This whole journey for me has been about overcoming obstacles and things that stand in my way. Because, truth be told, REI is about rebuilding who YOU are and reprogramming your thinking. Knowledge and learning all the techniques in the world from Dean, or anyone else, will NOT be enough. You have to look inside yourself, really examine yourself, be HONEST with yourself and find a way to build a success mindset. Without the reprogrammed mindset, you will be one of the 96-98% that do NOT make it. If you haven't yet, READ or RE READ Totally Fulfilled, and do ALL the exercises in there; really dig DEEP to see where your obstacles and problems lies. (and you DO have them, or you'd be the perfect weight, have no problem achieving success, would accomplish everything you set out to do, etc) Then, instead of letting those obstacles and problems hinder you, turn them around into opportunities to overcome and solve.
Many of you know my journey. I've had many more downs than ups. I've struggled this whole journey with various things that would hold other's back. I didn't do it by keeping the old mentality I had. I didn't achieve it just by learning the new techniques, although they were valuable and taught me the knowledge I need, what I had to do is overcome the obstacles, fears, and blocks standing in my way from using that knowledge.
For example, I'd always believed, because it was instilled in me for years and years, that I will never amount to anything in life and that everything I did was wrong or not good enough. I had to reprogram those thoughts to ' My possibilities are endless because I am strong, persistent, determined, creative, and I will NOT ever give up!' and ' My personality allows me to shine like a star and my integrity and honesty easily wins people over.'
When someone tells me things that include the words 'can't', 'impossible', and 'never or always', I've turned my thinking around to where that MOTIVATES me to prove them wrong, and I go out and continue doing it; even if I fail. I've learned the only thing to be afraid of is NOT doing enough to achieve the success I am striving for. I choose not to believe the negative things said to me.
Unless you learn how to overcome yourself and use your obstacles, failures and problems as learning opportunities and building blocks to your success, you will be one of the 96-98% that give up or slowly fade away.
I will be a work in progress until I die. And that is how you have to look at this journey. It isn't just 'I want to make money in REI'. Its knowing your true, deep seated, heartfelt why, and reminding yourself of it in EVERYTHING you do so you don't lose sight of the real reason you're on this journey!
Every day in EVERY way I am getting BETTER AND BETTER! I feel healthy! I feel happy! I feel TERRIFIC! I AM A CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [What you repeatedly say, you become and you begin to LIVE.. it reprograms the negatives you have lingering in your sub conscious and destroys them )
This is really great motivation! I think we all can benefit from what you've said here. Thank you.
P.s. I think I'm going to need to reread this every morning to keep myself focused on what matters
"The man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind may take possession of anything else to which he is justly entitled."
-Andrew Carnegie
"Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning."
– Mahatma Gandhi
It is true that what you tell yourself is what your life becomes. Others can tell you you won't succeed, but until you keep replaying that in your head it doesn't become yours. I think the big problem is we don't realize how often we tell ourselves the old programmed messages over and over and over again. So, we have to consciously tell ourselves over and over and over and over again like a broken record the things that we want to hear. I am a healthy, tall, beautiful smart woman. I am rich and have wonderful friends and family. We have to attract what we want, but we first have to tell ourselves what we want repeatedly, and we begin to believe it, because we think it into being, literally.
Now you may be thinking that hey, you can't change your height, but there are things you can do to make yourself taller or feel taller and so be perceived as taller. Ex: I could hold my shoulders back, put on high heels, and walk confidently appearing taller, or I could put on flats, hunch my shoulders, and mope around. Perhaps I need to lose a little weight, just all these things combined will make a change! Believe it and become it! website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
I'll say it.....I'M PROUD OF YOU, TAMMY !!!!And very happy for you. How inspiring you are. Your right....we all have something hanging over us...if not, then I'm happy for whoever that might be. Myself, I'm not one of those...I'm a little like you. I have tons of things facing me everyday.....THEY'RE NOT ENJOYABLE ONES. One of the smaller problems is my computer is acting up.....I am not a computer person---I'm still learning stuff.......I joined the computer messes up just about every time I go to go to, when it does that, I go to the 30 days to cash-- lol. It seems like it is taking me forever....but I don't care-- I WILL GET THERE.
Thanks for the motivation. You've already done so many things others said couldn't be done (like doing deals in So Cal). Even though it hasn't been easy, you have not given up and your determination shows. You Go Tammy!! Much continued success.
This is the first posts I've read in a week or so....I really needed! This reality check! Now I'm pumped once again I'm going to have to re do my 7layer deep! Exercise! Thanks again Tammy!
yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."
"Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still"
Thanks for the inspiring words! It's because of the fact that members share their challenges and triumphs that make this site so awesome!
Thanks again,
Stephan Roberts
"In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia!"
Here is a FREE property analyzer I've found:
It's a great tool to use to help analyze your deals (and did I mention it's FREE)! But, you really should spend the $97 and get the full premium edition! IT'S AWESOME!!
DG Family, Thank you, I was hoping this would just propel even ONE person and have them take action with not only real estate, but their mindset! So happy to see the response here this morning.
Thank you Glen, keep your focus and make it happen!
Thank you Tammy. Yes, you hit the nail on the head! What you can conceive in your mind, and then believe, you WILL achieve! And then repeat to yourself often during the day.
And Ersie, I appreciate your words! I truly do because I don't hear them too often.
I went through the computer crashing on me twice in my journey, I know the frustration it causes all too well! (Even lost my first buyers list that way, long story, but moral was, always back up in TRIPLICATE (Double wasn't enough).
Thank you Regina, I certainly have to be stubborn about not giving up, and get up from every fall and run over ever obstacle that has hit me! This most certainly has not been easy, but it has been one of the most rewarding things I've done for me and my family in my life! Keep the faith, and believe!
Thank you Robert, keep coming back! Post your WHYs in spots you'll read them every day, and watch how it turns exhaustion into pure motivation!
Thank you Stephan! This is the core of my journey I'm sharing with you, and the heart of what will make it happen for you too!
Hi Tammy I know where you are coming from I grew up in that environment but I refuse to be pushed around by anyone and I never did like it in the low plains of life, I like where you grow and continue to get better each day.I ran into a man the other day, yesterday, forty three years old and has given up on life and him self and he has talent but he to hard on himself to use it, well not me and I told him so. Ieve only begun and the future looks so bright, and thats why you and I need to do some deals together Tammy
When I started out, I was told the ONLY things I had to change was TRUE. Also, "Only YOU can change your situation in life"
if YOU want/need change, YOU must CHANGE, this includes some your 'friends', your so-called priorities/activities,etc and then you HAVE TO commit TIME to LEARN about what it is you want to do.
Then, you're ready to step out and practice what you've learned.
Exercise, even its just a little, it makes you feel better, creates energy and gives you a stronger mind and body
Be POSITIVE - Interact with successful REInvestors and learn from them
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He has been listening to others and not within himself. We are more than what other's make us out to be, and sometimes the person hardest on us is ourselves. I hope you were able to give that man a glimmer of hope Jim! And yes, let's get working a deal together. I've had an extremely hectic past 3 weeks, things will be winding down now as I've completed 3 of the 4 deals I was working on and my 4th is the rehab that is now 99% complete!
It feels good to get that one done!
I want to share here that this rehab was in a new area for me. I had to build a new team of contractors and thought I had a good crew, but boy did that turn out wrong. But, because of their neglegence, I met a whole crew of really INCREDIBLE contractors and I will not have to worry about shoddy contractors in that area any more! Something good always comes out of things that goes wrong, so NEVER GIVE UP and always persevere!
for success!
I feel healthy, i feel happy, I feel TERRIFIC! It is CERTAIN I will succeed!
For your 'real-life' story of trials and tribulations, makes it all worth it
for me as daily, there is someone telling me--No ! So kick it in the butt and move on is what I too must do to succeed and when I do that I have succeeded. It hurts when life brings you down, deals fall through,etc.. it takes all I have to ignore it!!!
"Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul." ~ Flavia
Kathy Wholesales TX
KM WholeSale Properties LLC
When someone tells me I CAN'T or that I'm crazy, or a myriad of other things, I have that shining snicker on the inside now, and it really motivates me to do more to give those naysayers a nice dose of whomp
It is tough when things don't go the way we plan, but it sure builds up your perseverance; one you have built a steady perseverance, you will SUCCEED! Thank you Kathy!
And stand above what fears otherwise would have alienated you! Have a great 4th of July DG family!
to assure you are successful?
sorry, double post!
"Success is not a doing process, it is a becoming process. What you do, what you pursue, will elude you—it can be like chasing butterflies. Success is something you attract by the person you become.” -Jim Rohn
And NOTHING could be truer. I know the goals I have for me; and I know that I am only an infant in my journey. Wow, the SUCCESS I am going to attract! My aim is to achieve TOTAL FULFILLMENT. I can't WAIT!
you have to become more!
Thought I'd bring this thread back to the top!
i just watched your video for the first time this morning and have to say...awesome job on what you've done and what you've become.
so true life is a work in progress.
keep moving forward, rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
I have come so far from where I was and still have a LONG, LONG way to go; but if you look at it, really, we all are on that journey to achieve the best we can be! And it is a lifelong process of improvement!
You are such a fighter Tammy thanks for the inspiration. I just love reading your posts. I am so proud of what you have accomplished....
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."
You are really kicking it up several notches and killing it in RE right now too! I am proud of all you've done since Edge! I knew you had it in you!
Now I,m really in trouble. I have all of Deans books except Totally Fulfilled.
I,ll get it ASAP.
Randy & Elia Cobb Investments LLC
Real Estate Investor OR,TX
will change your life if you let it. Its funny Dean says he's embarrassed by that book because he's come so far since he wrote it; but its my favorite book of his!
He should write a sequel.... Dean? 
we could feel embarrassed or Blessed to have been able to move forward and succeed, either we earned it.
Mike Free tools
we could feel embarrassed or Blessed to have been able to move forward and succeed, either way we earned it.
Mike Free tools
I want to revive this thread again too! There are SO MANY incredible threads in the archives I would LOVE for every person here to be able to read. Happy New Year!!
I am becoming the BEST me in every way, with each passing day! I am a pillar of strength! I AM A CHAMPION! I am so healthy, I am SOOO SOOO HAPPY! I feel terrific!
Nice how is REI going? and life?
Go faster do more! GFDM!
let's make 2015 a year to remember....I have been listening to books like