First 50 people

I attended one of your events here in Colorado. I was one of the first 50, in fact there was only 35 in the event. According to the brochure we are supposed to receive a tablet computer if you are one of the first 50 and 2 discs from your book. I have the certificate for both. When I sign on to the website, it only lists the winners. Don't I receive the tablet computer for being one of the first 50 people??

Frustrated and feeling defeated

jess_mena's picture

I have done a lot of work and I am not getting anywhere with my wholesaling. I live in an area where there is only 6,000 people in it. I drove around for cash and got a list of properties that looked abandoned. I looked up their tax information online and then searched for phone numbers. Out of 15 properties I found two people wanting to sell. I have three buyers on my buyers list. I presented these properties to they giving them pictures, selling amount, 5 comps, and the addresses. Nobody wanted the properties. One buyer actually went and saw one of the properties but said it would be a good rental but he wants to flip and the other property he didn't like the location. The other buyers didn't like the price. One said they only buy properties 50 cents to every dollar or less. The other said they don't buy anything more than for 30k. I an frustrated because I am not getting anywhere. I want to branch out do a different location but I don't know how to get properties out of my location. I am not feeling good about things right now. I am feeling defeated. There is another wholesaler in one of the locations that 2 of my buyers are willing to buy in but they are not working fast enough for me. I don't like waiting on other people while I sit on my hands not doing anything. I want to start getting money in my pocket already.