
All About jess_mena

jess_mena's picture
Jessica Mena
Williamsport, PA
About Me: 

I am an Accountant and work for a small public accounting firm. I am currently obtaining my Masters in Business Admin. I just started my own Real Estate Investing Company and looking for guidance from seasoned real estate investors. I am happily married with children. My goal is to gain more financial independence and freedom. To be able to go on vacation without worring about money coming in and taking time off. To not live pay check to pay check.

Financial freedom, learning, personal finance, and playing sports.

Topics I've Participated In

Weekly Wisdom #254 - Leopards Changing Spots dgadmin4749 years 14 weeks ago
First 50 people smile565111 years 25 weeks ago
I haven't lost my excitement, but I am stressing Arcey211 years 33 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
In Post Graduate

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



jess_mena's picture

I am seeking individuals who are knowledgable in real estate investing and wholeselling. I am trying to understand how things work. I have some knowledge but need someone to talk to for their input and advise.


Indiana-Joe's picture

Thank you for visiting my guest page. In regards to your question about wholesaling your opportunities are going to be Bird dogging, assinging, or double close. With assignment or double close it is really important that you have the property locked up under contract beore giving the address to your cash buyer.

With Bird Dogging it is ok to give out the address as long as you have a bird dog agreement with your cash buyer. An example of a bird dog agreement can be found on the website under the student resource section under forms and docs found on the left hand side of the main home page.

With this particular buyer you could always cirlce back and ask for a bird dog fee and in the future always have your agreement in place with the buyer prior to giving out any address information.

Do not worry about feeling like you made a mistake this is how we learn lessons and gain knowledge with Real Estate investing. Good luck with your future Real Estate deals,
Believe and Achieve- Joe

Bird dog contract

jess_mena's picture

I think I followed you instructions on finding the bird dogging agreement but only found an agreement to purchase contract. Please advise.

Thank you,


Hi Jessica

supranoj830's picture

My name is John. I am new to investing, but my determination is there. I thank you for joining this group and do apologize for the delay. I work different days and I have been preoccupied, but I am ready to move forward. Let me know some of the problems you are having and maybe we can help each other.