Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #138 - Watch this, win Dean's iPad

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog
Wow! Loyal viewers can win Dean's personal iPad!

All you need to do is watch this video, answer the question he asks by just by leaving a comment below and you will be in the drawing to win.

It just doesn't get any easier then that! Good thing you've stay tuned to!

Flip, Flip, Flip

I'am interested in buying really cheap,fixing up and flipping and making a really large profit.


Need Cash-wholesale

[email protected]

I have three deals at this time, I find myself loaning out money to make more. Because I am selling to people that need homes, but have no money so I am doing everything I can to help them get a loan. So I would say that I am buy homes for less and selling them below value so we all make money. I have one I got for 99,500. I am selling for 125,000. The Value is 165,000.
they take alittle longer to close but I am helping a family and making some money.

I Pad Drawing

As a 7-20-11 "Newbie"/attendee to an Insider's Edge Workshop, my Numero Uno, # 1, choice is: WHOLESALING

Weekly video blog

I would like to buy, fix up, and rent to make extra income for my retirement years to come.


Living my dream's picture

Dean I think Whole saling would be the best for those of us who are scared and want to believe this will work. Im so ready for this to change my life.. Im ready to put in the time and make it happen. Thanks!!

IPAD Answer to Dean's picture

Wholesaling res,commercial and land

I Pad Drawing

I'm a newbie. Starting out w/wholesale. Eventually adding retail.


Ipad Drawing for Wholesaling

Im more interested in wholesaling.

i would like to do any deal

armendariz5's picture

i would like to do any deal with you,some day.But know i would like to wholesale.

Richard Armendariz

Deans iPad

I am very poor with bad credit But an intrested in making money so that I can buy cheap an resell or rent out my own real estate. Most of all I would love to start off with Dean's iPad.

Thankyou for all the great opportunities you send us

I would have to say wholesailing right now.We will be trying other avenues soon.
Vicki and Tasha

I am more than interested in all three ways!

But when cornered I would go with wholesaling because it is the quickest of the three and right now I want to build my capital for future REI.


Just getting started; Our strategy;assignments,and using our realestate agent to collect finders fee. WE find FSBO and For Rent properties. Due to our lack of funds and the uncertainty of market we want to min. our risk starting out.So wholesaling would fit right into our game plan.


Right now, I'm primarily interested in wholesaling for immediate cash !


jlewis's picture

I would love to fix up and rent.

catching fire....wholesaling

couldn't watch the video but from the comments knew it was about wholesaling. Dean I've watched you for so long and have never commented..but you have know idea how much you have helped me for the last year an half or so. You are my inspiration. From the bottom of my heart..Thank you!


Hi Dean!

Well, A little too late to get in on winning the iPad, but I still felt it was important to comment.
While the fast cash of wholesaling is certainly appealing, (to get me out of the hole I've dug myself into,) my long term goal is to go for cash-flow. That monthly "Paycheck" coming in, whether or not I personally punch a clock, is important to me, because there are so many other things I'd prefer to do. I want my money to work for me, rather than me scrambling around trying to work for money.
Much thanks Dean, and I look forward to seeing what you are working on!

Susan S.

Real Estate and the Benifts of IT.

Hello Dean;
You ask what I would be interested in, here is the goal I have set out for my self, I would like to buy then if need have it fixed up and rented out, When I reach my goal in raisingthe capital I set out, I would like to purchase better property to Flip and secure for other people who are finding it hard to locate property, not only will this benifit me but them as well. I look forward to your guidence and hopefully become successful at this venture. Respectfully Yours Murray J. Vale
President of Motor Vehicle Express est:1987 and this is a subsiduary of that company, MVEPM stands for( Murray Vale Estates Property Management 1987 ).


I want to buy my first one, live there for 6 months and then sell for a profit while purchasing another one for me to live.


begin with whole sale.

Which One?

Right now I have to move into an apartment for 6 months as I lost my house.


Yes, Wholesale is what I would like to focus on. I would like to use that to build a good base and then move on from there. My main goal is to be the example that with effort I can accomplish major things for my family.

Right now --Buy cheap,

Right now --Buy cheap, wholesale ,and resale .



I already own a "fixer-upper" and have nobody with a reasonable fixup price - a BIG stumbling block. I would sell or rent after fixing up.

Wholesaling right now for

Wholesaling right now for cash got two deals i'm closing one tomorrow and one late august or mid sept!

iPad Comment

BSBully007's picture

Hi Dean:

Initially, since I'm just getting started I want to generate some capital through wholesale. However, my intent is to build a steady cash flow by aquiring assets in the next few months. Real excited to get started!

dgadmin wrote:

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Wow! Loyal viewers can win Dean's personal iPad!

All you need to do is watch this video, answer the question he asks by just by leaving a comment below and you will be in the drawing to win.

It just doesn't get any easier then that! Good thing you've stay tuned to!

I'm interested in

I'm interested in wholesaling

Ipad drawing

I'd like to build up some cash wholesaling

Too late....

Rick888's picture

I hate that I missed this blog Sad but I'm happy for the winner Smiling. Congrats!