Due to a flood of requests from people who missed the registration deadline we are opening it for a small window today.
After this window closes we cannot accept any registrations because we won't have time to set them up in the system... so if you want to be a part of this amazing event and knowledge register now!
This is like something out of a movie. An Italian guy making you an offer you can't refuse. The difference is, you're not risking a swim with the fishes or a pair of cement shoes.
Instead, you're going to have a never before opportunity to participate in the Gain the EDGE event... LIVE - without leaving home. And when you hear what a crazy deal Dean has come up with for you, you won't be able to refuse it. I dare you to disagree.
That's what you are Dean!! I know everyone who is going to The Edge is ecstatic right now. I would be joining on the LiveCast if I had done my deal that I've been working on... but that is coming real soon. But I am looking forward to making the live event next year!! It's just phenomenal what you offer to your students to help us become successful. This is one of the biggest "gifts" yet. Shoot for the Stars!!!
Awesome Dean! While I dont
Awesome Dean! While I dont have $497 right now, I do have some pretty good things coming my way. After the DG live event, I put up an ad for an Investor Friendly Realtor. Sure enough within a day, I got a hit. There is a broker in my area who answered YES!! to everything. I think this person is promising. I will be contacting him this week to let him know I'm ready to go!
Deal #1 here I come!
An Amazing Blog
Dean you did it again and I'm excited to hear we can all see Gain the Edge. I have not done a deal yet I haven't even put my feet into the water but I'm excited and I think I will purchase yur offer.
I just listened to your weekly blog #180. I told my wife what you said about the surprise you had for everyone who had already siged up for the Live Telecast. She told me to E-Mail you and tell you, You are now going to be put on our permanent Christmas mailing list.I have written in the future that my Wife and I are retired and living on Social Security. I just wanted to be sure that when I pass my Wife will be taken care of. You have given me the inspiration & motivation to make that dream come true.Thanks Dean with every fiber of my Being. I know now this can happen. The Old Man, Johnny. Bye for now
So Funny
"An Italian guy making you an offer you can't refuse." I laughed out loud at this.
wisdom 180
What an awesome deal! To all those who can attend the event - learn, live, love and best wishes!!!!!!!
I love everything dean has to say but i need help
I have been trying to get something started with this so i can get out of my dead end job that doesn't even pay the bills. I can't even afford the fuel that goes in my car to drive to the job. I can't even put my son in soccer cause its 40 bucks a month. I want to see the live event from home but if i can't afford 40 bucks how can i afford 500 i wish someone could help me get my first deal so i can quit my job and do this full time i am tired of struggling and living check to check, please someone help me out!
Sure would like to be in on this one.Thanks Dean
Hey I will be traveling this weekend. Is there any recording and watch it later that night or even during the week?
Your Incredible offer to join the Get The Edge Event from home
Dean, God Bless you! I just wanted to say that I am in tears here (literally) because as hard as you try to help me pull the trigger, I still cannot manage to take you up on it. And its happened so many times!
I'm trying not to be discouraged, but it does feel like maybe its not meant for me and it breaks my heart, because of all the things people can choose to do in life, this is the only thing I ever wanted to do.
I pray you will still be there when I can manage to afford to get involved....
All the best,
I love watching the weekly wisdom whenever I can get to my computer! Am disabled but still get excited just from your excitement Dean.Can't afford to watch the Edge, am on SSD.I would like to make money doing this but afraid to get my feet wet...what can I say? Probably going to be the one saying"I wish I would have gotten in on that when I found out about it!"
First, let me thank you for the WEEKLY WISDOM.
Second, let me thank you for all that you do to inspire,motivate,and educate us.You provide soooo much without asking financial compensation.So when you do,it is always SPECTACULAR.All I can say if anyone is on the fence about getting THE EDGE broadcast,my suggestion would be to get it.I have purchased many of your books,programs,including ROCK BOTTOM BLUE PRINT,and GAIN THE EDE 2010 & 2011.They are all bubbling over with knowledge,wisdom,experience,inspiration.For all that you do,GOD Bless you and your beautiful family.
Corpus Christi,Tx,USA.
Thank you for giving us the
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to watch the EDGE live!
The Edge event
The truthis: that I couldn't even afford $200.00 right now. Here I am the super smart guy---but I am also the broke guy. I ordered Philip Tyrone Credit Program. I made the 3 payments of about $40.00 but couldn't even order my credit scores for $30.00. You know the last 2 years have been the toughest. Never in my life have I had zero income and zero benefits and somewhat homeless....So, Dean I guess I will have to do it the hard way. Best of luck to everyone. Perhaps I will partner up with some people in the East Bay who will get some of that first hand knowledge. I love to study and learn and I will have to do it all as cheaply as possible for now....What I do have is pretty exceptional. My talents will help me achieve even if I have to do it the hard way..So I need to move forward..I think I will start pushing hard for those things to start to gel. Please everyone don't pass me up too far..Thanks, Donnie
Weekly Wisdom #180
Hi Dean,
I liked the part about the Italian guy not letting us swim with the fishes or wear cement shoes. It made me laugh, and I needed a good laugh today.
I would like to listen and register. I really can't. The deal is a steal, actually, but still too rich for my blood right now. Thanks, though, for the 2011 Edge package that you sent me. I will listen to it at my friend's on Saturday after the seminar. By the way, I registered for the May 12 event that you will be hosting in Mississauga at the Novotel Hotel on Hurontario Street. I hope I get to meet you there.
I have been reviewing my schoolwork since I did not study. I have been attending school to do it and am doing the entire course over in two weeks. Then I will do my exam with confidence and move on to Advanced courses.
Have a nice weekend.
the edge
Iam disappointed I didnt get there and dont have enough for the telecom boy what a bummer, Ill be in one or the other next year and cant wait I hope Dean has both programs next year, I wanted to be there so very bad, Jim
thank you dean
you always seam to go the extra mile for us. and I thank you for that, the fact is that I am not in a position to take advantage of your offer. 497 dollars may as well be 4 million but thank you for all you are doing for all of us keep up the good work.
Thanks for doing another video and always creating new ways to help your studnts. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe