Ok so I believe this is going to be my most sincere, passionate, motivationl blog I have ever done since becoming a member of the DG family. I have had the pleasure of talking with THE YOUNG GUN from Georgia and MATT BEHRENS from Colorado. I just spoke with both of them on the phone tonight. I spoke with Matt for about a half an hour on my drive home from work and I talked with Chase for over an hour once I got home. Let me just say this, the amount of energy in those two phone calls could could blow the roof off of a ten story building, it could move mountains! The amount of motivation that I and these two guys have is unreal. We all have the same goals, same reasons why we are doing this, same drive and will power. Words cannot express the amount of excitement and motivation that two phonecalls to the right people can bring you! Chase and I haven't even done a deal yet, we are just working on our systems and getting everything in place so that when we do finally jump in and start doing deals, (Which by the way both of us want to do a deal yesterday. We both have that mindset of not moving fast enough even though everyone on here is telling us how fast we are moving.) we will already have a way into the deal and have a way to make it move as fast as possible to the closing table, and get on to the next deal. Now this is where Matt comes in. He is the one that has already done the deals and is the motivation saying "IT CAN BE DONE!" I cannot begin to explain how important that is to have that person behind you telling you that they have done it and tell you that you can do it too! The power of networking is the KEY to getting your head start in REI. Just go out there and do it. Talk to people on here, at your local REI clubs, find people from the DG site that are on facebook and chat with them over facebook I.M. then make sure you talk to them on the phone because hearing the persons voice and hearing the excitement in their voice is WAY MORE POWERFUL than just sending messages back and forth on the computer. Dean always says this business is not about the acutal properties or the numbers, it is about the PEOPLE! When a person buys a deal from you they are buying into the person selling it, not the acutal property. Dean and Matt Larson preach this all the time! I put exclamation points behind most of my sentences alot because I want you to know that I am excited as I write this ok. My hands are shaking, it is 2 o'clock in the morning and I am wide awake, I had goals set for tonight but those have taken a back seat because I felt like I needed to share this with the DG family. I want everyone to experience this excitement first hand. I is addicting. I have never done a drug in my life but I am pretty sure that REI and the people that you get to talk to and work with give you a much greater high and are a lot more addictive than any drug will ever be! I cannot wait to see where I am going to be in the next couple weeks. I am going to keep pushing hard with Chase and Matt keeping me accountable. I also cannot fail to mention a few other names that I have been in contact with: Karen Griffin from CA, I talk with her on facebook quite a bit now and she has been following Chase and I on, Joe and Stacey Jurek, I talk with Stacey quite often on facebook and freak her out about the snow that is coming her way from Illinois! haha. Chris Brindamour for welcoming me and watching my progress. There are countless others that have commented on my blogs and sent me private messages with tips or ecnouraging words, I thank you all for keeping up on my progress and guiding me and teaching me and giving me the hope and desire and the drive to overcome my fears and overcome the negative people that don't or wouldn't want me to do this if I told them. I am and will be successful. No ifs ands or buts about it. There is no turning back!

So the whole point of the title of this blog goes back to the fact that there is a group "Band of Brothers"(I thought the young gun would like that Military reference!) if you will, of men in their early 20's that instead of going out and partying and having "fun", spending money and wasting time on something that is not productive, are making a concious decision to take the path less traveled and deciding to set the goal for their future that not many 20 year olds would even thing about setting. We plan to be worry free and have fun working for ourselves instead of working for someone else.

To all the newbies that might think I am very experience and confident and know everything already, I DONT. I still dont know even 1% of the information that is out there! All I am trying to do is give the proof and motivation and drive that it takes to make it in this business!

You have nothing to lose by just trying, I promise! I can tell you this, if you don't try it, you are making a huge mistake. Real Estate investing can and will change your life forever! How do I know this without even doing a deal yet? I know this because I have talked to real live people all over the country that have done it and are still doing it and they came from the same spot that I am in or worse!

I hope this blog lights a fire under everyone that reads it and if you know someone that needs their fire re-lit. Send them here to read this blog. I will be the motivation that anyone needs to push them along. Do not hessitate to message me or add me to facebook and talk to me anytime I am on. Just send me a P.M on here and I will give you my contact info.

Have a great week everyone! Goodnight!


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"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~

Great Post!


Great Post! Its always glad to see a young member of society looking to their future with the conviction you show in your post. Way to be Man! Your surrounding yourself with the right people.

Jake Greer


Quad City Real Estate Investors Association

Here is the proof of getting a loan to buy a deal with a 585 Credit Score.

Look me up on Facebook, put in a message when Friend Requesting or be denied.

Great Energy Lane

We seem to be talking in the same circles! I have talked with 2 of the 3 people you've had conversations with myself and just got a PM from the other one (I'm behind in writting back on PMs, so if you read this that is why I haven't responded yet Eye-wink )You can and You WILL do it. Even with a ton of negativity and the learning curve and getting back up after mistakes are made.

Today my husband declared 'HE'S' going to close the business that I've spent all this time building up and 'HE' insists I quit. That is not going to happen, not for a second. But, this is the type of adversity I deal with, and I'm still pushing onward and will keep getting up no matter what obstacle is thrown in my path. NEVER GIVE UP!

It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED!!!

Totally AGREE!

Brother you hit the nail right on the head and I couldn't have said any better. Those words are powerful and this is one of the reasons why were gonna be able to shoot to the top and be some of the most biggest success stories Dean would ever imagine to see the younger than average guys out there making a change for themselves and having fun doing it all the while making money and just doing what we are soooooo passionate about!!!!

We WILL make it man (All the way to the top) NO DOUBT!



You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do.

See Where The Journey Never Ends At:

Chase Brooks

Band of my adopted "DG Sons"

OK, guys! (Where's Matt?) You guys are not only motivating each other, you are motivating a lot of other people, too!

Like ME!!! Thanks for that, too!

Excitement is contagious! This is an AWESOME post, Lane!



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"

"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"

You are going places!

To start so young is wonderful -- and very smart! Attitude can be half the battle and you are doing great. Keep it up -- you're helping others stay motivated!


Thanks, Nadine
** Realtor/Investor in Lancaster County, PA
His Hope Enterprises LLC

Creative real estate solutions -->
Traditional real estate help -->

Congrats to you....

lanemccaw wrote:

You have nothing to lose by just trying

and the others on your life changing decision.

However, the comment piece you said that I highlighted is not so cut and dry. Your youth allows you to make mistakes of which you can bounce back from and start again from, but if you can prevent from making certain mistakes, that would make your path that much more smooth and pleasant.

-Nothing wrong with 'going with your gut' but facts and #'s must come into the equation

-Don't be afraid to say to 'NO' or ask a question even if its to someone more knowledgable than yourself; at the end of the day you're left with that loan and/or property and its no one else responsibility but your own

-Attention to detail. If you're lazy and don't stay on top of things, its going to be a painful and expensive ordeal for you.

Theres more, but this is enough for now. Again good luck to you

Great Post

Lane that was a great post, I too am in the same position as you guys. I'm very close to getting my 1st deal under my belt but it's not moving fast enough for me. I'm having problems with the buyers list...I understand the importance of having one but I have a problem with telling someone I have a property when i don't. I don't want to destroy relationships before they start.


"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."

Shaun Omar
DSD Investor Group Inc

Rational thinking is good

shaun omar wrote:
it's not moving fast enough for me.

I'm having problems with the buyers list

I don't want to destroy relationships before they start.

It will move when its supposed to or its not meant to move at all

You'll know you have a buyers list when you have a deal

Perfect way to look at things

Thanks Elix

Thanks Elix I know if I continue the path I'm taking it will happen. I don't want to go off half cocked and screw things up because I was over anxious. Good things come to those that wait.....and be patient grasshopper. I'm working on acouple of short sales and we will see where they take me. Thanks again for all the great advise.


"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."

Shaun Omar
DSD Investor Group Inc

I'm here Karen!

Haha great post Lane, I say we rock this together, keep each other accountable and be the three that blow the lid as the youngest guys to make a success story for Dean's program. You and Chase are both going places and I love both of your motivation and maturity. This will be a blast...

I agree with Elix that facts and numbers do come into play and that you need to learn to say no if the deal isn't right. I with the help of the people I surround myself with here in Colorao have turned three deals down because something wasn't quite right. You have to learn that not everything is a good deal even if it is at the right price.

Keep up the great job guys, the deals will come!


Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"


F.E.A.R- False. Evidence. Apprearing. Real.
Talk IS Cheap!


I am so sorry for the situation of your husband, we will make him believe in YOU and what this does for our families. Hang in there and never give up! You will be in one of Dean's books soon enough and maybe even teaching up in front of crowds at EDGE! You are amazing and have a heart of gold, thank you for your willingness to personally help me out with everything!


Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"


F.E.A.R- False. Evidence. Apprearing. Real.
Talk IS Cheap!

This will...

no doubt be the best year for me and my family! I cannot believe the information I have and I am planning to put it to use very very soon!


Click Here To Buy Deans New Book!!!
Visit my website:
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"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~

You guys

will be very successful; the sacrifices you make from 'partying and drinking' will pay off wonderfully. I did the same things right out of high school and mystified everyone in my family. We literally had all our family laughing at us when we were in contract with our first house making $12 an hour between the two of us (my husband and I) at the ripe old ages of 18 and 21. They didn't laugh much after we closed and moved in Sticking out tongue You're going to mystify a lot of people! Shocked

Of course, be prepared; like Dean mentions in the EDGE 2010, after your success, everyone will make excuses that its because of luck, or because someone gave you money, ad naseum, and anticipate bad news about failure.

You guys are doing great!

Way to go guys!!

I don't think you can do this business alone and having a group working together
is the way to do this business, especially wholesaling!

Now I think its time for you guys to learn how to properly evaluate a property as far as rehab needed and true quick sell ARV and start making offers! If you can't do this everything else is a waste of time and I don't mean basing an offer on what zillow says! I have PMed all you guys on this! As Matt will tell you, this is how you truly learn this business. I commend him for walking away from what would have been a total disaster and then wanting one of my properties, knowing he could not get funded in time, saying no and not putting a fellow DGers earnest money at risk. What he has and is learning by taking action is priceless! He is out there making offers. You other two better quit posting and get to work!! Make offers, fail, learn, its the only way to move ahead in this business. Better keep up with Matt! I truly expect to do a deal with Matt in the next 90 days if not sooner! Get out there now you other two!!
Your next posting should be the numbers on the deal you are working!!

I look forward to tracking your progress! PM me anytime for help or questions Or a deal In the Denver area or Southern California!

Good Luck Guys!
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site


You are legitimately awesome! I owe everything I know, well ok everything outside of the book that actually happens in the real word, to you! Thank you for your leadership and mentoring. We have a saying in the fire house. The fire academy teaches you just enough to go out and get yourself hurt or killed, you must learn from those doing it in the field in order to actually get good at it. The same goes for REI, Mike I can't tell you how many people I have talked to that know you by name as one of the best wholesalers in Denver. Thank you...

There is one thing that bugs me about your post though, WE HAD BETTER DO A DEAL IN THE NEXT 30 DAYS NOT 90!!


Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"


F.E.A.R- False. Evidence. Apprearing. Real.
Talk IS Cheap!

OK Matt!

30 Days it is!! I know you can do it. Call me later, got another REO accepted today (put another one under contract as well, sold in less than 24 hours!) will sign the contract on this one tomorrow then let you know the details. Get those buyers lined up!!

Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site

Hey Guys

Read Elix's post again. He speaks from the hip and he knows his business. We have had many conversations on the phone and he is down in the trenches everyday. We almost had a couple deals together but through my lack of initiative they fell through, but he practices what he preaches. I wish all of you much success and if you keep the steam going you will make it.All my best to your futures...Jan

you is great!

Everytime I get on this site I see positive people doing great things. What you just wrote is great and very motivated. I havent done a deal yet either but yet still have a strong belief. you rocks buddy keep up the good work!!!!!1


Belinda Porter/ Never give up!

Elix and Bill

Hey Jan,
I find both Elix and Bill to be full of great advise and info and they aren't afraid to share it with everyone. I like their work ethics and philosophies. I am directing my business more like theirs. Who knows...maybe we will be able to do a deal or 2 together. These 3 young guys are great and I know they will do very well but you must have patience grasshopper. Good things will happen when they are meant to. I also like your posts jan you too are not afraid to share your experiences with those of us that are new to investing. I thank the entire family for their help.


"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."

Shaun Omar
DSD Investor Group Inc


Jan Malek wrote:
Read Elix's post again. He speaks from the hip and he knows his business. We have had many conversations on the phone and he is down in the trenches everyday. We almost had a couple deals together but through my lack of initiative they fell through, but he practices what he preaches. I wish all of you much success and if you keep the steam going you will make it.All my best to your futures...Jan

Long time no hear

I see you're not in the Federal Witness Protection Program anymore. Good to hear from you lol

Offer to the Youngin's

Find me commercial properties, unlisted and NOT on the MLS

20 units or more

Hotels, Motels, Resorts, and Residential


Distressed, in financial ruin, or desperate to sell

Cost is not an issue as long as the spread is enticing (40% or more)

Before you bring to my attention, make sure you have it on contract

I do my due diligence so if I do find out that it is listed on the MLS, and you lied to me.......

Take your time and learn, not a rush, but if something comes up faster great; commercial properties are very lucrative

Look forward to working with you all


You are SO funny!!

"Offer to the Youngin's" LOLOLOL!


"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"

"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"


They asked me to leave!!!! Something about making an offer that you can't refuse, or kicking open a few doors for you. Oh yeah, it was when I was talking to a FSBO offering financing, funny though, his wife said he left town in a hurry...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...Jan


I actually know of a few already... I will keep you posted Elix.


Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"


F.E.A.R- False. Evidence. Apprearing. Real.
Talk IS Cheap!

Jan you didn' move up here

Jan you didn' move up here from NJ did you? Iknow their a lot of people missing down there.


mbehrens wrote:
I actually know of a few already... I will keep you posted Elix.

you know how to reach me. I'm not far away

Hi Lane

When I talked to you on the phone the other day I said I was working nationwide with people and it sounds like you are getting a good start. I hope a lot of business comes your way. If you come across some commercial properties anywhere in the US on or off the MLS, let me know. I have some people with lots of buyers that are looking for commercial and I would like to find more for them. Hope to hear from you soon. Just send me a private message and I will contact you. Lots of luck.