Listen to the Replay!
Register for future calls here:
We just got an urgent message from Dean here in the office. He asked us to get the word out to you about a spur of the moment call he's decided to do Thursday.
Dean just returned from a week of flying all over the country, meeting students and learning from them what they are doing.
Well apparently what he learned was so mind blowing to him, he wants to share it with as many of his readers as possible.
I didn't get a lot of details from him because he was so fired up about making sure the call got scheduled and an email sent.
But, we're scheduling his LIVE call this Thursday night, October 1st at 6 PM PST, 9 PM EST.
Be sure to make sure you have the call marked off for the right time in your timezone for Thursday!
New Conference Call
I just got the news about the new Conference call and am pretty excited to see what the info is going to be!! Im already signed up and look forward to hearing all the new ideas!!
Bad Timing
It seems like every time something big is happening, I am out of town without access to a computer. I will not be back until Monday. Hope I am able to catch up then.
Thanks dean again
I was wondering when was the next call but i'm glad this is just around the corner.I'm in now and i'm ready for the call and learning new info as always dean give us the best knowledge.
Bad Timing 2
Like some others, I have to work. I hope it will be recorded for later midnight when I get home from work. Can't wait!!
Save the Date!...Great way to start October!
Thanks for the information, this is a great way to start October. We have marked our calendars and we will be listening on the call! We can't wait to hear all the great information. It is not Halloween yet, but this sure is a great treat for all of us! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
Anxious and Excited!!!
I am excited with great anticipation to receive I'm sure what will be another nugget of knowledge to help us all propel ourselves to that next level (plataue) of success. Thanks sooo much, again...
You always have to wonder, "Whats Next"
Thanks for informing us about the next conference call. Looking forward as always to any information that will make the taste of success sweeter. God Bless.
A PMI Call On The Same Day And Time
I am pretty excited about this call as well. But now I have to pick which live call I want to be on. PMI is doing a call, the same night at time as this one, on implementing Web 2.0 strategies to help grow your business. I think I choose Dean. No offense PMI guys.
Great News !!
I can't wait to hear what Dean has for us..
Always enjoy the conference calls..
conference calls this Thur. at 9 pm (EST)
I sure wouldn't want to miss one of Dean's calls, but found that it was at the same time as the PMI webinar I already registered for. Wow, what a dilemma I'm in. Wondered if maybe Dean wasn't aware they are both scheduled at the same time. I just want to get the most of all that's happening!!! Don't we all! Never a dull moment.
Drop everything for Dean?.......
Without a second thought! Can't wait to hear what you will be sharing. It must be good if it's got you this fired up! Thanks in advance Dean!
Will try to make it!
I'll try to make it but I am having company over tomorrow night. I will definitely catch it on the site afterwards though! Hopefully I don't miss anything that requires immediate action lol! Cant wait to hear what Dean has in store for us this time.
I will be tuning in...
Sounds great. I'll be there. Thanks for all the support.
If you miss the call....
Don't worry if you have to miss the call this Thursday for any reason. The call will be recorded and a replay will be available for all to watch immediately after the call takes place. All calls can be listened to at any time simply by clicking the re-play button. Sorry to those of you that can't make it, but at least you won't miss out
Thursday Call
Looking forward to the call. Thanks Dean
Two webinars?
I'm sure this is probably a silly question, but, are the PMI call and Deans call two different calls or are they the same? In Deans email, he
said I would be hearing from Tony, but, the email I received right after that was from John and it was about the PMI call. Help! I'm
Tuning in!
I'll be listening for sure, skipping the REI club meeting to do so. Can't wait! Thanks for sharing Dean!
I'm in!
I will be listening to the call. I already registered.
Im Excited!! :)
So this will be my fist time listening in on Deans conference call
just a couple more hours to go.. I cant wait to hear what all the excitement is about.
Its so great that Dean does this for us
Conference call
I am pretty excited about this call as well and this will be my fist time listening in on Deans conference call. Thank you Dean.
What Luck!!
When I heard about the call, I was dissappointed to realize that I was going to have to work the night of the conference call and decided to forget it. But as luck would have it, I came down with a head cold the night before and was running a fever with all the cold chills and body aches to go with it. I ended up having to call into work today (which happens about once every 2 or 3 years - I hardly ever get sick) and I decided to log onto the site and I saw that I was able to get in on the call afterall. So sick or not , I'm groundhere! I'm sorry if you hear me sneezing in the background.
wow this is exciting
I just signed up and i am so looking forward to making my first 1000
Lennys In!
On the line now... Cant wait!!
I have to do what Greg did
not a small town. that's in my favor.
husband ill for a year. finances? what finances?!
so very little time, too. Gettin' that book, i'll read 5x. go from there. cheer me on, please.
thank you for that comment, Dean
that last comment really hit home. thanks
Call Replay
Within about 15 minutes of the call ending we will have a replay available on this very same page. So if you missed the call you can listen to the replay.
i'm listening to this and getting soooo excited, almost to tears. i got to do this. i know i can. i got to get the fear out of my head. thank you so much Dean.
Great call...
Seriously Dean every day I push and push because I have been dreaming of this dream ever since I've been 16! I will never stop till I succeed!! It is my only option, as they say mind over matter.
Always An Inspiration
Dean - thank you so much for this call, this site, and everything you do for us. The value of your constant support and inspiration is absolutely priceless!
Great Call
Thank you Dean!!! Great call - you are amazing!
Dee and Ed