Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #98 - The 2nd Part of the Challenge from Last Week

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

So, did you take Dean up on his "news" diet
challenge from last week? If so, how'd you do?

Was it tough for you or no big deal?

We want to hear from you, so post your experiences
below. But before you do, watch this week's video
to see what causes Dean to get all "goosebumpy"
after he reveals part two of the challenge.

I think you're gonna like it.

news diet

Mike L's picture

I was great information that dean gave us. I haven't watched the news for over 3 years now. But dean hit the nail right on the head when he said the news is nothing but negative because negative sells

Actually I've Been Doing This For Years...perhaps my Achilles:>)

Go to for real this item:>)

If you work in the mortgage industry or for a title insurer, you might not want to make any plans for the next six months. Foreclosure-Gate is about to explode. It is being alleged that many prominent mortgage lenders have been using materially flawed paperwork to evict homeowners. Apparently officials at quite a few of these firms have been signing thousands upon thousands of foreclosure documents without even looking at them. In addition, it is being alleged that much of the documentation for these mortgages that are being foreclosed upon is either "improper" or is actually "missing".

"... or worse, outright fraudulent?"

But hey, Dean is doing everything he can to help everyone here it seems to beat the scams for now while he does quite well himself promoting his truths.

I like Dean & that works for me:>)


A Week Without News

It was actually more difficult than I thought. I found myself turning on the news more out of habit than desire. I also found myself wondering what was happening in the world as if, for one, it would directly impact me, two, it was actually being reported accurately and without some form of bias. While I've spent a great deal of time priding myself in not being a gossip, I must admit that being so engrossed in what's happening in the world is almost like being on the receiving side of gossip. I'm beginning to believe that watching the news is not the intellectual pursuit I've come to convince myself that it is.

Negativity Diet

aym's picture

I love this! Thank you DG for the great message! It's a daily challenge to keep negative thoughts and people "at bay." THOUGHTS ARE THINGS and YOU ARE LIKE THE FIVE PEOPLE YOU SPEND THE MOST TIME WITH. So I choose my influences wisely and am careful what I think about as "what you think about, you bring about." Thank you DG for the reminder!

Pure Negative Diet

Rawshaun's picture

I never really watched the news or read the paper, but I cant really say the same for negative conversation. So I am definetly going to challenge myself to not participate in any of it! Thanks for the eye opener Dean.

News challenge

James L. Kendrick's picture

Dean Me again

You said not to watch the news,but you forgot about opening my mail,you know what's always waiting in there don't you.HA HA

Thanks Again
Your friend and student
Jim Kendrick

Blog 2 Response

Great feed. It is a good reminder to practice everyday. What you think about, you bring about. So positive thinking usually yields good results. Your blogs keep me motivated! Keep it up.

News Challenge

Hi Dean,
Wow, this was hard for me. I have to say I am a news junky. I don't know why but I always seem to find myself watching it. Soooo, I have to make a concerted effort to skip those channels
and programs. Someone's suggestion to start a positive news channel sounds like a great idea.
You would be a perfect host! I will try hard to
avoid the news, negative stories and negative people for the next week. I work as a critical care nurse so this is really going to be a challenge. I know that I am grateful that I have this positive web site to come to though.

Getting Rid of the Negativity.

ddcristle's picture

Dean, I am really fortunate to be apart of your world. Currently, I'm going through a divorce and have been laid-off from work. To say the least, it's been difficult. The one thing I know for sure is with this program anyone can change their life by being focused on the right focus. I'm currently making the necessary changes to my personal life by changing even the people that I communicate with. No more negative TV, all of it has to go. I tell ya, with this new prospective, I believe I can do anything. I started the program (Reading your books) a little over 3 months ago. (1)To date, I've moved to another location to have the funds needed to get even more involved in the programs you offer. (2) I have no TV. (3) I started with one home to sell (2 Bed, 1 Bath). I am currently in the final stages of the sell. Affer the Hud 1 has been completed, I'll be on the way to my first $10,000.00 check. Dean, I now have 12 Homes to sell. This is to everyone reading this. Focus is the Force behind all Prosperity. Thanks Dean for reminding me.

No News is good news!!!

newlife0769's picture

Even before reading your books I have been doing the no news and no talking about bad news or negative things with people to keep my life as positive and focused on all the good that can be done,so I am glad more people are starting to take notice and do..great job of psreading the "Good News"

2 week " Positive " challenge .... !

Dawn Lundberg's picture

Thanks for this challenge .. I am by natural, a positive person .. with much gratitude .. for many things. However, these last few weeks have been a large challenge in themselves. And .. there has been a "Negative" influence radiating around me.
I've been choosing the higher road, for your reasonings, exactly. However, watching you video, gave me an extra shot of 'Sha Bang'... so to speak .. !
You are a great guy, I see and feel your deep honesty .. and that .. impresses me most about you .. ! Thanks again, Dawn

Thanks for the challenge Dean

rcmfunding's picture

Last week's news diet was a breeze(quite refreshing), however, this new one will not be easy. Whether it's the economy, the weather, or global warming, there is always someone saying something negative. I'll work to keep away from that atmosphere and continue the challenge.

Part 2 News Challenge

Hi, Dean and DG Family - I must admit I failed. I watched MSNBC news anchors last week because of the upcoming Nov 2nd Election 2010 and I wanted to know who's winning and losing. I know, I know, it doesn't put money in my pockets. However, I was successful at ignoring or limiting folks in my life who have negative conversations!! I'll keep that part going this week and limit MSNBC.

Sharon from Hamilton (Trenton), New Jersey

Hello Dean

I hope you'll be happy to know we've all met the challenge. It's not just me but there's three of us. It's me, my daughter and my mother. Eventually we hope to make it 4 with my grand-daughter.In the meantime I came accross a little poem I thought you might be interested in. Here goes,

"Watch your thoughts, They become words
Watch your words, They become actions
Watch your actions, They become habits
Watch your habits, They become character
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny"
author unknown
I hope you enjoyed it, Sincerely, Vicki Rae, Tasha Rae and Jolene Rae and hopefully someday Makayla Rae


keepmylifesimple's picture


I had the honor this time of being the first one to comment on this blog.

WOW!! Just since yesterday, I had kept up by reading the over 60 comments posted and today, they have almost tripled!

After letting this subject sink in since last week, I am realizing this topic is SO IMPORTANT and CRITICAL in my life!!!

I noticed some said that they are a NATURALLY
POSITIVE person.

Let me tell you, ALL of you, whoever you are, THAT IN ITSELF is something to be SOOO grateful for!!! Smiling

Count that blessing EVERY SINGLE DAY!!

I was born with Dysthymia, a low grade form of depression and have had a few SERIOUS episodes of
depression since I was 18. Sad

I remember as a VERY young child being afraid and I would ask myself:
"Why are you SO afraid?" There was NO REASON!!

I KNEW at that point in my life that SOMETHING WAS DIFFERENT
ABOUT ME than most other people I knew.

Anxiety and depression do run in BOTH sides of my family, so I KNOW, A LOT of it is GENETIC!

It is SOOO MUCH HARDER for those of us whose brain chemistry is imbalanced to THINK POSITIVE!!! Sad

It's like being born into the world with VERY DARK COLORED GLASSES ON!! Sad

Your perception of things is SO DARK and you
DESPERATELY WANT to see things like others
but your brain won't let you.

Since 1980 I have learned that good nutrition and medication do help some.

To this day, I still have to take medication it but
WAYS to help--like... POSITIVITY!! Smiling

I am proud of myself though, because I give myself a pat on the back because of the fact that I HAVE NOT GIVEN UP and (not to put down anyone else) have probably had to EXERT TEN TIMES THE EFFORT and STRENGTH that it takes for a POSITIVE PERSON like Dean and others to exert!

So, reading EVERY SINGLE post has been even more of an eye opener to me!

I would say that at least 95 percent or more of
you have ALREADY BEEN on the "Bad News Diet".!!
That says something to me about people interested in Real Estate Investing.

They have learned and CONTINUE to learn WHAT is WORKING in their lives and WHAT DOESN'T WORK!!

The Corporate world has a track record of
DISPOSING and DUMPING people who have been there
for YEARS!! Sad

REAL ESTATE INVESTING has a track record, even in Bible times of helping people financially and to support their family!!

I would have to say my first real estate accomplishment came by encouraging my mom to buy a condo back when the market was reaching it's peak, rather than renting.

Well, thankfully, she sold her condo, RIGHT BEFORE Smiling the market crashed and THAT is part of the money she is LIVING from!! Smiling

I feel proud of that!

I also have to say that I wouldn't be surprised to find out that some of you listen to motivational speakers and tapes.

I had the honor to get hold of Anthony Robbins on
Twitter and speak to HIM about the ULTIMATE POSITIVITY
in my life.

He told me to "be proud" of who I am as one of Jehovah's Witnesses and that HE really enjoys and reads our The Watchtower magazine! Smiling

I was SOOO excited about that experience and also being able to talk with Dean too! --BOTH BUSY PEOPLE

So, if a NATURALLY POSITIVE person has to do
MANY things to STAY POSITIVE, how about someone like ME??

I have to say THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU for your
over 160 posts now THAT WERE POSITIVE!!! Smiling

I particularly want to say "WOW" to"

yramos5101 comments above!!!



Thanks for letting me share.

Wouldn't it be awesome if this website and
your "POSITIVITY" helps me to be able to
but POSITIVE ABOUT IT!! Smiling)

I CAN'T wait until the next blog!! I'm SO glad I haven't given up coming here! I came SOOO close to stopping and am SO GLAD NOW that I haven't!! Smiling

Hope this may encourage MANY!

Patty Smiling

news challenge

Yes Dean..I took the challenge. much as I could. Even doing it most of the time has given me a psychological lift. If someone around me is being negative, I just smile and walk away without being judgemental. Because of some health issues I've had lately, I could only think of life in a negative something I had no control of...but no longer. I am taking control and changing the things I can change. Though they are small changes, they pay large dividends. My outlook is a lot more positive and it will take more time than I thought at first, I will do what I want to be like you when I grow up(smile).

Great challenge.

Just getting started. It is hard for me, because everyone from family to co-workers are negative. This has slowed me down from doing anything. I am not going to give up. I love the emails. With all the negative, I need all the positive I can get. I will do what it takes no matter hoe long it takes.

steven b

no news is good news

mswhomesolutions's picture

It has been almost a year now that I stopped watching the news! (per Deans advice back then). I don't miss it at all. My wife and I went a step further and 3 months ago we dropped the satellite connection. Now we spend more time talking with people than talking about them.
I'm in the process of revamping my real estate strategies and also working hard with Joe Jurek's Craigslist/eBay Book, Thanks Joe. I have had some failures in the Real Estate market, but picking myself up and dusting myself off and headed out again. You will not regret turning off the BAD NEWS and investing in yourself.
Get folks talking about their most favorite thing, their self, and you will learn of their needs and dreams. Opportunity is just around the corner.
This is the GOOD NEWS!


bryan413's picture

One negativity could make a huge difference believe it or now. Do not pass the red line and get tempted. Always think, look, vision positively!

Negative News Holiday

Hi Dean and crew,

It is very difficult to avoid negative people and complainers. I have learned not to take their complaints seriously because it's always the same people doing the complaining. Complainers won't change so you have to if their attitude bothers you.

This is my first time to respond because I could no longer just watch and listen without letting you know how greatful I am for what you do for us. You take so much time out of your busy life in order to give us constant encouragement.

By nature I am a positive person who always finds a solution to most roadblocks. But I have recently had some major personal setbacks that have really gotten me down.

But when I watch your video blogs and actually see the genuine caring and the effort you invest for all of us while giving us valuable information for free, then I have to stop and say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart and thank you for all of the Dean Graziosi students who are benefiting from your knowledge and your efforts.

We all know that life is a constant striving to succeed. But the encouragement we get from Dean is invaluable and feels like a network of supporters that are ready to help.

Thank you DEAN,
Julia in Chicago


Hello everyone,

This is my first post and would like to say thank you to Dean as well as everyone here for all the great info and POSITIVE re-enforcement!!

As far as going 2 weeks without watching the news, no problem here. I only watch the news for the weather, which by the way is hardly ever correct. The main reason I don't watch the news is because of exactly why you asked us not to watch it. Its not just the negative news about our economy and where our country seems to be heading but because of all the other NEGATIVE news. Seems like all you hear about is shootings where innocent people are killed and stuff of that nature so I cut the news out a while ago.

The hard part for me is going to be keeping myself away from negative people. Unfortunately for me, my foreman at work is the poster child for negativity. He is one of those people who is negative about absolutely everything, which I never thought was possible until I met him. After having worked with him 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for the last 4 years I have realized a few things.

For one, if you are around someone like that long enough they actually start to where off on you. I sometimes catch myself thinking or even saying things that he would and immediately try and correct myself. The last thing I want to do is become him because I know where its going to get me, absolutely no where. The other big thing I have noticed is that being around that constant negativity is extremely draining mentally. At the end of the day I feel as though my brain is complete mush and have no desire to do anything when I get home from work. But I am trying my hardest to push through it and get my life on the right track, and that's being my own boss and perhaps a real estate millionaire Smiling

The one thing I must say is that every seminar I have been to with the Global Education Academy and now the Set For Life program, I always feel amped up and extremely eager to get out there and get my first deal going. If it wasn't your overwhelming POSITIVE outlook Dean and DG family, I don't know what I would do. So KEEP IT UP!!!

Thanks Everyone,
Matty T

Piece of Cake Dean

cbrindamour's picture

I have been on a news diet since I read your first book! Now negative conversations...that gets harder! You got yourself a deal!


Hey Dean this is great motivation
It's good to know that there's someone that, cares about us the students. Right now I am trying to Establish step by step,with coutions, tips, and knowledge,the usage of the wholesaling strategy becouse I have no money and credit,I still have a couple doubts, so I am going to ask them in the forum.
Thanks: Jorge

No news, No negativity

I did not watch the News. As a matter of fact I really watch News to begin with. I watched a Football game last Sunday: Redskins vs. Packers

I am also avoiding naysayers. No one knows I've bought this book "YOUR TOWN Your Real Estate Profits!" This is one way of avoiding them. I am not giving them the chance to say anything about it. But soon and very soon, I hope to be able to share my success with them.
Thanks for the motivation.


persistence is golden

I am a person who wants to believe but always think that there is a catch to everything, that all those positive people are paid actors to tell me what I want to here. I must tell you I am very impressed with your persistence. With all your positive words and encouragement I think that I will trust and give your program a shot. Thank You for not giving up and everyone wish me luck.


Good things

pgwmsr's picture

Since I started last week I turn off the tv I listen more to my favoite radio station, and I have won a coupon for a pizza, and they are giving away two four wheelers and I have won a key to try and start them. It is easier to tune out the news on the radio. I get more done in the day, since I am not paying attention to the negative things and thinking more about the positive things. This is a great thing I have been so busy I actually missed watching mondays weekly blog I always watch on monday.

no negetivity

Hey, Dean, I really appreciate how you personalize your emails to your DG students.
I`ve been busy the last two weeks tidying up
a couple of personal projects, and spending
as much time as I can on the education center
doing the lessons. Have watched this weeks blog,
so, no I haven`t been ignoring, and am always
lurking, as one of the previous blogs mentioned.
REALLY appreciate your continual encouragment DerrickW

1st Week's Challenge

No Dean, I didn't make it all the way through. You know it's funny but often when we make up our minds to do something like this, inevitably things that don't normally happen,...happen. I won't bore you with the details but I made it about three days. I will take this next challenge though with resolve. Thanks for what you are doing, what a great coach!


2Travel2's picture

This is a great challenge! I think this is a great one Dean! I don't watch much news and never have. Most of it is hype I have found out over the years. The Media have to do something to earn a paycheck. I believe a LOT negativity is brought about by the media.

Thanx again Dean

I have not watched any news and dont.

I never watch the news any way past few days reading the books. I got a broker wants to do business with me putting ads on craigslist and trying to do bird dogging for couple investors on here hope to get two deals done in 30 days wish me luck.
