Craig's List Nightmare

Craig's List Nightmare

I live in a fairly large city in Central California. The competition between Realtors must be fierce, dog eat dog. Especially in this area, prices are way down.
I advertise my Lease Option houses as "Take over Payments, No Credit Check, No dealing with a bank"

The realtors dont like seeing my ads and flag them for removal, sometimes within minutes of posting. I am forced to place the same ad multiple times each day bcuz of the deletions. Whats messed up is, anybody can flag anybody's ad for removal.

I suppose if your a realtor and ur trying to sell a house conventionally and you see my ad offering a better way to buy, he may want to have it removed immediately, fair play or not. In my area Craig's list is dominated by broker's with very few by Owners ads. I've got several deals using CL, but I may move on to FISBO sites only or just laugh at these bottem feeding realtors and keep reposting my ads daily.



Yes many Realtors are selfish

Yes it is dog eats dog and many realtors are selfish and narrow minded....
Not all but many.
So let's see what you can do. AS you say you can persist posting or look for a different venue....
There are other options.....

You can also use....

I have a similar problem with CL where I am in FL. How about using the other Classified sites? Here's a few of the ones I know:

Backpage. com

Hope this helps Eye-wink

Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC and IE member


Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni Laughing out loud


It's so sad that you feel the need to constantly trash talk on this site, Rando. This is the equivalent of racism or any other form of discrimination - harassment and slander of any group of people is incredibly unnecessary. If you are posting the same ad multiple times in one day, they are probably being removed by Craigslist admins who monitor spam and mis-use of the site. The "bottom feeder" and other comments you make towards people in a certain profession that you seem to have so much hatred towards is completely uncalled for. Quite a few of the people who frequent this site, as you KNOW, are Realtors. How does disrespecting us (yes I take it personally even tho I've never done anything to u) or calling us names make you feel better about whatever situation you went thru in the past with a Realtor? That's like saying all lawyers are scum & mechanics are rip-offs... why blame the entire tree for a couple bad apples? Stop the Hate, man. Get over it already.



Skeptic, turned hopeful, turned determined!
You will NEVER succeed if you don't try.


Am I missing something? When was it illegal or unprofessional to speak your mind? This is America, grow up!!

Yes, you are missing something...

I was addressing him on a very specific matter. This is just the newest of MANY similar posts in which he attacks an entire group of people. He has called us greedy, stupid, selfish, know-it-alls, humorless, cheap, desperate, the list goes on and on. The rules of this site are very clear about this issue:

4) NO NEGATIVE LANGUAGE, HARASSMENT, INSULTS: Making insults, harassing, name calling, or any other type of negative comments is serious offense on this site. Do not do it. You are required to act in a mature and professional manner on this site. No exceptions.

I think that says it all. We are here to learn and help each other, not spew hatred.



Skeptic, turned hopeful, turned determined!
You will NEVER succeed if you don't try.

Also... taken from Craigslist....

in the terms of use it states very clearly:

A user may post the same or substantially similar content no more than once every 48 hours.

So if you're posting the same ad every day, not every 48 hours, as I said earlier, it is the CL admin who are removing you for spamming, not "bottom feeding Realtors" who are scared of competition.



Skeptic, turned hopeful, turned determined!
You will NEVER succeed if you don't try.

I agree with Monica

comments coming from Rando1 are almost always in the negative. It is to the point that I rarely pay attention to his posts anymore. This is the second recent posts bashing realtors from him.

Monica is correct. Monica, others know what he is like, so I think they just don't pay him any mind. He hasn't changed his tune even after he got bashed on here long ago, and came back on here with a different name and pic at one point. RAndo, people know your true colors, so maybe you should stop bashing others on here.

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.


You are definitely missing something if you think behaving in this way is all right.

I think that we need to start sending emails to Jeremy (the DG moderator), who I am quite surprised has allowed this behavior for as long as he has. It is DEFINITELY unacceptable! I am NOT a realtor but I find it very offensive!



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"

"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"


What do ads being deleted on CL have to do with racism or negativity toward ANYBODY except the people that watch the CList like hawks and don't have better advertising ideas than to just delete every ad they think might compete with their own?!? I have a Pure & Burning HATRED for those cowards!

RANDO! This might still work: When you type your ad in you get to that page with "Post" and "Preview" buttons at the bottom. Click on "Preview". Click in and out of the preview screen 10 or 12 times. (yeah, its a pain, but less of a pain than hunting around for your deleted ad to find out its gone and then retype)This fools the CL Robo-Ad-Cop into thinking that non-denominational-deleters-of-any-creed-licensed-or-not-in-any-way viewed your ad and did not flag it. You will be off the radar and your ad will stick. Posting in "the appropriate??" sections helps.


"The harder you work, the luckier you get." -Gary Player

I could be wrong...

...but I wasn't aware that Realtor (circle c) had gotten into the DNA pool.


"The harder you work, the luckier you get." -Gary Player

I could be wrong...

...but I wasn't aware that Realtor (c) had gotten into the DNA pool.


"The harder you work, the luckier you get." -Gary Player


Can anybody explain to me how you know who flags your post?

You can't.

...and you don't even get an anonymous reason. See what I mean by "cowards"?


"The harder you work, the luckier you get." -Gary Player

just a tip

to keep your post up longer. Post after 9pm. Craigslist Customer service is closed, so they dont take down until later on the next day.

move to fsbo?

I don't understand why your posts would get flagged and removed, unless you're posting illegally, i.e. posting ghost ads, ... however, if your posts are legit, have you tried posting some photos with your ads? Maybe word them differently, so that whoever is flagging them doesn't 'recognize' your ads?

And why would you want to move to fsbo? CL is for everyone...



“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal:

Just telling it like it is.

Gorgeous 3/2 1500 SF, Beautiful neighborhood, take over payments of $1580 PITI, no Qualifying, No dealing with a bank. 22 yrs left on loan, continue making payments till the end of term or refinance at any time. With a reasonable down payment you can own this beauty. Call Now.

Why would Craigs List delete this? With 98% of CL dominated by brokers fighting tooth and nail for their bones. It's obvious who is deleting my ads. Just this week I lost another house bcuz the realtor that was managing the house I had on contract told the seller that I was operating Illegally bcuz I had no Realtors License. An experienced rehabber I sell to, I explained to him what had happened, I told him I had never had a good experience with a realtor, he says, and you never will. He said he has sued several in the past that got in the way of his deals.

These agents seem really desperate, and ignorant of options, lease options, owner financing and subto's. They are def not aware that investors have every legal right to buy and sell houses with out a license.

But I'm nice to them, when they call I say im sorry I like to deal directly with the owners, and we hang up friendly.

I'm gonna be more positve, I will be successfull without having to deal with ignorant & desperate Realors and keep an eye out for a few good ones.
Maybe there are a few on this planet.
Let's make some MONEY Rando




Hey Rando,
I hear you! I've been having the same issues with CL lately. I've been posting in my area under "Real Estate Services" in a very professional matter. I post ads offering "distressed owners" cash for their RE Properties. However, the ad is "flagged for removal" and it gets deleted quickly? I only even post a single ad in that section in my area, and this happens?

I don't have anything against Realtors or anyone. We are all looking to make a living. Not too long ago a Realtor responded to my CL Ad in a very negative, rude, and unprofessional manner. I think a lot of Realtors are beginning to realize that REI is a threat to them, so maybe they are the ones deleting our CL Ads. On the other side, I had the pleasure to speak with a very professional and helpful Realtor who understands REI and is willing to work with me.

This is a "free market" and people need to understand that there's always competition. However, flagging CL Ads to bring down competition is childish, immature, and unethical. We all need to respect other's endeavors and allow others to use different marketing venues such as CL. I just hope some Realtors don't start taking down my REI Bandit Signs once I start placing them around town. It's very frustrating!

Just wanted to give my opinion! Take care all and blessings!



Christian B. O'Laarte
B.S., Business - CLU - 2005

Thanks for the Support

Seems I ruffled the feathers on a few old crows. Was'nt intentional. Shud we just ignore the unpleasant aspects of investing if any? Just sugar coat our bad experiences? If anybody is having some trying experiences or good ones, with any facet of investing I wud like to know about it, and learn from it.



CL is like fising

You are throwing a line out into a sea of potential buyers, move your boat, cast a little different, use a stronger line, or smaller bait. Just keep casting. Thank you to all above me, I gained valuable insight, wishing you "fish on" after every cast!.....Kathleen


Steve & Kathleen

Old crows

are the ones that stay in the dark ages and don't progress, nor learn from their mistakes! You will get further if you stop insulting people!

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.