Ready To Learn....To Take Action!

All About TheYungGun

TheYungGun's picture
Middle Georgia
About Me: 

I am currently in the United States Army Reserves and wanting the financial security that I've always thought about! Provide a bigger and better life for me and my future wife and later on down the kids! I only I WILL be as successful as I have dreamt of being but the motivation, determination and persistence thrives within me everyday to get one step closer and further towards my goals in REI and life for that matter, and as I see here on it happens everyday. I know if they can I know I can. In a quote somewhere where Dean posted ask yourself these questions...

Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not now?! -James Allen.

So the biggest key to my success is me in this American Dream....What's your American Dream? You make the call......

Real Estate, REI, Aviation, Cars (Only BMW), Being with family and Friends, Fishing, Learning As Much As I Can About REI!

Topics I've Participated In

Dean's Finance Center dgadmin2878 years 25 weeks ago
The Journal of the Daily Adventures of Indiana-Joe Indiana-Joe21089 years 13 weeks ago
Looking for birddogs Parkergavin0608389 years 35 weeks ago
Have The Buyers Lined Up!! TheYungGun3210 years 8 weeks ago
Assignment Of Contracts Made Easy cbrpower6410 years 9 weeks ago

Basic Info

United States Army Reserve/ Real Estate Investor
No Children
Completed High School

Sites I Visit


Hey The Yung GUn

Trump Jr.'s picture

Help me figure this Real estate out. I am a driven person who has been around and don't want to be let down this time.

What was your first step and how did you make your first deal with no money down.


TheYungGun's picture

Trump I'll tell you this much if you haven't already read Dean's books you need to start on that asap! Read read read that's your best bet for now. Stay on and read some more lol! I know it's gonna be a lot of info and time consuming but believe me on here these are real people with real situations telling REAL stories everyday it will be worth it!! So like I said just start on something you might have a question about and it'll lead you from there. As far as making a deal I haven't gotten one yet but I'm getting close and I know just don't give up and keep reading researching doing what you have to do to make those goals a reality! Again I will say DO NOT GIVE UP!! Hope this helps!


You can Do It

shaun omar's picture

Keep the faith you can do this. It's just gonna take some persistence to get it done. I'm just starting myself and I have paid a lot of money to other Real Estate classes and Dean is by far the best. They really go the extra steps for you to succeed. If you want it go get it and don't let anyone tell you that you can't have it!!!

You're Right

TheYungGun's picture

About that and Dean's programs were my first investment and definitely gonna be the last because I know (in my opinion) Dean is the absolute best hands down!!! That's one of the most amazing things that I love about what he does and what he stands for. He truly wants to help others and see them succeed just like he has and that's one of the things that stick out to me the most! And Shaun just to let you know I wanna tell you the same thing don't give up like Dean always says.....Knowledge+action=RESULTS and that's exactly what I'm aiming for the results........the BEST ones at that! And thanks for the comment much appreciated.

Much Success and a prosperous 2011!


Very True

Lane McCaw's picture

If you want to be successful you have to put in the time and hard work. It will bring you lots and lots of cash but it won't fall in your lap. READ READ READ and READ some more. Talk to other DG students and find out what will work best for you to start out with. Once you have all of the information and the support behind you, go out and take action. Even if you do not totally know what you are doing. Call on your mentor and your fellow DG family members and you will go a long way!

dreaming big

I found dreaming big and the childlike attitude that there is nothing you cant do Istarted marble restoration company wiyh no experience or training and became the best in pittsburgh I say this is because I made the most mistakes.Everyday read a little make goals yearly monthly weekly daily and do one or more things on your daily list to keep the momentum going sal


Rusti's picture

I have recently fell in love with the 5 series and Thats actually why I'm trying to get back into this to get the cash for my M5

I'm More Of

TheYungGun's picture

A 3 series Man myself or.....OR M3 Smiling Either one of those I will be perfectly happy! M5 is a good one though!

Hi Chase

Valuni's picture

Haven't seen any posts from you for a while, so I'm just checking in to say hi and hoping that everything is ok.


Welcome back Chase

reinvestor42's picture

Glad to see you back

Thank You for your service!


Hi There

Just stopping by to say hi to a fellow soldier and thanks for the time you have served as well. Still keeping up with your posts on here too.



MxChica's picture

Say Chase
Good to see you here. Have you gotten that BMW yet?