sandy, and I were living in San Juan, PR when Hurricane Hugo went through. We were without water for 14 days and no electricity for 17 day. Out of this ordeal we forged life long friendships with neighbors we barely knew. As our forzen foods thawed we had a block cookout and social every evening. Under hardships we developed lasting freindships that outlast any material things. May your recovery be quick and your losses minimial. God Bless you.
Those affected by Sandy
To all affected by Sandy,
We are praying for you and your family. Be encouraged, do not give up, put you faith and full trust in the Lord. He will see you through and life will get better. Remember, the Lord will never leave you or forsake you. Now is the time to lean on HIM.
Know that we're with you!
I live in Ohio, but I was born and raised in New Jersey, and am devastated by the pictures of landmarks in my past now gone. Cape May, Atlantic City, Point Pleasant, Sandy Hook, Wildwood, and on and on, all represent wonderful memories for me, and to see them in their current state is painful. I wish I could drop everything to help in the cleanup, but I have responsibilities here and cannot leave. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Jersey is the best!
Hurrican Sandy
I was safely evacuated along with family members in Delaware. I grew up on the east coast with family and friends all up and down the eastern seaboard. Many of my childhood memories from New York,New Jersey, Maryland, and Rhode Island are now just that because the structures or towns associated with them will never be the same. Many a time I rode the roller coaster that now sits in the ocean, walked the boardwalks now destroyed, ate in restaurants that are no longer. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those whose lives had been devastated and destroyed. Help is on the way. Stay strong. In times like these, I find that people are at their best willing to lend a hand, a hot meal, $$$, or just a hug. We will get through this together.
Sandy Go Away
Hugs and prayers to all in need from the damage left behind by Sandy.
Hurricane Sandy
My family's thoughts and prayers are with you. When a catastrophe such as this one strikes it is so hard to believe and hope. Although I spent many in years in Florida during one of the worst hurricane seasons ever, I was fortunate enough not to personally witness the devastation but could drive around and see it. I did however, watch my house and all my belongings burn to the ground during a minor storm. I felt out of place for a very long time. It took some time to heal but I did and you will also. Hold on to your vision of restoration when you pray and you will see it come to pass.
Sandy (sorry, I am not as fond of my name as I used to be)
Can't complain
In this case i will speak for myself. When we see these things appening, and we are blessed for not have been touch by the hurricane, we are not allowed to complain of any sort for our little daily problems. May God be with the people in need.
Our prayers are with you.
Our prayers are with those who are going through this difficult time. Many hands make light work and Dean is leading the way.
After the storm
There are no major disasters here in Arizona, so I can't say that I know what you are going through. But when I watch the TV showing such wide spread loss of homes and possessions, I feel so bad for those people.
Between the help here from Dean, and the Red Cross and all the others who are helping, you will get back to a normal life, and in a year's time, you will look back at this just as a very bad dream (except it's not a dream, it is reality).
God's speed on your road back, and I really wish every one affected by this storm, a fast recovery......I really feel for you.
I wanted to reach out and thank you for what you are doing for those of us here in NJ and NYC who were impacted by this severe storm. I live in northwest NJ, we were without power for days, and lost part of our roof, but that is nothing compared to what some lost down the shore and in Staten Island. Also, to add salt to the wound, we are expecting a Noreaster on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.
The pictures you are seeing on tv do not do these images justice. It's like a war zone here.
Thank you for the kind words and prayers.
Been where you are. Be
Been where you are. Be thankful that you are breathing. The rest, with time you can do.R
Been where you are. Be
Been where you are. Be thankful that you are breathing. The rest, with time you can do.R
Been where you are. Be
Been where you are. Be thankful that you are breathing. The rest, with time you can do.R