cmloose's Profile

All About cmloose

Cathy Loose
Quad Cities, IL
About Me: 

I'm a single parent of a 16 yr old daughter. Currently I work full time as an occupational therapist for a national contract therapy company in a local long term care facility. I read alot on finance and such and that is how I realized real estate is a common thread throughout those with financial success. This is something that's been on my heart/mind for at least 10 years but I allowed one person's comments to settle in my mind and stop me in my tracks. It was a local realtor on top of it all. So here I am. I can't look back but only move forward and record some new messages.

real estate, reading, and being a mom

Topics I've Participated In

Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 40 weeks ago
Louisa's Journal - The Sky is the Limit!!! louisajhc5087 years 43 weeks ago
The Journal of the Daily Adventures of Indiana-Joe Indiana-Joe21089 years 9 weeks ago
I will NEVER be broke again!!!!!!! Carol Stinson539 years 18 weeks ago
What To Post Here dgadmin179 years 42 weeks ago

Basic Info

Occupational Therapist
Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit



Indiana-Joe's picture

It was so nice to meet you at Dean's Gain the EDGE 2010 event. Good luck on all your future deals! Believe and Achieve! - Joe and Stacey

Hi Cathy

cbrindamour's picture

It was great to finally meet in person. My whole family wants to come next year. See you on the stage next year, and keep getting those deals from Matt!


Chasing The Dream's picture

It was great meeting you this weekend. Keep up the good work on those real estate deals. How exciting it was to get the deal before Matt. See anything is possible.

Good luck to you.

Like I told Louisa, can't wait till next year, same seat, right by the fire pit?

Take care


mdlinvestors's picture

I am a newbie... have a deal going on a wholesale deal... don't know where to find or what documents I need to have the seller and buyer to sign... just saw you were on line... so new to this site don't know how to ask the questions... do it on the forums???

Saw you were on line and tried to PM you but it didn't work as I don't know how to set up the contact.... unless I post to your Guest book... is there a better way>>> thanks... sorry to bother you but I hope you can point me in the right direction



Indiana-Joe's picture

Congratulations on your current REO real estate deal. I know there will be many more to come. Keep up the good work! Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe