
All About cathyb

cathyb's picture
Cathy Breitbach
About Me: 

Married stay at home mother of 3 boys. Busy, my yougest heading to kindergarten this sept. Am ready to begin my REI career.

reading, travelling and now looking for properties

Topics I've Participated In

Louisa's Journal - The Sky is the Limit!!! louisajhc5087 years 47 weeks ago
DON'T Be RUTHLESS and GREEDY reinvestor42318 years 1 week ago
how to set up escrow for lease options Ranger16718 years 4 weeks ago
Steve and Veronica's Journal steve and veronica4718 years 14 weeks ago
KEB'S later years keb644618 years 17 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
Completed College
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Can this be done without

Can this be done without having a job? We just got laid off, but would like to buy properties.

Can this be done without

Can this be done without having a job? We just got laid off, but would like to buy properties.


awesome work that expired i`m scared with no money down i do remember to think differently you have help me thank

Hi Cathy

John A's picture

Just wanted to say hi & welcome you to the DG site Smiling Don't hesitate to ask me anything about REI to help you on your way to success, so ask away & stay in touch on your progress...

Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.

Yes, another at home mom!

Sheri_T's picture

Good to see another at home mom! I have twin 19 mon old boys, BUSY us! Love being home again. Have 5 kids from a previous marriage, and even a grandbaby, YES! Love to visit with you about REI. Thanks.

book keeping

i just got frist propertie and would like to know how to keep books

book keeping

i just got frist propertie and would like to know how to keep books

book keeping

i just got frist propertie and would like to know how to keep books

Hi Cathy.

Rina's picture

Just stopping in to say hi. Smiling
Hope you're going to the Feb meeting. I think there are several DGers that are going to meet up beforehand.
Hope to see ya there!


Hello and congrats!

Mighty1 Real Estate's picture

Just wanted to say I'm happy you're doing good. I'm a stay at home dad and have been trying to get into the game but I fouled up my credit as a youngster and are now paying the price do you have any suggestions on what to try. by the way what part of the country are you guys at.

Hi Cathy

cbrindamour's picture

Hi Cathy B from Chris B...are we speaking at the EDGE next year? Keep up all the great work!


I too am new to Deans program but I am not new to real estate and I would say the answer to your question is yes it can be done.
Whatever property you are looking,compare the price on the property to the price that it is worth on TOTAL VIEW. If you have not been there yet this is a website where Dean gives everyone a chance to find out the value of the property.If the property can be bought for less than the amount on Total View then chances are that there is already some equity for the new buyer. Hope this helps

Lease Options

mamanista2010's picture

Hi Cathy,

Been reading your journal and wanted to let you know that I really enjoy it. I have recently purchased "Your Town" and have fallen in love with the "Lease Option" technique. I get it, but am still unclear in the order of things. For example: I have buyers and sellers, I match buyer and seller, what then? Can you give me a short play by play? I've contacted my buyer and let him know that I found him a house (right?), does he sign anything at that point? Then do I call the seller and lock up the property? What order do the forms get signed? I'm a bit ADD. Are we allowed to ask each other for phone numbers or offer them out? I'm an audible learner and it's alittle more difficult for me to learn without hearing and being able to ask questions. Sorry if my message is too long. I didn't want to do a regular post because I didn't want anyone to think the worst of me. I'm a pretty quick learner, it's just the process of learning is different.

Thanx Cathy for your time.

My name is Kashanna by the way


austria0007's picture

Just getting started and was wondering if anyone has used the TotalView Real Estate Tool that you have to pay $180 for and if so, How do you like it.


browleyteam's picture

Hi Cathy,
I happen to see on a journal that you are in the Twin Cities area in MN, as are my husband and I. We are new to the DG Family, and I wanted to introduce myself and hope to be able to connect on some level sine we are in the same "neck of the woods!"

We currently are still learning all that we can, and hope to try to start working out some deal real soon.

Renae & Tyrone

How to make dream to be happen

sday's picture

I see all of super star that make dream coming true
I am newbie, and do not get any job for 2 1/2 year
I want to make as the income and work that make me retirement and work on my time

What is make me to get happen in the future in 2 months?!

I like DG program and been learn in RE school, did not make to be lisence just learning cruve

need some advice from DG family please!!!


Hi Cathy

Valuni's picture

Just wanted to sign in your guestbook and let you know that I've been reading your journal, and it's been a great inspiration!
Maybe next year I will be able to make it to the Edge and meet you and other DG family members who have been here for a while.



Hi Cathy, want to welcome you an hope to work with you as well an hoping for your very best, Jim

lease options success!

yournextplace's picture

Way to go Cathy, i was just thinking about options earlier today! Was thinking can someone please feed me like i'm on baby food! Just want to make sure i have a clear understanding of how it all works!

Add us to your buyers and sellers list asap.

P.H.G. LLC.'s picture

God bless you always.

Add us to your buyers and sellers list asap.

P.H.G. LLC.'s picture

God bless you always im proud to have you as family