tbobst Daily Journey

tbobst Daily Journey

Today I start my journey. I am waiting until payday to order my book. But I have gotten enough inspiration from this website and Dean to proceed with confidence.

I started looking in the county auditors website to find real estate investment companies and investors. I'm not excatly sure if that is the right way to start a buyers list. But its the information I have to work with. I want to keep the progress moving so when I recieve the book I'll be one step moving forward on my the next steps of my financial freedom journey. Wish me luck and bless you all for the inspiration to make me start my journal.


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Randy Thank you for reading my post, The house was sitting for a long time. But I knew that when I fell in love with it. I told my husband the investment properties will not be an emotional buy like this one was for me. I love this house, it is so large and with the apartment was a perfect starting point for getting my feet wet in investing. I knew if I could start my husband slowly He would agree to my dream. Looking forward to finishing the house and getting moved in so I can concentrate on my passion. My husband told me upfront that if I wanted to join the academy I would have to earn the money to do so. So my plan is to get moved in, then build my relationship with the area investors to earn my way. I will do this, because I know I have what it takes to move the mountain that is in my way. Thank you for checking in. I have read your journal and it is truely an inspiration to me. Tammy


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Today i got a call from Deans staff for the academy

While I was sorting through the realtor website for my area, I got a call from Deans Acadey staff with an invite but I had to say not at this time and it is killing me, But I am certain that soon I will be able to join and really take off. But until I can earn the money to join, I will still be working my little steps from the books daily. Today I was waiting on a package from my brother so I couldn't go to the house. But when the kids get home I may run out for a little while. I keep reading daily almost finished with the first book, and partly finished with the other 2 books. I keep books all over the house in hopes my hubby might pick one up and read a little. I keep pressing on and I will get there, It may take me a few years but I plan my to do list every night and do my best to complete it daily. But I feel a migrane coming on. Hopefully it will pass quickly today. going to apply ice pack and go to bed with a sleep mask maybe it will go away today. Have suffered migranes since I was 16, so better get ahead of it. Do little things daily for big rewards.


Love and Laughter make the world a better place.


you are always moving forward. how great!

have you been checked for gluten sensitivity or celiac disease? it can cause migraines.


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:


Linda, I did not know that celiac disease caused migranes. I have a cousin that had that when he was younger, I don't know if he still does. I just remember my aunt saying he had it when he was young. Is there a test for this disease? I don't know much about it. Thank you for the information. Tammy


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Still working the trim.

Went to the house with my friend that does woodworking, He told me I was doing a good job but because of the type of groves that was on the trim it would take a long time to get it in condition for staining, there are a few stages that I need to go through in order to get it just right. So we decided to take it down put it aside until I get the rest of my projects done and return to it this summer when I can take my time.
Still reading and scouting to get a feel for my area. Dan decided that we should wait until we were done working on the house and all moved in to go to the RE investment club when there is nothing to distract our focus. So I agreed to wait. A little bummed but can see where he is coming from.


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Celiac Disease

there are some tests for it, but if your doctor isn't familiar with it, he will probably fight you on it. Laughing out loud i had to have a stool and saliva test. i do not have the disease but am gluten-sensitive. it causes me not to be able to absorb nutrients and become anemic, among other things. there are some really good books on it and you might be able to tell if you have it or are sensitive to it just by reading the symptoms it can cause and how to be gluten-free. if you go gluten-free for a month, you will probably see a difference. another thing is that once you do go GF, your body starts healing immediately. it can be diagnosed as other diseases too. here are some books you can read on it that i recommend in the order i recommend reading them:

The Gluten Connection by Shari Lieberman
Living Gluten-Free for Dummies by Danna Korn
The GFree Diet by Elisabeth Hasselbeck

All 3 are very helpful.


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
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Linda , Thank you

Linda Thank you for the information. I have wondered about it before because I have some but not all the symptoms. I will check out those books. I saw on dr.oz that just as little as 8-10 grains of wheat can cause a flare up with gluten allergies. That has to be extremely hard to control especially with all the hidden sources.
Thank you again. Tammy


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Linda I tried to get a photo on

Linda I tried to get a photo on here, but I couldn't figure out how to put it in the text box. I'll try to figure it out another day.
But for now I am still working on trim and cleaning the kitchen so we can get the stove working this weekend. Have plans to spend Friday and Saturday out at the house. Going to clean carpets so Becky can camp out in her sleeping bad. Jamie has to work on finishing up her semester work in 13 day so she can go on senior project so she will stay with her aunt so she can take care of her dog.
Still readinig every evening.


Love and Laughter make the world a better place.


you're welcome. glad to help.


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
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Tech Savvy

i am so NOT tech savvy. my son gets frustrated with me because he figures if he can do it, i should be able to. only 27 years difference between us! i had to ask someone how to do the smileys, which i'm now having fun with. Smiling maybe you can ask someone how to download or upload (who knows?) a picture. sounds like you are staying busy. awesome!


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
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Wow, caught up on everything

You are really working hard and accomplishing much! I am SO proud of you and seeing your efforts is wonderful! Looking at the way you guys have overcome so much already is incredible. But for 10K, I still know you got an incredible deal and it will definitely all be worth it!

Keep it up, and keep up your great positive outlook and attitude. Many people would have given up at the plumbing portion Laughing out loud.

I enjoy reading your journal! I'm in the process of lining up a few deals right now. Best to you! Laughing out loud

PS HOpe you took lots of before, during and after pictures! I am so looking forward to seeing your finished result!


Linda, My oldest is like mom I show you and show you, why can't you get this.
Someday I'll get it. Tammy


Love and Laughter make the world a better place.


Thank you for your kind words. I took a lot of befores and working on the during and the afters. How did you upload your card image on the site? I would like to post some house photos but didn't see away to upload them and my copy and paste did not work. Any help would be appreciated. Tammy


Love and Laughter make the world a better place.

Started cleaning the carpets.

Started cleaning the carpets in the bedrooms. Worked on trim some more. Had PT again so it was a short day at the house. But good news I am progressing well and may only need a few more times. Yeah ! Well I'm off to read my book. Doing a little everyday to create big actions in the future. Tammy


Love and Laughter make the world a better place.

been busy the last two days

Been really busy the last two days, working on the house got the rest of the trim down and put away to finish later. Becky's room is coming along. We got the magnetic paint , the dry ease paint and and part of the pink walls completed. Dan worked on fixing the drywall holes from fixing the pipes. Found another leak in the drain from the apartment. Oh well we'll get them all someday. heheehe. Have to laugh about the pipes or I'll loose my mind. Dan took tomorrow off to work with me again, it is a good thing because I hurt my back today moving some furnature around. So we took the day to ride around looking at the properties in the sunday paper.
Took some muscle relax medication and should feel better tomorrow, I will work tomorrow. Sometimes if you work yourself to long to hard your body tells you need a day off even when you think you can't afford to take it.


Love and Laughter make the world a better place.

Posting Pictures

Hi Tammy! Smiling

To post pictures, you just need to start a new topic and add an attachment. It is at the bottom of the message. You MAY be able to go into your first message on your journal here and go to the bottom and the upload area MAY be there, but I'm not sure as I've never added pics after the fact. Try that first, and if it doesn't work, start a new thread. Sticking out tongue Love to read all your progress!

Take Care of Yourself

you are coming right along. just don't forget to take care of yourself before you really need it. it's easy to keep going and ignore how you feel. i hate paying for it later. hope your back heals right up. can't wait to see those pics. glad you have someone who could tell you how to do it. take care.


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
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Tammy thank you for the information, I will try to post photos again tomorrow.


Love and Laughter make the world a better place.


Linda, Thank you for your concerns. I took some medication and was feeling better today. Dan and I worked all afternoon at the house. Brought out some boxes. Trying to bring a little each trip out to the house save some time on moving day. I will be more carefull with my health. Sometimes when it gets warmer and I don't hurt evryday I forget that I have medical issues to watch so when they act up I gegt the reminder that I need to take it easy again.

Dan was upset with me too. Told me that getting things into the house was not worth me getting sick and run down again. Told me if I couldn't get something out of the van on my own to leave it until the kids can come out to help.

I agreed to be more carefull.


Love and Laughter make the world a better place.

worked all afternoon

Dan and I worked all afternoon at the house. He worked on kitchen and my office and I worked on the dining room. The girls packed the van up again when we got home and I'll bring those out tomorrow. I feel like we work all day and still get no where. I think I'm just tired. But I have 20 days to finish any work that needs finishing and get everything pack. Then Jamie has senior project in the middle of all this. So she is studying and finishing her last senior semester.


Love and Laughter make the world a better place.


you are doing such a great job! i don't know how you manage it all. you are so lucky to have all the family support you have. i know how it is when you feel pretty good and you think you can get so much done. i can do it for a few days, then i have issues again. i know that people think i'm "crazy" Smiling for being so careful with myself, but they just don't get it. i know my limits, but sometimes i insist i can go farther. one of these days i'll be able to and i hope you will be too. sometimes when you are around the project every day, it's hard to see the progress. someone who doesn't see it every day sees the progress alot easier. believe me, your journal tells us what progress you are making. you are doing wonderful!


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
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Thank you Linda for encouragements.


Love and Laughter make the world a better place.

Today was a good day

I went and picked up my girlfriends daughter (19) and her boyfriend to help around the house today. Mandy always says she has nothing to do now that she lives on her own with her guy. Young and eager to make her life her own. But she said anytime I wanted company that she will come out with me. So today I took her up on it. While I work on painting my daughters room, Mandy Cleaned the showers and bathrooms and Perry finished cleaning up the base trim, it is finally done enough to sand.
Dan and I went to fix the admendment for the taxes, our tax preparor forgot to send the admendment form with the housing form for our taxes. so we had to make a third trip to the office.
I did rest more yesterday and today. I feel much better.


Love and Laughter make the world a better place.


sounds like you had some good helpers in Mandy and her boyfriend. how nice that they came over and worked with you. i'm looking at getting another CPA. i just want one that i can work easily with and doesn't charge me an arm and a leg to do my taxes. i've either had one or the other, but not both. will be checking out a guy that a real estate investor friend recommended and we'll see what happens with that. at least it's over for this year. glad you are resting. i have 3 hours of class today but i will be resting before i go. just got my office depot order and get to go through that too. that is always fun, getting new office stuff. Smiling


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
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Having the help was great, and made me feel at ease from the day I had before. They are great kids.
I too like getting new office supplies and opening a new order is always fun.
Good Luck with your classes.


Love and Laughter make the world a better place.

I am done with PT

I am done with PT today, but was feeling sick afterward so I took the day off today. When Dan got home we decided to take our truck out to the house and broke down on the way so my girlfriend and her fiancee had to come help us out. The day was not working for me at all. But I didn't let it get me down. I came home and went through the websites and will read somemore tonight.
We plan to work this weekend at the house, hope I feel better.


Love and Laughter make the world a better place.

We Have to Keep Pushing Through

boy, we are a couple of fun dates, aren't we? Smiling sometimes i wonder if i will ever get better, but i know i will. it's just all the stuff a person has to go through to get there. at least you kept pushing right through and kept your attitude in the right spot. i'm sure you will have a much better day tomorrow. i think i get to help at a garage sale. yippee. i can hardly wait. NOT! Evil


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
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The rest paid off

Taking the time to rest paid off, we worked all weekend Dan, Becky and I stayed at the house. Still no internet at the house yet. So while we work I can't get on the website. We fixed drywall, and textured the spots to match the walls. I burnt up two power tools , my trusty sander is gone and my old spindle type dremel. Becky did finishing touches on her bedroom. I love the dry ease paint it is wonderful and not hard to work with. We forgot the magnets to check her other paint.
Jamie will be done with school on friday this week and I can't wait she will be a big help to me packing and moving everything in the next 3 weeks.
I have my do to list for next week and things are looking like cleaning and painting downstairs and shampooing carpets downstairs. Things are coming together.


Love and Laughter make the world a better place.


Tammy, you are moving right along no matter what. sorry about your power tools. happy about you staying at the house. how did that feel? i'm so happy for you! Smiling


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
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Thank you Linda

It feels so great to stay in our home. The power tools maybe gone but I still have elbow power. Today I had forgoten my keys inside the house when we all came home on Sunday and Dan forgot to leave me his key so he went after work to get them for me. So I had a day at home and I packed up a few boxes and the girls loaded the van when they got home so there goes another load tomorrow. I had more time today to read another chapter in my books and scout through the newpapers Dan brought me home from work.
It really hit Jamie today that this is her last week of high school ever...She was so happy and joyful telling her girlfriend about all the kids she will miss and the ones she won't miss... But really glad to finially be getting done. Last day Friday and Prom on Saturday going to be a busy family weekend not a productive work weekend but next week she is mine...hehehe she will help me pack and work. Such a great kid. I still can't believe she is old enough to be graduating. But life is good and real estate is coming along.


Love and Laughter make the world a better place.