Lea's Journal

Lea's Journal

Well here here goes ... the 1st post of my journal. Not quite sure where to start so I'll just start.

We began our new REI aventure in June 09. Actually this was Denny's (my husband & better half Smiling) idea. He discovered Dean and believe me I had doubts. Denny had done his research though and convinced me that Dean knows what he is talking about. Denny had already ordered and read PRFEN & another one of Dean's books and spent time on the DG website. I checked the site out too and read PFREN. So I agreed to support Denny's efforts and work with him. I love working with my husband and believe that real estate is definitely the way to go for us. There is soooo much to learn and discover. Every day brings new lessons and experiences in the world of REI. We joined the academy in June.

We started by meeting with out attorney to learn more, going over forms, etc. Set up LLC, met with accountant. The rest is not necessarily in the right order but you get the jest. We set up our website, are constantly working on building our buyers list (we are assigning properties), got business cards, searched for and found real estate agent, have looked at FSBO's on line and in neighborhoods (priced higher than FMV & higher than they paid 2 & 3 years ago) keeping our eyes on them, joined REI group that meets monthly and put magnets on our vehicles.

Our RE Agent has given us access to MLS through a new program he has just signed up for. I'm learning about this program and how to navigate it. Have a question in to him to find ou if I can search for specific criteria on these properties quickly. Being new to this program himself he will find out and get back to me today or tomorrow. It is time for us to start putting in offers.

We met another investor who specializes in short sales who we will be doing some joint ventures with. We'll be directing folks his way. It is important to me that the sellers understand the short sale process and agree to all that is involved. We will go with him when he meets people so that we have a better understanding of what he does and how he helps people. He has an online program set up so that we can track the progress of the short sale

I have printed out Rina's post about REI abbreviations/terms and will learn 2-3 new ones each day starting today. Thank you also to another DG family member for sending a list of REI terms too - will learn those also.

On a personal note well let's see. Last year I lost 25 lbs. but haven't been able to shake off the next 23-25. Up until last month I have been walking 5 days a wekk however haven't been able to put an end to my love affair with chocolate and our late night rendezvous - LOL Smiling. When I get up now I immediately think REI and have been procrastinating when it comes to exercise. On the bright side I've been eating less chocolate Smiling and eating healthier things. Have to find the balance here. The weather is showing the first signs of cooling down and walking is catching my interest again (tomorrow morning a cold front is coming our way and it will be 68 degrees, must get an early walk in!!Smiling) We are in SE FL and live close to a beautiful wooded park with trails. During the winter months I especially love walking in this park (too many mosquitoes right now - will wait until it cools off a bit.)

My passion before REI was working with/helping my elders and those afflicted with Alzheimer's disease. (I'm not a nurse or an aid but have lots of personal experience with this and have also worked in this setting.) I have such a soft spot for my elders, love hearing their stories and love to make their days brighter. I will get back to this on a volunteer basis someday.

That's about all for now.

SPR Property Solutions, LLC


Hi Linda!

I just stopped in your journal and am soooo impressed with what you are accomplishing! I'm having fun with this and see lots of opportunity here.


Had a Wonderful Conversation

I had a wonderful phone conversation with the lady who owns and runs the adult day care center and we'll be meeting next week. She said to stop in anytime and see her day care center. This also tells me she runs a good operation if she wants people dropping in anytime un-announced. She likes what we are doing and wants to work with us. She also is very familiar with VA benefits, Medicaid and all of the ALF's in the area.

I ran to the grocery store to get stamps for our probate letters thinking I could avoid a line at the post office but they only have flag stamps. While I was there I picked up a pie pumpkin for Thanksgiving. I'm making a pumpkin pie from scratch from a 'real' pumpkin not a can (others are bringing different pies.) Have never done this before so my family and friends get to be the first ones to try the results of this new endeavor Smiling LOL! After that I stopped at the post office to get color stamps.

There weren't any new probate properties to work with today but I did send out a 3rd letter with our new color envelopes and stamps.

Denny found an ad for a short sale property. The investor is seeking a financial backer for this property. The price is an amazingly low $300K. It's an 8 bedroom, 2 story, Victorian style mansion on the water. The photo of the house & yard shows it looking pristine and very well manicured, not the norm for a short sale property. Immediately I thought of one of our cash buyers who is looking for a smaller property in that area for him and his wife. The other properties he's looked at in that area are smaller and currently listed over 1M.) I don't know if he'd want it for himself or as an investment opportunity but gave him a heads up. He sent an e-mail and seems excited about it Smiling If nothing else he knows we keep him in mind.



......Sounds like things are going well and you are networking to fill the potential real estate lead funnel. Keep up the good work. The pumpkin pie sounds delicious. Did you get any cool whip for topping? The made from stratch pie will be a real hit. Once you make this one you will probably not want the store brand again.

The post office is beginning to get crowded this time of year. People always would give me "a long look" when I would mail multiple packages and hold up the line. It is funny how so many places are so busy even though the economy is feeling the pinch. Have a great weekend. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA

Hi Joe!

Thank you for stopping by my journal it is always wonderful to hear from you Smiling I appreciate your kind words and encouragement. Yes, that is exactly what I'm doing. It's so cool and I'm really excited about it. I'm setting up my team for this project so that no elder needing help will be ignored regardless of if we buy their property or not. The folks I'm working with are devoted and passionate about what they do and if they understand what I'm doing this will be a match made in heaven. So far the ones I've spoke with are excited about this too. There is so much to consider and the ideas keep growing and improving.

I'm glad you appreciate my pumpkin pie baking skill (hope I can still call it that on Thanksgiving day Smiling ) Thank you for the reminder of the cool whip I would have forgotten. If I feel extra ambitious in the kitchen (which isn't likely) I'll make whipped cream from scratch. It's easy to do but with all the other cooking it may not be a wise move. Smiling

That's funny that people give you looks at the post office. They are probably wondering what you are doing. Little do they know your great success buying on C/L and selling on e-bay Smiling I like what you have created here. I had to wait in line for quite a while at the post office. There was a sweet older lady behind me and she struck up a conversation so the time went by faster and the waiting wasn't so boring.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Tuesday, November 23rd

Last night I went to the candle light vigil and it was beautiful. There were about 25 people there mostly caregivers. Before it started and after I got to chat with some of the professionals. I'll be following up with the people I spoke to and they will also be putting me in contact with others that weren't there.

Today I stopped by the day care center to talk with the lady who runs it. It was a nice meeting and we'll see where we go from here.

I did some probate research and have letters to send.

The weather forecast for Thanksgiving is 80 degrees so we'll be eating outside. My sister-in-law will be getting here tomorrow probably before noon and stay till Friday. My brother in-law and his wife will be staying over on Thanksgiving night.


Monday, November 29th

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. Ours was fun and there was lots of laughter. For the 1st time ever we had a candlelight Thanksgiving dinner.

Anyway, back to REI. I got a bit behind last week and enjoyed getting back on track today.

As always I worked on probates. There were only a few new ones. I worked on a letter that I'm pretty happy with directed towards guardianships. I briefly mention my experience as a caregiver in the letter. Today I handwrote all of the letters.

Denny and I talked about the improvements we need to continue working on for our 'elder care program' (I've got to come up with a name for it - or maybe just call it that Smiling )

Hope everyone is having a great REI week!



glad you had a great Thanksgiving.

you are so faithful to work your business. now you have me trying to think of a name for your program. Smiling


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:

Hi Linda!

LOL! I just love it when your wheels are turning Smiling Thanks for thinking of me and of course your suggestions are welcome. Hope you are enjoying your family (I peeked in on your journal.)


Tuesday, November 30th

Today I contacted one of the ladies I spoke with at the candlelight vigil last week. Her and I used to be on the Memory Walk Committee that she now chairs. She is working for a home health care agency. They help seniors with dressing, bathing, cooking, running errands, etc. - no nursing care. This is a good connection for us. She is another one who is devoted to her work and the people she helps. We had a great conversation and will be referring people to each other. She invited me to the 'Senior Advocate' meetings. Businesses that help seniors attend these meetings each month to get to know each other and what everyone does. Seniors also attend these meetings to find out what is available to them in the area. The meetings will be held in 3 towns rotating every month.

Worked on more probate research and will send more letters tomorrow.

Unrelated to REI, last week when I was at the candlelight vigil someone I haven't seen for a while commented that I lost weight Smiling Smiling Smiling I refrained from jumping up and down and making a scene LOL! On Thanksgiving someone said the same thing Smiling


HI Lea

Hi. Thanks for the link for the bandit signs. I am capable of buying a roll of wire and some wire cutters and making my own like Randy's.
Sounds like you're doing well.
Keep up the good work!
Cathy L


Glad the link was helpful for you. It's a great price and people seem to respond better to hand written signs. I think they like that 'ma & pa' look better than a 'big' business, it probably feels less intimidating to reach out for them. I'll be checking your journal to see how they work out for you Smiling I'm looking forward to hearing about your response from the bank. Continued success to you my friend.



sounds like you are making some awesome contacts and that things are moving in the right direction. this should be fun. Smiling


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:

Hey Linda

It was great talking to you today. I always benefit so much from our conversations. Thanks again for the info you sent it has been very helpful to Denny.


Friday, December 3rd

Yesterday during Denny's travels he met with a contractor who happened to be 'out in the street' as of the day before. Long story but he needs a place to live and will have money for 1st, last and security today. His 7 year old daughter and him stayed in a nasty hotel the night before. Money is owed to him from jobs and so now he has the clothes on his back, a trailer (open) and car along with a little min pin dog. I've contacted some people who have rentals to see if something can be worked out although he'd rather live in a different area. Once he gets settled into a new place money will be tight. I've let our rehabbers know that he is available for work. I spoke with some friends and we are gong to chip in together to get his daughter Christmas presents.

I also asked him for referrals for people who want to sell their property and/or if he should meet any investors. He said he has 2 friends that have been trying to sell their properties for a while. They both want to leave the state. Will see where this goes.

I worked on probates but not much new there today. Rina had some good and helpful info on this a while back which was helpful. Somtimes it takes a bit of research to track down heirs if no personal representative has been appointed.

About our 'Elder Care Program' 3 connections have given me a short write up about what they do so I'll have it to hand out if needed. If someone gave me this opportunity I would jump on it, it's free advertising. Oh well, you can lead a horse to water but ... In the mean time I'll use their name, co., name, ph# & website.

Indiana Joe was kind enough to post this his info titled "Indiana Joe's Guide to Tracking Market Areas.' He has some good info here in case anyone would like to check it out here is the link http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/65915/ind...

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!



......Hope all is going well and your enjoying the holiday season. It is a perfect time for more of that world famous home made pumpkin pie. Smiling I am looking forward to my February trip to Florida. I can go for fun in the sun considering we now have a foot of snow on the gorund and temperatures around 20 degrees. We want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! Believe and Achieve! Smiling Your friends, - Joe and Stacey


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA

Hi Joe

It's always a pleasure to hear from you. I hope you and Stacey are enjoying this holiday season too!! Merry Christmas to you both. Denny & I are looking so forward to meeting you during your trip to FL. Smiling WOW!! A foot of snow on the ground, BRRRR!! The weather here has finally gotten a bit nicer and occasionally we can have the windows open. Thanks too for the pumpkin pie reminder LOL! At Christmas time my speciality dessert is cheesecake. This year I added chocolate chips and a home made chocolate topping (with chocolate chips and cream.) This is my new favorite cheese cake.

I know it's been a while since posting in my journal. We've been busy all is good. Denny has been building our buyers list by leaps and bounds these days. I've been working on probates and striving to improve my approach to get better and faster results.

I've talked to a few people about referrals. Yesterday I got to talk to a friend who runs an assisted living facility about helping each other and this holds promise Smiling However, she is out of Boca (1 1/4 hours south of us) We are not familiar with the Boca RE market but definitely willing to get familiar with it Smiling She is going to send me the list of REA's she works with. Next year a state of the art Alzheimer's assisted living facility is being built closer to us and I believe she'll be working there when it is complete. I still have others to talk with.

The family we have adopted this Christmas season is going to have an awesome Christmas Smiling A father and daughter (his wife passed away 4 years ago.) Twenty people have been involved and it's taken on a life of it's own and keeping us busy. I created a spreadsheet to keep gift purchases and monetary donations organized and avoid duplicate presents. It has been a blessing for Denny & I to see so many people come together to help (and watch grown adults act like little kids Smiling ) These good people have donated bedding, kitchen stuff and clothes. Lots of it is 2nd hand but in good condition and OK with the Dad because he shops at 2nd hand stores. We have given them these things already. Many people have donated new household items and on couple a goodie bag including toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, body wash, etc. The little girl will have 16 toys to open on Christmas day and about a total of 40 presents (clothes - haven't counted all of them yet.) I've been the wrapping queen. People have been dropping by with their donations and/or we've gone to them to pick them up. We had father and daughter over last Friday night for a meal and had so much fun watching the little girl open her Christmas dress (including a necklace & bracelet Smiling ) She was able to wear it to church on Sunday for their church's Christmas celebration. It's helping not only to receive these gifts but to know that so many people care about them.

Can't remember if I mentioned it earlier or not but I called one of our cash buyers (rehabs and specializes in Chinese drywall)to see if he needs help on any of his rehabs (with the Dad mentioned above in mind.) This investor has a 1M job coming up in January renovating an apartment complex that will take about 4 months. The Dad went on the interview (along with 100's of others) and I think he is one of the 8-10 people in the running.


Merry Christmas Lea!

Hello to you and Denny! My apologies for not getting back to your last very sweet message in my journal. I've had one full day of real estate per week without baby, and I can either go out there and do it or talk about it here (my "me" time in the evening when I used to comment in journals is limited between feedings and active "baby" time, which is truly a blessing...I'm just in real estate S-L-O-W-M-O-T-I-O-N for sure!)

Oh, how I wish I could download your journal to my brain right now. I'm thrilled you were/are working with Richie! And I've caught up with at least this page of entries...a whirlwind of "action" you guys are....I LOVE IT!

And I'm so excited that you and Denny are keeping at this and going to make it to the finish line, with a wealth of experience, and a wealth of deals. I hope you can make it to the Edge this year, but if you don't, I look forward to celebrating your success later...maybe I can fly out to see you and Denny to celebrate a deal (both yours and mine!)....would be fun.

Lea, thank you for sharing your touching story about adopting the family ---it is so inspiring. How great it is that you have organized a spreadsheet and that so many people have been involved! I bet they are so appreciative of all the love you all have shared with them. You have inspired me to make a resolution for this coming year, to sponsor a family locally for next Christmas. We give a list of needed brand new items to a shelter every year, but how wonderful would it be to add a specific family and watch the joy they experience, and get a group of people to support them and experience that joy! Thank you for sharing the story ----you touch many hearts, and inspire me so much through it!

Alright, baby is up from a nap so I have to run!!

You guys take care and have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!


Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter: http://tinyurl.com/p986al3

First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: http://bit.ly/ocv10

Hi Louisa!

Merry Christmas to you, Jamie and Zachary! What fun you must be having with baby's first Christmas Smiling I'm so glad to hear that you are getting plenty of baby time in. I have no doubt that you will find the balance between motherhood and REI. I was always in awe of your high enery levels and all the REI action you took before baby Zachary arrived on the scene Smiling

Denny & I had so much fun working with Richie. It is really amazing to think of the friendships and business relationships that have developed from this site. If you get down this way you can bet that Denny & I would love to meet you and celebrate our deals together!!

I'm glad you enjoyed hearing about our adopted family. It is something we've always wanted to do and just fell in our lap this year. It has been a joy to see so many loving and caring people come together for a good cause. The only better thing than this would be if families were doing better and didn't need any help at all. It is wonderful that you donate to a shelter every year! I know they appreciate your kindness and generosity.

Merry Christmas!! Wishing you a year of great blessings, good health, prosperity, joy, laughter and continued success in REI!!


Hello Lea and Denny!! I

Hello Lea and Denny!! I finally got a little time this week so I figured I would stop in and say merry christmas. I will try to call you guys later if possible.
I have to say we have become really good friends and have Dean to thank for it:) It has bin an experience and a pleasure working with you and Denny. I plan on working more with you guys in the near future. Just have to put this duplex to bed and move on with all the knowledge and experiences we learned from it.
enjoy the holiday if i dont get to call you!


Lea and Denny

Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years!



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"


"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"

Richie & Karen

Richie - Thanks for dropping by. Yes Denny & I both consider you a good friend and look forward to working with you anytime Smiling Have a Merry.

Karen - Thank you for stopping in it's nice to hear from you. Wishing you and your family and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Lea and Denny

Thank you always for your kind words and support. I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Joyful, Prosperous New Year!

Cathy L

Hi Cathy!

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. The best is yet to come for all of us in the new year Smiling



Today I received a call about a probate property. He is the PR and wants full price for the property (lives out of state.) I ended the converstion by letting him know we are here should he need us. I'll be sending a follow-up letter and keeping an eye on the property.

Indiana Joe mentioned in his journal earlier this week that a lot of investors and REA's are taking this week off (thank you for the reminder Joe if you see this.) When I read that I reminded Denny to stay on top of the investor ads we see this week to find the serious buyers. Denny continues to add more buyers to our list.

So many people have taken this week off.

I got to talk to Linda today for our weekly "Brain Storming Session." Linda is a wealth of knowledge and ideas just flow out of her head. Linda if you read this thank you!! Smiling

As always I continue to work on probates.


Saturday, January 1, 2011 NEW YEARS DAY

Welcome 2011!! Smiling Happy New Year to anyone who reads this. I am not one to make new year's resolutions as I believe every day is an opportunity to improve, grow, evaluate, and re-evaluate what I am doing, what works, what doesn't and see what opportunities are in front of me.

I am happy and excited as we enter the new year about my plans, goals and dreams for REI. I am blessed to be able to work with my husband, to have my DG family, to have good friends, family and of course my 2 dogs 'my girls.' There are many other blessings too Smiling

When Linda and I spoke yesterday one thing we touched on is the importance of helping others and REALLY finding and learning what helps THEM while also helping ourselves. This is key in REI and life in general.

Life is good, be grateful, be humble and reach for the stars! Smiling

Now it's time for me to get my black eyed peas in the crock pot and put away the Christmas decorations.

Last but not least I've lost 10 lbs in the past few months! Smiling It's been a gradual process but moving in the right direction.

There are 2 ways of exerting one's strength, one is pushing down, the other is lifting up. ~Booker T. Washington~



Happy New Year! hard to believe it's here all ready.

i love that quote! really puts things in perspective.

you're welcome and you are the one that helps get my creative juices flowing. Smiling


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:

Hey Lea & Denny! sorry i

Hey Lea & Denny! sorry i missed your call yesterday. I was sleeping and had shut my phone off so no one from work could call me. When i woke i didnt want to call you because it was after 9 when i checked my phone. But happy new yr to you too!!!! I know this is the yr your new plan will take you to greater heights. You will be helping people as well as make a profit from your hard work. Talk to you soon.

Hey Linda

I can remember when 2011 seemed like a million years away LOL! Glad you liked the quote it's one of my favorites. I guess we'll have to start referring to our calls as 'the Great Meeting of the Minds' LOL! Smiling This will be a great year for all of us!


Hey Richie

Hope you got some well deserved rest. You could have called us at 9:00 we did stay up till midnight, heck you could have called then Smiling

Thanks for your support and well wishes. I'm looking forward to working with you in 2011.

Happy New Year to you and your family!


Happy New Year!

Happy New Years to you Lea and Denny! I love the quote as well. Also congratulations on the 10lbs lost. I wish you all the very Best in 2011!
Cathy L