So I have 100 signs coming today or tomorrow and I live in a great area to post them where I know Ill land a deal or two from this campaign..
BUUTTTT as bad as I was to drive around town posting signs to get these leads going I drive a 2000 Cavalier with 181k miles, it's getting there lol
Anybody have a good idea on how to hire someone to post signs for me in the meantime to help me out?
Thanks everyone!
Adam Macias
I have a great guy that I hired off of CL. I recommend getting someone that is more mature (maybe 60+) I have found that they tend to be more dependable and are often just looking for something to do-not meaning they don't want/need the $$. They often need cash jobs so as not to conflict with their Social Security pmts. Also, a lot of them like having a job that is a "no brainer" with no stress, since they have often had the stressful situations their whole life and they don't mind that it is just a few hours/week..
When I have tried younger people, they get bored with this quickly and no matter how much they say they need the $$, will tend to not show up if something more fun comes up. And usually without calling to let you know. They usually are needing/wanting something that will also give them more hours. Of course, this is not set in stone as there are always exceptions. Has just been my experience.
Be advised though that it is illegal to advertise age restrictions or to even ASK their age. But when you interview them, you can tell (if on phone) by questions about previous experience, etc. If in person, well Duh, you don't even have to ask leading questions to tell that they are more mature! (Unless, of course, they are like me and use really good skin care products!)
I actually drive and have my guy do the jumping in and out and we get everything done much faster and I know they are going up and going where I want them. In my case, I would definitely trust him to put them up and he is sharp and knows where to place them himself, but we just have fun doing it together. For me it is just fun time!
If you are sending them out alone, I would recommend in addition to their hourly rate, that you offer them, say, a $250 bonus on any property you close on that was a lead off of the signs. This will give them more incentive to ACTUALLY put the signs up and not toss them into a convenient dumpster.
Some people also have them take a picture of the sign after it is placed and note the location. This is another alternative but will greatly slow the process and also result in more hourly rate. And seriously, after awhile they could just reuse previous pics if they are lazy anyway.
Good luck!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Karen is absolutely right! Have fun doing it, and find out the system that works for you (i.e. going out with them, sending them out alone, going at different times of day, etc).
Personally, I like going late at night (less traffic).
But, if you send them out alone, I would make sure you let them know that you (or one of your reps) will spot check the locations to make sure the signs went up. Now, whether you actually do it or not is up to you, but they don't know if you're going to do it, so they are more likely to complete the task correctly.
Hope this helps,
Stephan Roberts
"In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia!"
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I LOVE Karen's idea about offering them a bonus if their posting brings you a deal. I'm going to start doing that myself.
I actually have had some good success with hiring college or high school students, but I usually find them because I know their parents, and they know they will be in trouble at home with mom and dad if they don't perform. I also do spot checks within 8 hours and they know I'm checking up on them.
I hire two people who are friends, pay them fairly well, keep a list of the locations that they need to place the signs and also I have them do bulletin board posts (I have a post on my hot pockets bulletin board posts elsewhere in the forum), and I also buy them some donuts and sodas, and basically get them on a sugar caffeine rush, and they get the job done pretty quickly. They go out like Bonnie and Clyde, and one drives the getaway car while the other one jumps out and places the sign or the bulletin board post. All I can say is that it has worked for me this way.
Thanks to everyone who provides such amazing information here. What a blessing!
Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:
you can also mark locations on a local area map where you want your bandit signs placed, and give it to your bandit sign 'installer'
Also, I wouldn't give them all 100 signs at once; instead give them 20-25 at a time, so they don't get overwhelmed, and also to monitor if you're getting calls from them.
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
Valerie, you always have such great ideas, and often they remind me of something else I wanted to add.
To all, If you are hiring someone, make sure that you go out with them and show them exactly what you want to have done. Although it may seem like a simple job, people will tend not to do it the way you want it done unless you train them and then follow up. We've probably all heard the statement, "It's not what you expect, it's what you inspect."
Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts: