Due to a flood of requests from people who missed the registration deadline we are opening it for a small window today.
After this window closes we cannot accept any registrations because we won't have time to set them up in the system... so if you want to be a part of this amazing event and knowledge register now!
This is like something out of a movie. An Italian guy making you an offer you can't refuse. The difference is, you're not risking a swim with the fishes or a pair of cement shoes.
Instead, you're going to have a never before opportunity to participate in the Gain the EDGE event... LIVE - without leaving home. And when you hear what a crazy deal Dean has come up with for you, you won't be able to refuse it. I dare you to disagree.
Dean does it again!
Just when you think he pulled all the stops.....
This man truly loves what he does and wants to share his passion for real estate with anybody that will listen.
My hat's off to you Dean, there is no one else I'd rather learn real estate from.
Break a leg in Scottsdale!
Hi Dean,
Hi Dean,
Sounds like a great deal!
For those who will attend the Edge Event, will we have access to the recording? That would be neat as well, if we want to 're-wind" and watch the event again when we return home. I hope we can! Thanks! Looking forward to seeing you at The Edge Event this weekend! 
You did it again Dean!
We are so excited to be there live at the event and meet up with great friends. What a great opportunity to watch the event from home as well. I am glad you give everyone the opportunity to watch this amazing event. I will be traveling to Mexico this week but will be there in Arizona on Friday morning! Glad we will meet a great guy again we met at the boots on the ground, here in Tulsa, RG Williams! See ya all this week! Cant wait!!!
A Deal only Dean would do!
Beg or borrow it guys! I was there last year, and hadn't done anything but read a book. I started doing it in October, head down, and I'm not a millionaire yet, but I've made $20,000 cash with no money down and once my rehabs are sold, that will be at least $50,000! It's the real deal only Dean can help us with---
I'll be waving from Scottsdale, getting the Edge to do more volume and make the bigger deals.
With all my heart,
Thank you Dean.
My goal was $100,000 by the Edge and I still have until Saturday to make it -)
What a Cast!
Thank you Dean,
for getting such a great group of investors to teach us their latest and greatest techniques! Can't wait for the Edge event to start, I am ready!!!
Looking forward to seeing everyone there, and for those of you who cannot make it, hopefully you'll be able to watch it live - it will be so incredible to be able to see it from home while it's happening! What an opportunity! Dean is always looking for ways to make his teachings available to everyone! and the offer that he has just put together is amazing!
Thanks for the amazing offer Dean. I hope lots of people take advantage, you can't get any better than "money back guarantee".
I also really appreciate hearing the list of speakers. I don't know how I could get more excited but I have. Looking forward to putting faces with the userids from the site
GOBSMACKED... That's really
That's really the only word I can use right now.
Absolutely drop-jaw gobsmacked.
After EVERYTHING I tried to do to get myself down there fell apart and crumbled, after just deciding to deal with it and do what I could with what I had (The books and success academy coaches, which is quite a lot, really,) After worrying if I was going to be able to do this after all, since my savings are running out and none of my offers have been taken (so far) and I keep wondering what am I doing wrong!? ...
THIS lands in my lap like a Sign from Above!?
I would be a FOOL of the worst sort to turn this chance down!

And all I can say is, THANK YOU, Dean.
I may not get there this year, but I will be with you in Spirit, and in INTERNET!
I'm going with "Gobsmacked" too!
I'm dumb founded, really. I will cash my pennies in and raid the piggy banks! Ha ha! This is going to be great! My birthday is coming up and I think this will be a great happy birthday to ME! I'm eating ramen noodles right now, but by the end of the week my first deal will be refinanced with $22K in my pocket and positive cash flow every month.
Perfect timing! Thank you Dean!
This week is going to fly by
and I am flying on Friday. All I need now is transportation to and from the airport on your end. I think I am in shock really that this is really going to happen. Everything is on the line and I am on the edge. I have faith and I trust in the Lord my God. It is exciting and it truly is a business trip. I am looking for a special buyer and to do a deal. Also, I am looking to EDGE12 to be my launching pad. Here's to you my awesome good friend and mentor.
Can't wait for the wisdom
Dean - I'm gonna take a happy shower in the rainfall of wisdom this weekend! Happy to have the chance to see you again!
Get on board everyone and watch from home if you're not coming. You cannot go wrong here.
I'm not sure if I did this correctly, but this message was from Ed, (handle E.J.) just an hour or so ago. I think he meant to post this message here, to Dean, but it was posted on my "Attn: DG Guests" post. I just wanted to put the message in the proper place, so here it is:
Dean you are doing "Over and Above". We grew up with naysayer's(family and associates). We never learned to save, gather, or pursue!! It take's us year's
to accomplish what love and guidance could have within a week or two!! Don't burn yourself out thinking your method's aren't working! We gave a little pull string, wood, toy train engine to a four year old boy, who just "stood there" holding the string, toy by his foot. It took several days of coaching and persuasion to get him to walk around, pulling the train behind him. Poor thing! Probably doesn't know, to this day, why he had to do it! It just wasn't in him!! It's "us" Dean, not "You". Thanks so much! ED!
Your weekly information helps to keep the flames burning bright and adds another hunk of coal (gold) to the fire.
Great As Always !!
Thank you for all your hard work, and inspiration. Is there any way to make monthly payments on the Edge Livecast ?? I am a Success Academy student who is having a hard time making a go of this, I have done 3 deals so far, and unfortunately lost money.
I am laid off from work, and trying to live on $157.00 a week un-employment, while I try to get something going with this program.
Any help or consideration would be Great !!
John Battaglia
My partner and I will be at this year's Edge! Can't wait to meet the DG family in person. Sure hope attendees will also get the benefit of the replay.
What a fantastic opportunity for those who can't make the Edge event in person!
Great info,very good
Great info,very good presentation like your excitement! lgAE
Missed out on the information on Matt Larson's 25:1 strategy
Hi Dean, thanks for all of your inspirational presentations. It is really motivating me to the point where I's actually started taking action. Please, please, please can you do a retake on Matt's 25:1 strategy. Right now I am trying to find an agent who can work with me. Agents are asking me questions such as how am I going to pay for the property and of course I tell them with cash. One said she will discuss with her manager. The real estate agents say that they work with investors; but they don't sound like they do because of their questions. I will continue to find an agent. I am still building on my buyer's list.
Again Dean I thank you sooo much for all that you share.
Can't Wait for This Weekend
We are coming to the Edge again this year and we can't wait!!! We came for the first time last year and were totally blown away by all the information that was shared. We're hooked and won't miss another Edge!
See you this weekend,
Dave and Gay
25:1- Last Monday's replay
There was a live webcast last Monday, you can find the replay on the home page. So sorry, I am not good at the link thing, yet.
Again Dean I thank you sooo much for all that you share.
Long time no "see"
Hi you two--
Haven't seen you since the round table with Matt and Dean. PM or direct me to a thread, so I can catch up with you!
See ya in AZ!
We are coming to the Edge again this year and we can't wait!!! We came for the first time last year and were totally blown away by all the information that was shared. We're hooked and won't miss another Edge!
See you this weekend,
Dave and Gay
This weekend
does this mean Dean won't be at the buying summit this week??
Another great blog
Dean thank you so much, I got the home study edge event, and it is amazing the knowledge,and education, I have received from this course. I am taking action, I am so very excited. You are being blessed, for the help, and care in which you give too everyone. I also attended the seminar,that your partner held in Texas. We really learned from that event. He was an excellent speaker,so glad yall were in Texas.Thanks Carol In Texas
No deal yet
I need a partner no deal yet please help me to find an investor partner
I'm too sh
What a blessing to be apart of an organization such as this, that teaches a man to fish, even though he wants to give that man a fish, but knows whats best for the man is to teach him how to fish. Hang's around the man teaching, showing and encouraging with amazing patience, until he catches a fish. Share's in the man's celabration, and then teaches the man how to catch a bigger fish. Now the man is so moved, that he wants to teach someone else how to fish too. THAT-A-BOY DG FAMILY
That is interesting
I need my first Deal and have my Edge study course. I would love to hear from anyone with the edge too!
That is interesting
I need my first Deal and have my Edge study course. I would love to hear from anyone with the edge too!
Thanks Dean
thanks Dean for more weekly wisdom. The Edge is awesome fellow DGers. We were there last year live. It was so cool meeting Dean in person and the rest of Dean's students. We also bought the 2010 home edge event DVDs and that is when the light came on for us. We thought we knew what we were doing but after watching the 2010 edge DVDs everything feel into place the correct way to put a deal together.
Thanks Dean for not holding back and sharing what you know with us.
Dean we wish we were able to make the Edge this year but we should be there in person next year for sure.
Steve and Veronica
EDGE 2012 Live Broadcast - April 28th & 29th
Hey guys!
I wanted to touch base and answer some questions for you..
- The live cast will be on April 28th & 29th (this weekend) and will be broadcasted from 8:30-5:30 Pacific Time or 11:30-8:30 Eastern
- If you are watching live, there is not the option to pause, or rewind the live cast.. However, we will be uploading the replay ASAP. Saturday's replay will be uploaded by the beginning of day 2 on Sunday.
Hopefully this answers some of the questions!
Live Event from Home: The Edge
Dean, Youuuuuuuu deserve a standing ovation! You are soooo pasionate and caring about people and Real Estate. I will never leave Real Estate!
Wow, wow, wow. Dean keeps on giving and giving!
Live Cast
Great news Dean! I will be attending and the excitement is over the roof, but for those who cannot be there this is the next best thing. This is information you cannot miss.
Chase Your Dream!!