Hi there, I grew up with the mindset that you had to work hard to be successful. My mum and dad both worked really hard and eventually sustained a reasonable lifestyle. Sadly my mum died before she could enjoy it and now my dad is retired, he lacks the motivation to achieve anything else.
It took me until I was nearly 40 to actually think differently. But once I did, my life changed radically. I started my own print business, I began investing in property, I indulged in my hobbies, one of which was painting - to date I've sold over 600 paintings! Up until my mindset change I hadn't even tried to sell any. I also taught myself the piano and wrote a novel. More recently I have written and self published my own book: How To Change Your Life One Day At A Time, have created a 90 Day Home Study Program to compliment it and am working on a corporate coaching/development program.
When friends used to tell me that I could do all of these things, I chose to make excuses for why I couldn't - excuses like: Where would I get the time? I don't have the money. Why would anyone buy from me? I don't have the skills. etc. etc.
Sound familiar?
I have to tell you, I don't know Dean Graziosi well at all, but what I can tell you is - he has the mindset for success. And that is the Most important aspect of any successful person.
Here's a little exercise that might help shine a light on any obstacles you might be having with success: Write down One thing you would change about yourself and Why. Not your circumstances - Yourself.
I'll leave you with this last question: How can you ensure that you are expanding your mindset at the same rate you are expanding your knowledge?
Take care and I wish you all continued success in every area of your lives.
Stuart Young
How much of successful property investing is Mindset?
Posted on: Mon, 07/16/2012 - 15:30
How much of successful property investing is Mindset?
- by StuartYoung
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Hi Stuart you could of said it better, Ieve been there to and we have to change our selves first if we want to be successful and we need to step out of that comfort zone we find our selves in.I am not in the best of financial circumstances right now my self and people are saying I would do what Iam doing( me) here to get out of this situation and you know what I dont care wht they think and I know Iam doing the right thing and if they want to stay stuck more power to them but not me and I refuse to give in and I for one dont like comfort zones and I ran into to this along time ago by interesting circumstances and Ill never look back, Iam having the time of my life growing, no one can do this for us we need to take action first and you will be suprised what will happen and if you dont get resouces at first step far out of your comfort zone, it will happen!!!!!! Jim
This is very valuable stuff! I hope that many other DGers read your post!