rob clay

All About rob clay

rob clay's picture
rob clay
Md.,De. N.C. In.
About Me: 

decorative concrete contractor who's always felt real estate investing is where i should be but never took the plunge...until now.
i will no longer be scared to succeed,i will do whatever it takes to be successful.
i will live the rest of my life not worrying about money or how to meet my families needs.
i will retire from my blue collar work hard instead of smart job in five years or less.
i will make my family proud.
i will keep moving forward
i will because,I CAN!!!

being rich and retired

Topics I've Participated In

DG site INSTRUCTIONS-how to use this site reinvestor421527 years 7 weeks ago
Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 43 weeks ago
Louisa's Journal - The Sky is the Limit!!! louisajhc5087 years 46 weeks ago
Do You want to Succeed?... It's All About Your Mind-Set Valuni178 years 19 weeks ago
My 1st deal!!! cecil-clay448 years 21 weeks ago

Basic Info

private r.e. investor
Have Child(ren)
Completed High School

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



Indiana-Joe's picture

Just wanted to stop by yoru guestpage and wish you good luck with real estate investing. I am glad to hear you will be attending the EDGE event. This event changes lives! Looking forward to saying hello at the event. Good luck on all your future real estate deals. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe

joe and stacey

rob clay's picture

didn't know this was here lol i'm still finding my way around on this site.i thought i always went to the journals.thanks for stopping by and i'll see you there.keep moving forward,rob

Your post

Hi Rob,
I am new to the community...
I saw your posting.
I have an approved short sale in Fl....cannot get HOA and reserves are too low....also too many renters.
Was wondering if you had any suggestions.


rob clay's picture

welcome to the dg family.
i'm not sure which post of mine you're referring to but you may want to get in touch with carol stinson-(free indeed)is her journal name.she,s set up to do deals nationwide now so tell her i sent you,she may be able to help.
by the way she's speaking at this years edge event so she may be slow to get back with you so be patient.keep moving forward,rob

Welcome to the DG

JJD's picture

Welcome to the DG family.
May you have Great Success in your Journey!

thank you

rob clay's picture

thank you jjd and to you as well.
i must apologize but i never really look in my account page.i'm always going to my the way feel free to visit me @ no longer scared to succeed-rob clays' journal and i'll reply sooner than every 3 weeks lol.keep moving forward,rob

Begginner Real Investor

I want to asestate ask for advice in what I should do for a first time real estate investor that is a college student of 21 years of age,has horrble credit and has no money at all and has no family or friends that will not let me borrow any money at all.


Whatever it takes to get started for funding and be busy in what i love to do. Thank you for your time. Rose/Alaska

New To This

jdilley09's picture

Just stop by to let you new I just got DG book's.
I wood like some ppl to help me on this new life I'm going to have


Md properties

Hi Rob ,

Feel free to send me any info on MD properties .

Thanks - Mark

Need properties in Houston, TX

Boanunn's picture

looking for properties in Houston Heights area 77008 and 77009


cecil-clay's picture

A Lil late on here but congrats again!!
Very proud of you... Keep on great things are
coming you way!

Love you wifey Eye-wink