
All About StuartYoung

Stuart Young

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How much of successful property investing is Mindset? StuartYoung212 years 33 weeks ago

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Hi Dean, like you I suffer from loops like these from time to time. I like your technique for getting out of the loop and I would only add - Associate. For instance, think of a time when you had a challenge in your life before and that you overcame, relive it in your mind until you can feel the feelings of success you had back then. Then say to yourself: 'I did that then, and I can do this now.' I discuss many of these techniques in my own recently launched book - which by the way, some of your friends agreed to be featured in, inc: Dean Jackson, Dan Sullivan John Assarraf and Lisa Sasevich. If you're going to Joe's Phoenix Event at the end of the month I hope to bump into you and I'll give you a copy. Take care. Stu PS: Does your real estate book work for the UK?