
All About supranoj830

supranoj830's picture
John P. Suprano
Allegheny Township, PA
About Me: 

I am co-owner of a restaurant/catering business. I have been interested in real estate investing for a long time and never pursued it until recently. I bought Dean's books and began reading, studying and taking notes. I kept putting off starting because I didn't think I was ready. After watching the weekly wisdom's, watching the different videos, and reading different posts I decided to start.

I have spent the last 15-20 years in the food service industry as a Certified Dietary Manager.

I enjoy fishing, playing bass guitar, listening to music, camping, and other outdoor activities

Topics I've Participated In

Western PA Real Estate Investors supranoj830011 years 47 weeks ago
I Took Two Steps Toward My Goal supranoj830011 years 48 weeks ago
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #200 - The Bicentennial Blog dgadmin6312 years 2 weeks ago

Basic Info

Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Welcome aboard

keb64's picture

Welcome to the site and the family. Take some time and do your bio so that we know who you are and what it is you are trying to here. If you need help or mentoring send me a PM.