i am the mother of 3: Desiree, Danelle and Jared. i have a grandson,Grayson, granddaughters, Kadence, and Gentry. since 2000 real estate investing has been my passion. for years my mother told me the money was in real estate. i have been a member of 3 real estate clubs and have been on the board of 2, and held several offices in 1. when i was married i was not allowed to invest, so i educated myself as much as i could and developed a reputation for having a lot of knowledge and access to a lot of information. to this day, people still come to me with questions because they know i have the education and it's my passion, despite only having done 1 deal and that was a refi on my own residence years ago. the past 5 years have been spent rebuilding my life after a divorce, dealing with my mother's terminal illness (she passed away in February but outlived the doctor's estimation of life by 10 years) and my own health issues. now i'm down to dealing with my own health issues, which hopefully are on the healing end of things. i love to study real estate investing, talk about it, consult on it, put people together for deals, but now it's time for me to do my own deals. i think my biggest issue is fear. i have some support to be a real estate investor, but i still need to prove i CAN do this. i know i can do it, but right now i really need hand-holding and a good kick in the rear. i am a student with the Success Academy, and so far it has taken me farther than i've gone on my own. i love Dean's books and how he offers alot of FREE or inexpensive things, especially since i have been (proudly) unemployed for 3 years. i do have to have income coming in ASAP. i hope to be able to change this profile very shortly here to talk about my deals and how my life has changed through real estate investing.
Hey there, I saw your comment on my post.
We are both starting this around the same time. I'll be following you on your journal if you do one. I'm looking forward to talking to you more as we grow and become successful.
I usually say "Good luck" to people but this isn't one of those times. It's not going to be "luck" that's going to get us to the end. If you take Action, you better believe I will too. Your older, probably wiser, know more about this REI stuff than I. I'm scared, this is a whole new world for me.
Glad to meet you and wish you success on your journey, Keep in touch