I'm 27 years old, I've been working as a concierge for the Past 7 years of my life. I'm grateful for the job but it's time for a change. I found out about Dean from an infomercial like many of us here in late 2008, but did not purchase the book till 2009.
I was learning and doing Technical Day Trading from home and got my butt kicked by the down market. I kept seeing Dean's infomercials pop up and eventually purchased the book in 2009. Although the book made perfect sense to me, I fell into the trap of listening to friends with zero experience with real estate and did not take any action. I then got my license as a health and accident insurance agent. Insurance was a headache and too much paper work.
I decided to stop doing insurance and joined a Network marketing company. The company is very legit and has a huge potential but again I couldn't get passionate about it.
One day while speaking to a cousin of mine I got woken up when she told me "Not only do I make all the money I need to be happy, I love what I do and I'm passionate about it. You need to find something that you're going to love doing and be passionate about. If this company is it then take action and do it. Don't let anyone tell you that it doesn't work or that you're crazy for doing it. If that's what you love doing and you have a passion for it that's all that matters." Right there it dawned on me that what I really wanted to do was real estate.
I believed in what Dean said in his books but let other people deter me from taking action.
This year I started reading Dean's books again, got on this site and I'm now part of the Success Academy.
I'm doing this for me, my younger brother who thinks of me as the coolest person
in the world. My mother, who I have been selling this dream to for years and has
not once told me that I'm crazy or that things won't work. I only get unconditional love and support from that woman, she's my best friend.
Just getting started-Again haha!
I rather learn from action-failure action-success than by paralysis caused by over analysis. I heard that from Dean and it's the best quote I have ever heard. It describes exactly what I have to do.