Today I start my journey. I am waiting until payday to order my book. But I have gotten enough inspiration from this website and Dean to proceed with confidence.
I started looking in the county auditors website to find real estate investment companies and investors. I'm not excatly sure if that is the right way to start a buyers list. But its the information I have to work with. I want to keep the progress moving so when I recieve the book I'll be one step moving forward on my the next steps of my financial freedom journey. Wish me luck and bless you all for the inspiration to make me start my journal.
Love and Laughter make the world a better place.
Congratulations for starting your journal and taking action. You may want to consider joining a local real estate investment club to network with other investors. This is a great way to learn, build a buyer’s list and maybe even find a partner for a few deals. The website has a ton of information on building a buyer's list. Attached below are links for building a buyer's list that I believe are very helpful:
Dean's Success Academy Coach Jeff Jenson Building buyer's List Tips:
Video by Dean on Building a Buyer's List
Conference Call with Dean and Jeff Jenson on building a buyer's list
I know these links will give you enough information to hit the ground running and it will help you start that buyer's list today! Try to do a little each day to get you closer to your goals and dreams. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Thank you for the information and I appreciate the encouragement. I am putting together my first offer on my primary residence with a rental attached tomorrow evening. I'm a little nerveous, its bank owned but been on the market for over 6 months. My husband is sceptical about bidding half of the sale price but my girlfriend got Dean's book for christmas and told me that it was a good place to start with it being on the market that long. All they can do is say no. Then I just wait a month and go lower. But I hope they take the first offer. Again I want to say Thank you . Tammy
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My husband and I were looking to buy a house for ourselves and our kids. So we went looking for something we could purchsase with little out of his 401k, he wanted something close to work, I wanted something with a lot of sqft. so we looked for single family homes, well I started coming here to the website and before I got my book ordered I started my Buyerlist research and thinking differntly about what we needed to look for. We found this house and it had been on the market 6months from the flyer inside the house. My hubby was trying to think of everything that could be wrong with the house that made it not sell in such time. I fell in love with the house, because it was a multi family and the rent from the apartment upstairs could be income. My husband sees trouble with tentants wrecking the place. But I won him over, told him we could just buy it for the 2232 sqft. (we rent a trailer apx.1000 sqft),
My girlfriend got deans books for christmas and through her readings she found the section on REO's and if its been on the market a long time make a low offer,if its not accepted wait a month and go lower, as she explained it to me. so that is what i did.It listed at the time of offer for 19,900 so We offered 10,000 and they acepted our offer.
we can close by Feb. 9th,2010 but the bank wants to wait until March 1st,2010, this seems odd to me. Is there anything to worry about ? Once they accept an offer can they take another offer higher? the reason I ask is because i went to check the status to see if the updated it on the website and the price was lowered to $14,900 and the status is still active.
Any thoughts ? Thank you all Tammy
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We are just waiting for the realtor to get the rest of the paper work together for our close on our first deal. I still can't believe we are getting it for $10,000 wow. Can't wait to move in and fix up the rental apartment. My husband still a little sceptical but i'm not letting that worry me, we've been together so long I know he will come around baby steps.
I am ready and taking action. I finally got my books today!! so excited now that i'm alone and its quiet I'll be able to get a few chapters in before i head to sleep.
I research properties in the area daily, look through the rental booklet in the area this weekend, looking to understand what the houses are worth and what areas are the most sought after in my county.
Wish me luck! hope everyone is happy and healthy as we all become wealthy.
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Still waiting to hear from the realtor. He says he is waiting on paper work from the bank. So I figure that takes time to go from one department to antoher then to him, then to us. Just have to sit back and let it take it's course. I know we will close on March first and I am excited for that, But then the repairs begin. I'm glad we can do much of the work ourselves with our teenage daughters and our close friends.
My hubby is getting excited about the apartment on the back of the house. I sat down with him and showed him the numbers. My niece was paying 150.00 per week at what she called the sleep rooms apartments, and 1 bedroom apartments in the newspaper for the area are from 400.00 to 500.00. So once i showed him the real potiential he seems more excited. I have to get the renters and landlord laws for the city. I found some of the information online. I am still reading my books from Dean and still scoping the area to learn the streets and athe values. But always forward and don't look back!
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I got a great Valentine we researched properties. We seached out a few areas we are looking into to find where the roads lead and what the price ranges we want to buy. We talked about Real Estate all day and He is coming along freely. He supports me doing what I am doing and tells me as soon as I understand what the next move should be to go for it and try. Over dinner we made the beginings of his exit stradegy for his current position, He wants to be there no more than 10 years, My thoughts are 5 years but he is always more cautious than I am.
It was the Best Anniversary(we started dating 26 years ago today) Valentine I have ever had.
So Thank you Danny, Dean and the whole DG Family for supporting me as I grow strong.
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I hate feeling in limbo while we are waiting to close on first deal which is our new home. I know it is coming in a few weeks but trying to sort , clean and pack the trailer, work a job that drains me physically and mentally.And listening to my husband telling me to slow down be patient real estate will be there when we are ready. I just feel drained but i'm still reading and making my list, Drafting my letters and flyers,I want them to sound right not rushed. I'm lreaning my market where we are moving and stuying night. I have some medical issues that make it very difficult to read for long periods of time and hard to remember some things, I feel like I have read the same chapter 10 times and still only got 1/2 of it. Sorry to be venting but I need to get it out of my head and writting it out seems to help. I will be good in an hour or so. But I am down right now. So its back to the conference calls for knowledge ans inspiration to give my neck a rest.
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Well I thought I was having a bad day yesterday so I vented a little. Well today started off with a wake up fall. Life bit me back. ok ok ok I get it , stop whining and do something productive. I took a Fall this morning off my front steps and was hurting really bad so I stayed home from work no way I could take care of my elderly people if I coudn't stand up straight. So I took so medications layed in the bed and read some more pages in the books, looked up bank numbers and made REO contact calls and found Bank REO websites to do my research of properties. Listened and took notes on three more old conference calls and studied some commercial property criteria to learn how to find all the great deals everywhere.
I called my job and told them I'm taking tomorrow off to because I am still sore and I jared my neck and my back today. so I have anouther day to rest and study.
Life is really telling me to stop waiting stop, complaining and change the way you think.
Today is the last day of the way I used to be ! Thank you Joe Polish for that info. from an old conference call.
Every time I think I need something more, there it is on the next page or the next call, it really is the right information at the right time.
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Our first deal is almost done, the funding is on the way! Going to close any day. We were supposed to close today but a few glitches with the banks agent set us back. But our paper work has been submitted and the funds released and waiting on a new close date. Yeah! A home owner again although I never thought I would be ever again. 2 count them 2 bankruptcies in 18 years both due to medical issues. But never again. we learn from our mistakes on the first one no more credit cards, the second no more 2nd mortages above what the value of the house is worth ever again. No one ever told us how to handle money so we learn by trial and error that way my kids don't have to ... sorry for getting off topic. But back to the house.
It is a multifamily house rental potiental already in place. Have been doing the research for rents in the area and near a 4 year college so many potiental place to find renters.
now studying the screening process and My husband has allowed me to stop working my part time job to concentrate on my Real Estate Investment research and learning full time, he is willing to scout with me on the weekends and is ready to make next investment as soon as we get settled in the new house and have renters in place. I am so excited.
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Congratulations, Dear!!!! I just had the privilege of reading through your journal and I, for one, as a DG sister am so proud of all you have done. Winning your husband over gently.., believing in yourself without wavering.., and now about to close on your first deal! That is so awesome!! What a great new start it will be moving into your new home, AND becoming a landlord and property-owner at the same time! Can't wait to check in to hear "the rest of the story".
God bless, and have a WONDERFUL week!!
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:
Thank You Rina for your kind words.
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We have the keys and our 1st renter is already to move in as soon as the apartment is ready. Now the fun begins. We closed this morning and my hubby took the keys and went to work putting in plumbing.
The kids and I are on our way to clean out and check out the new place.
I am so excited.
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Just to show my new place. I changed the profile picture to my 1st deal, our new home with the apartment. I'm so excited!!
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Learned this week the in my area if you have a multi-family unit or apartments that the gas company will not turn on the gas until all the units meters are labled with aluminum taged that tell the apartment number,that the meter goes to and what gas appliances/ furnace/ water tanks and stoves, ect... are clearly on these tags. I didn't know this, was surrprised when we couldn't get the gas on yesterday. so I went to the home depot to see if they sell these tags or if they knew where to get them. after talking with a few people, one guy explain to me what I needed and why it was needed, but they don't sell them. He told me, you can order them through companies online or he suggested to go to the pet supplie store that sells the dog tag from the machines and just type in the information and said it would probably be cheaper than on the internet.
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Congratulations on your new home & combined rental! I just read your journal and WOW you are MAKING things happen. I'm happy to hear your great news and looking forward to hearing all about your journey.
Take care,
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
Thank you Lea, I am excited over this deal. And my husband is looking forward to me finding our next deal. But first we must get all fixed up and moved in within the next three months. I am looking for my professional team at the same time. Now that my last day to working for someone else is tomorrow and then I work for me and My hubby. I have already started planning my work days for next week. Hopefully the gas and water are on this friday and I can work in my home office next week.
Thanks again for checking out my journal and for the encouragement.
Love and Laughter make the world a better place.
You are moving fast! Great work! I too am just starting. I'm in a little different situation, but I am PROUD of you for taking the big step of your 1st deal! I have yet to do my first DG deal, and I'm still doing the marketing end of it. You are doing wonderful! Keep it up!
God Bless!
Thank you for your wonderful words. Taking action is the best reward and confirmation that everything is going to be well. Finding the deal and having the offer accepted was exciting, but working on the home fixing it up and planning the changes is even better than I could have imagined.
Good Luck in your journey and I look forward to hearing all about your deals. Just make sure when you find a good deal you really check the place out so you don't have unexpected problems.
We ran into some minor projects that we did not see when we were looking at this home, but I let the excitement of a large house gloss over some of the work that was going to have to be done to move in. But my husband and I agree it is still worth the trouble.
Best of luck in your future, Tammy
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Today was my last day to work for any company that is not mine. My husband and I decided that I was going to work for us from now on. We are going to invest in Real Estate. So I need to finish my education (reading Dean's Books). Make my daily to do list , acomplish my short term goals set up my team and finish moving into my new home. Leading up to my long term goal to retire my husband within 5-10 years. We don't agree on the time frame for his retirement because he is too conservative. But I listened to the conference call, I'm going to read more in my books tonight. Tomorrow the rest of the utilities will be turned on, I'll have water and heat so the house will be warm enough to stay and work , build , and paint all next week. My weekend goal is to repair the wall I damaged taking out the extra closet, texturing the surface to match the rest of the walls, and painting it with my oldest daughter. We have to build a bed and bookshelf combination with my youngest daughter. It is great to have teenage girls that love to get dirty and fix things with us.
So I'm going to read another chapter or 2 this evening. It feels great knowing that I am in charge of the rest of my life.
Thank you Dean!!!
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The gas company came out friday twice, the first time they came out they told us the lines wouldn't hold pressure so we had to buy a gauge and check the lines, fix any loose spots and make sure it help air pressure before we called them back out. So we took the afternoon and early evening to get it to hold called and they came back out around 9:30pm to try to get the gas on for heat in the house. Well we had fixed the lines and they reinstalled the meters that were laying under the stairs when we bought the house. But when they went to the street to turn the gas on to the house , there was another problem. The banks snow plow people had dug across the front yard and broken off the handle to the valve. So we will need to go back out on Monday for them to come again. All of these problems is pushing back the water being turned on. So I know this is a test in patience, which I think I'm handling ok.
Lucky for us we can live lot rent free for three months, because we asked the management where we currently live if we could trade three months lot rent for the trailer we no longer wish to own. They agreed so we have one less stressor throughout this renovation and move. Our tenants are ready to move in as soon as we can get the apartment ready.
So we are working our way into the home. My husband and my brother (thank heavens for family) have the basement task all in hand, the apartment leak fixed and we are almost ready to build the built-in bed for my daughters room. Next will be the paint and scrubbing floors. Then we plan to move each room of the trailer one at a time, everything we don't need to survive to the end of the school year for my senior, and my sophmore. The plan is to bring it out and put it into place empty the boxes as we go so that we can settle in soon as the furniture arrives.
I'm still reading my books and studying and looking forward to my next deal.
Have a great day, I think I'll go work some on my house.
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Another day for patience learning, still waiting for the gas company to make arrangements to have them work on the valve so we can get heat in the house.
While I'm waiting and typing I'm listening to a replay of the conference call.
Love the replays, wish there was an edited version on cd or mp3 format so I can take it with me in the car.
But I turn them on and take notes.
Hopefully the utilities on later today.
Still reading my books, I have a neck problem so it is hard for me to read for long periods of time. so I read and try to make good notes and worksheets to keep track the properties and areas I want to work in.
Thank You Dean, I am truely blessed to have this book and encouragements.
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The gas was turned on late last night and everything seems to be working fine. Spent the day in the house sweeping and reading , the water company is coming out tomorrow, hopefully all goes well with this hook up.
It will be nice to be able to clean the walls and carpets, going to build the bed friday night. Saturday is winter formal so no work that day. My oldest and I have to do hair dos for my youngest and 2 of her friends. That will take all day and I think I'll take my oldest out for a thank you to a movie.
But sunday it will be back to the house, cleanning and painting. Then the fun will start, packing all the small stuff out to the house and put it in place.
Things are coming along, I went looking at houses that are on my radar list, some were off the market people working on them and some still for sale. But my hubby not ready to move on the next deal, He wants to be settled in the house before he thinks ahead. But I keep looking but not pressing him for his input until after we get settled.
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We have water to the house but not in the house, the water was turned on to the house but when we turned it on in the house there was a leak in the pipe inside a wall going up to the apartment, of course it is in the longest stretch of wall. Oh well , patients is a virture right.(hehehe)
But we are one step closer , one more repair found so my house can be ready before June 1st, so there is really no pressure yet.
I am still happy with the house we found, It is worth the $10,000 We paid, and after we fix and rehab it it will be worth more!!! I was listening into the county development minutes for the last few months at the county website today and found out they are in the begining stages of a rehab for the area Beaches, tourist improvements for our seasonal attractions for Lake Erie in our Harbor district( which includes my area). They are planning several improvement projects for roadways and recreational trails, boardwalks and observation decks for Lake Erie. Environmental education and conservation projects. I was impressed with the amount of information that was on their meeting minutes, and that this years minutes are in audio format and past years are in pdf downloads. Everything on their website is easy to use and all information accessible. The county that We are moving from the website is hard to access and imposible to get public information off the webssite,
It is going to be a busy weekend. Hubby has to work overtime, Youngest has a dance and the oldest is hangin out with me to do hair and as a thank you I'm taking her to the movies.
so not much going to get done this weekend, but you got to have some fun too.
Well it's back to the books and research for the area.
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Well the guys have been working on finding and repairing all the damaged water pipes that were in the walls. Who ever took out the copper pipes in the basement really broke loose every pipe in the walls. My dream house is a messed up fixer upper, but I still love it. My husband says don't get discouraged we knew there would be some issues in buy a house so cheap. He is in good spirits so that lets me know I'm still ok with our future plans.
Still reading my books and learning everyday. Got the email with the video and have watched it several times and taking notes will look for the notices in the paper tomorrow after taking care of errands.
might be another week or two before the water is completely restored to the house and I know now that I have made it farther in the books that my screening process needs to be more complete and less emotional. I think the next one will be no emotions because I will not be looking for my primary residence. Emotions are always elevated when your looking for your own home.
My plan for tomorrow is to run errands in the morning, get a paper look for notices, drive the nighborhood to see what has changed. Are there any new listings, FSBO, Pending sales or signs gone from the homes on the radar list.
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not much real estate investing or research today, had to deal with issues at school. That just frustrated my whole day. But I did manage to do some checking on my radar list. a few more off but still looking forward. Work is progressing on the first deal, some pipe work will be finished wednesday, have shopping to do for parts tomorrow , love the shopping. Will Read some more tonight and tomorrow. Life is good even when it's frustrating.
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Went to the house and worked cleaning up from the work the guys did over the weekend. Read another chapter in my book, drove an area I didn't even know was outthere, almost got stuck on a gravel/muddy road. got turned around with detours, thankfully my hubby got me a GPS for christmas. What a great day found a few properties to check on and call. Hopefully we are going back to work on the house later tonight. all I want is water to part of the house so I can clean walls and carpets so I can paint soon. Then the moving can begin.
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we have water to one bathroom Yeah! getting closer everyday!
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was able to clean a little today, slow process because I had to heat up water in an old coffee pot so it was little amounts at a time, but I managed to clean my oldest daughters room, and the back bathroom. will have a working bathroom soon. Hubby is taking tomorrow off to finish working on the pipes to the rest of the house. We have some very old copper pipes in the wall that we can't seem to find a conection fitting to match. We will try the plumbers supply company first thing in the morning. If they don't have it, then the walls are coming hope they have it.
My hubby was joking with me today and asked me why he loves me???? I told him because I keep life interesting... I told him I would hire someone to come finish the pipes, but nope he started it, he will finish it. Good was not ready to interview contractors yet. But will start looking for them soon as we move in this house.
Managed to read two more sections in my books, listen to the video, check my email. Love the trick with the pad with the columns, i used it to day and I think it will work out really good, I didn't forget the important things that needed done. I usually forget something.
Life is good today.
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Another frustrating day for my hubby Dan, we are still fighting with the water pipes. I enjoy working and learning with him, but he is getting frustrated to bad. But he tells me that he is not questioning the purchase of our home or our decision to go into real estate investing. He says, he hopes the next home we purchase hasn't been through 2 northeast Ohio winters with not heat. Fair enough, I told him he has final say on the next property we purchase.
Our friend and his 11 year old son came to help with the water pipes the second half of the day, we got most of the pipes traced and access hole to them. Dan says he is happy with the progress, but wishes he could get me hot water to the house so it would be easier for me to clean. I'm doing ok with my coffee pot heating process for a few more days. the kids start spring break next Friday, and we want to get the paining done while they are off to help me, but if it has to wait, it has to wait, my oldest will be on senior project in may so will have some extra time to help me move everything that we can then. (Mostly the girl's very breakable items, so the men don't toss them around like previous moves.)
Dan wants to be finished with the pipes so he can repair the walls so we can paint. They will be finished soon.
I love this website, and my books, and I really like the educational e-mails and conference calls. I got the email yesterday for the Edge Event 09 deal from Dean and showed it to Dan, but he said we needed to keep the money we have in case the house has more go wrong, ok, I think he will regret it, but I understand, especially since I'm not bringing in extra money right now. He wants me to concentrate on finishing this house to move in, and then start my investments, but he has agreed to go to next months REI club meeting. Baby steps.
Ok here are my baby steps, for me and Dan.
1st step purchase our home. DONE
2nd step repair and move in Working on this
3rd step Read and learn RE Daily Activity
4th step Make money in RE coming soon
5th step excite my hubby with money in RE coming soon
6th step retire Dan before age 55, so he can work with me full-time.
I will do this is less than 11 years, (that’s when he's 55).
I know all of my baby steps have many monster journeys in each step, but if I make them baby steps, I can move forward with confidence I will conquer these steps and more...
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The whole family went shopping, The girls picked out the paints for their rooms,They are so excited, we plan on painting on sunday. Their rooms are far way from where Dan is working on pipes so it should not make a difference. Hopefully the pipes are finished tomorrow. Read some more in my books. I will clean the grils rooms tomorrow while Dan and Dave work the pipes.
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