Dallin Wall is an internationally recognized speaker and author on real estate and natural health topics, as well as an active investor for 18 years and coach/trainer on real estate and business development topics for 16 years. Dallin first met Dean Graziosi years ago while traveling the U.S. as a keynote speaker for Real Estate Investors Associations, and had no idea that years later he would be working with Dean's Real Estate program.
Dallin has worked with wholesaling, rehabbing, rentals, multi-unit, commercial, and various seller finance transactions in his own investing career, and has coached and trained over ten thousand investors.
Dallin is the author of two books on natural health topics, owner of The Herbmasters, and also assists new authors to get their books written, published, and marketed. He continues active in real estate investing and training, enjoys hiking, snorkeling, fishing, and his favorite thing is being the father of one fantastic daughter.
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Dwall, i really enjoyed reading your posts here on DG. The articals and Blog on herbs too. I hope to aspire in helping and making a difference in the lives of people, such as you are involved.