My "Why Not Me?" Journal/Blog

My "Why Not Me?" Journal/Blog

Yesterday I commented in someone else's blog the idea of having the thought, "Why not me?" when we consider making a move that will improve the quality of our lives.
Interestingly, I was watching the last few minutes of "The Big Idea with Donnie Deutsch" and, there it was again as Donnie said to someone on the show in talking about his desire to get started in one area, "I asked myself, 'Why not me?'"
I also was listening to a speaker on a recording the other day and he said something along these lines as he also quoted someone that he used to listen to: We have a tendency to undersell ourselves on what we are able to accomplish and oversell what others are able to accomplish. --- In other words, we have a habit of looking at others (in whatever area of success) and saying, "Wow, I wish I could do what they are doing - they must have special talents!" and yet also saying, "But I could never do that!"

Why not you? Why not me?

All of this is about a mind change! I hope, by writing in my journal/blog whenver I get the chance that I can both share thoughts that are helping me with this mind change and also help someone here at the same time.

I read somewhere else once this thought: "You change the way you think and you change your life."

So, what are the excuses that are holding me back? What are the excuses that are holding you back? Isn't it time we stopped making excuses, asked ourselves, "Why NOT me?" and then acted accordingly?

Here's to the "transformation" by the "renewing of our mind" to quote the "Good Book".


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman


To the left of "e-mail this page" at the bottom of your original post, can you see in light grey letters the number of reads? If not, that might be an IC benefit. I know we have a few little extras on our pages. (One more reason to get in here, everybody. Smiling ) I'm guessing everyone can see the numbers, though.



"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:

Must be a Perk

Because I don't see any numbers to the left of "email this".....Smiling But thanks for the info. on that!
Sorry I won't have time for a post today...but I will do my best to do so tomorrow - things are flying fast and furious here from several sides and possible streams of income -- woohoooo!

Anyway, thanks again and -- you know it's coming! ---

Make it an AWESOME day! (who else is gonna' do it for you?)



"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

The Vision of a Leader

Hey friends! Have you ever been ridiculed or made fun of or "talked down to" because of the dreams that you have in this area? Go ahead, raise your hands if you have. Yep, I see you out there - looks like just about everyone out there has their hand up!
Well, I've discussed some of the reasons why in earlier posts, but they generally tend to lean toward a couple of specifics over and over again -
1. They don't want you to move ahead! (They are left behind and a little preturbed that YOU had the audacity to make a move and leave them there! Also, it calls attention to the fact that they could also move but they don't have the guts to do so!)
2. They don't or maybe even can't see what you see! It's called VISION! And, a great leader of any kind has VISION!

Think about it! YOU are a leader if you have vision. Now, you may look around you and say, "Huh? How can I be a leader? There's no one following me!" Well, for one, you ARE a leader in your own life! You had/have a vision and took a step and YOU followed right along with all of your worries and doubts. Look around you again! See who/what is following you now? Oh, sure - some of those worries and doubts are still in the pack but NOW they are outnumbered by CONFIDENCE and DETERMINATION and PRIDE!
Here's something else to think about - just because you can't SEE someone following you doesn't mean it isn't happening! I can promise you this - you ARE being watched by others and, yes, some of them will try to rain on your parade and quench your vision - but others are watching and gaining strength and courage in their own lives to take action. Because of YOU and YOUR vision and the COURAGE to ACT on that vision!

Vision. Seeing what others don't or cannot see. But you see it, don't you? You see that bright future. YOU see your success.

Don't EVER lose your vision! Stay laser focused no matter what (or who) is happening around you and you WILL achieve your VISION. For now you look and you see yourself in your vision as in the future. Just think - one day you will be looking FROM your vision at where you have been and how far you have come. Then, guess what? You will have ANOTHER vision of your future. Why? That's simply what leaders do!

So, keep seeing what others will not see. Keep seeing what others cannot see!


Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is gonna' do it for you?)



"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman


I found it interesting today that I came on the sight and found an article listed entitled, "My Daily Affirmations - from Me to You!" (or something like that). In it, the author quoted "Rev Run" of the television show, "Run's House" in which, at the end of each episode, he leaves us with some very powerful thoughts - such as those left in that article.

Why do I find that interesting? Because of what I had done maybe 45 minutes before I came on the sight. On August 21, 2008 I wrote my OWN "7 Life-Changing, Life-Directing, Powerful Daily Affirmations" - scribbled them out on paper after recording them on my digital recorder for an up-coming book I am working on. It has been on that piece of paper since that time, posted on my bulletin board and I have been saying these affirmations out loud every day along the way. Howerver, sometimes my handwriting is HORRIBLE! (anyone else out there have the same problem?).
So...I have been saying for some time that I needed to TYPE these out to make them easier to read - not only for me, but also for my wife and son if they wanted to use them as well.

So, again, about 45 minutes before I logged on to this site I typed up my
"7 Life-Changing, Life-Directing, Powerful Daily Affirmations"
and then came to the site and saw the "daily affirmations" post that I mentioned above. For me, it's just one of those awesome little "nuggets" that we can discover along the of those "same mind-set, wave-length" type of deals that just get my attention.

So, I have decided to share these with YOU today in hopes that they will inspire you along your way. Feel free to use them and share them....I do ask that you simply make sure that my name is attached as the author of these since I will be using these in the many publications, etc. to come.

(OH, I JUST THOUGHT OF ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE "A-HA" MOMENTS where things seem to come together....I'll share that one with you tomorrow!)

"7 Life-Changing, Life-Directing, Powerful Daily Affirmations" by Mike Spillman

1. I am somebody SPECIAL!
2. I AM ABLE to accomplish GREAT things!
3. I AM ABLE to TOUCH and CHANGE many lives for the better!
4. I will not allow ANYONE to determine the size of my dreams! THEY ARE MINE!
5. I AM A GIVER - not a taker!
6. I WILL take steps on this journey TODAY!

-Make it an AWESOME day! (who else is going to do it for you?)


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

I'm Baaaaack! (and it's been WAY too long)

Hi guys...
I'm going to include my post from yesterday on a "new" journal that I began before I found my old one (THIS one) again. It will help catch you up on "where I've been" and all of that stuff.
I will be using THIS journal from now on and not the other one that I created.

Well now, where do I start?

I was a "regular contributor" back about 2.5 years ago on the sight after getting Dean's book, "Be a Real Estate Millionaire". Most of what I posted was "positive thinking" type stuff (which is VERY important in ANY endeavor that others might tell you is a crazy idea) but I never really went beyond research and actually looking at a few properties.

Yes, it was the old paralyzing foe of fear.

Anyway, no excuses, time passed, I set it all aside while I pursued other interests (I'm really focusing on my motivational speaker business and plan to be doing that full time in the next year or so) and basically all but forgot about it.

Then, I saw Dean's informercial about his new book "Right Now" and it lit the fire again. Got the book and have been reading it and getting excited about the focus of "quick turn around cash" opportunities.

THIS is what I'd like to focus on for right now. Yes, I know there is BIG money to be made in buying, keeping and selling when the market shifts, but for me - for now - my goal is to do reassignments as much as possible to build my bank account in order to help out in several areas (speaking business, book publishing and even more real estate).

So, I have some goals that I'm not going to publish right now...I don't want to make bold statements about what I'm going to accomplish by such and such a time -- I know what thoughts and ideas I have in my head.

But I do know this (and I've known it for a LONG time) - real estate is THE way to go. Always has been and always will be.'s to the restart of my real estate journey!

"Mr. Mike"


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

Friday Plans

Friday is my day off and plan to visit and "eyeball" four properties in a town about 35 miles away from where I live. At this point, I like to be able to see what kind of shape they appear to be in so I, obviously, have some kind of idea "what's what" with the property.
I have actually sent some e-mails about some properties listed on CL but did not hear anything back from them and I'm assuming (due to the dates they were last listed) that they did, indeed sell and the owners just aren't returning the message. Of course, I'm not sure how that works on CL anyway - if they are not running a new listing how long do the old one's stay up? Does the "contact" link actually still get sent to them? I have no idea on that part.

Anyway, I am looking forward to spending time looking at these properties and - if it looks like it has potential - tracking down info. on the owners.

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"



"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

Hey Mike.

Welcome back! Glad to hear you're focusing on motivational speaking you're definitely in the right field, but I'm even happier that you're still pursuing REI.
CL ads last up to 45 days if the poster doesn't remove it on their own, any responses will be sent to their email, now whether they check it or not is another question.
I wish you luck with the properties you'll be looking at. Keep us posted on your progress. Laughing out loud


Cool Elena Cool
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."

Thanks, Elena....

I've missed being here! This IS an awesome place and, indeed, a "family" as many have called it!


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

Day of Looking at Properties (first time in a LONG time)

I have been looking online at some properties in a town not too far away and decided that today (Friday is my day off) I would spend time seeing what I could find out.
I had picked out 4 properties - 3 of them I had only the address but no contact information at all and I had one that was listed with a realtor.
I spent a total of about 5.5 hours today (1.5 of it driving there and back) and didn't get to look at ANY of the properties that I had selected.

Was I disappointed? NO!

Three of the properties were all on one block so it made it easy to see them - as I drove back and forth past on and pulled up between it and another of the 3 I was getting "the eye" from one of the people in the yard so I knew I needed to let them know that I was not up to anything devious *LOL*. I approached the man and let him know who I was and that I had information indicating that his house was for sale. He told me that it wasn't and that he was buying it. Now, I'm not sure if he meant that he was INTENDING to buy it or if he was actually making payments so I asked him and he indicated that he was making payments. He may or may not have been telling the truth.
I had no way at this point with my information to even know if it was a foreclosure or what - so I had no real way of knowing. I do know, however, that sometimes if people are going through a foreclosure they are not real "up front" sometimes even though you think that would be the time that they would be! Anyway, I told him what I was doing and gave him a card in case he knew anyone that was looking to sell or buy.
Next door was a house that I could tell was owned by an older couple - sometimes you can just tell! No one was home so I left my card in their door and, before I pulled away they drove up so I got out and talked to the man...he said his home wasn't for sale and has not been for sale but, he told me about the one across the street (the 3rd on my list on this block) that the lady owned and was renting out and that she said she might be wanting to sell.
Now, I guess I had a brain bubble because I didn't ask him to tell me her name, etc. but I did ask him to share my info. with anyone that was needing to buy or sell - so maybe he will pass that info. on (no one was home at that 3rd house).

So....3 up and 3 down - what do I do?

I found 3 houses in the neighborhood that either had realtor signs in the yard OR a FSBO sign. The 2 with realtor signs were obviously vacant and is why I called about them and the FSBO - well, I just decided to call because that's what Dean's book says to do! (Remember, I had one more listed with a realtor that I had also planned to visit).

I'm going to go a little out of order here because I want to share something exciting with you about those with realtors - so I'll talk about the FSBO first.

I called and got the basic info.....and decided to find out some of this guys "buttons" and asked him why he was selling - this was one of the nicer homes in the neighborhood. He told me he wanted to get out of the "neighborhood life" and get "out in the country more". I went ahead and followed his lead and asked him what he was looking for (acerage? # BR/BA, etc.) and I even got bold and asked him what kind of price range he was looking for. He told me (HE'S ON MY BUYERS LIST NOW!!!) and I told him what I was doing and gave him my phone # and I told him I'd hang on to his.

Now - here is the exciting stuff with the real estate agents. I'm not sure about where you live (but I think it's the same everywhere) but the ones in rural Arkansas are about to pull their hair out with boredom and BEGIN BROKE! They were VERY HAPPY to meet me!

Here's what I told them about myself --- "I'm an investor and I work with a group of investors."

And, friends - that's no lie, right? My DG family is my "group of investors" that I am working with and I'm not trying to be cute with words here --- I WAS 100% SERIOUS AND 100% TELLING THE TRUTH!

One asked me what area this "group of investors" was looking at. My answer - yes, some in Arkansas (like myself) but that I was in contact with investors all over the USA. And again - THIS IS 100% TRUE!

Here was the response (I'll get to the properties in a moment) from the 3 real estate agents: #1 - put me on his list of some other investors he knew. he got my card (phone, e-mail, etc.) and told me he'd keep in touch. #2 and #3 were almost GIDDY with excitement talking with me. I'm not exaggerating! #2 asked me if I and/or my group of investors had been looking in her area (the main office on one of the properties was in a diff. town and that is why I was talking to her in a diff. town) and when I told her that I had been looking over some in her area on the internet already she got REALLY excited and asked if she could send me her regular listing of "repos" as she called them -- and, of course, I told her I would welcome that. Agent #3 told me that the next time I was in town when I had more time she really would like me to come by and chat with her --- she has already sent me a listing of some properties by the time I got home and now I have to get more specific on what I'm looking for with her.
Anyway - the thing with these were how HAPPY and EXCITED they were to meet me and talk with me and to WORK with me. (Yeah, I know it's early - but still the "value" that we all have by being a part of this community is HUGE!

I'll write more on some of these properties in another entry -- but let me say that the 2 I had not planned to look at but discovered were 1. bank owned and 2. HUD owned and both had potential. I know that now I have to do the due dilengence to find out more specifics.

The one I had orignally planned to visit is being rented out and the agent was unable to get in touch with the renters and - per their agreement - had to have their permission first. That was fine - I'll be back down in that area and this house (NICE house) has been on the market for over 2 years from what I can tell.

Anyway - it's been a PRODUCTIVE day!

And, rememember - you are not an investor all by yourself! Think about it!

Thanks for all of your comments, suggestions, forum posts, journals, etc. that really help give inspiration and information ---- THIS INDEED IS PRICELESS!



"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

Doing it "by the book"

I just wanted to share a thought with the rest of you here. I know that not everyone will agree with me, but, at the same time, I think even those that don't agree will understand where I'm coming from on this.

Over the years I have signed up for different "opportunies" that all claimed that "everything you need" was in this particular book or program that they were selling. Yet, within days of gettig the material I was called and "encouraged" (using that term lightly) to sign up ($$) for coaching. My thought always was - why would I already need coaching when I haven't even finished the material yet? Know what I mean?

Now, please don't anyone take this wrong....but, from what I understand and from what I've read, the coaching here gets offered pretty quick as well. No, it's never happened to me due to where I bought the books. Many have sang the praises of the coaching and all and that is GREAT! Again, please don't take this in a different way than it's intended.

But, I also notice some of the comments under the "success stories" about this very topic. (First of all, let me say that I UNDERSTAND that 99.9% of the people that leave the negative comments are to be ignored. They either have never read ANY of the material or, even if they did, never attempted to make ANYTHING happen).

I'm kind of hard headed (and I'm thankful that you guys don't know me well enough for anyone to jump in and say, "Ain't THAT the truth!") and, even with this, have a certain thought in mind.

I want to be someone that has SUCCESS with this endeavor simply from reading the books and having access to this WONDERFUL, FREE resourse (this site).

Does that make sense?

From what I read and from what I have read even in the "Real Estate Millionaire" book previously, I believe that it is ALL there - IF it is followed.

Might it be easier if I were to sign up for coaching? Sure, I bet it would be.

However, I want to be one that can say, "YES, you CAN do this just from reading - AND APPLYING - the techniques found in the books as well as the valuable information offered through this site!"

So, these are my thoughts on the topic - 'nuff said, right? Eye-wink

Thanks so much for all of the vital information that so many of you give through this site!

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

The POWER of Choice!

I just got through writing this for my blog and thought it really also is beneficial to what we are trying to do in the area of real estate investing.
I thought I'd share it here as well:


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

Today's Happenings...

I LOVED it today when I opened my e-mail and had a 3 page list of properties for me to look over. This was sent to me by one of my contacts last week that I talked about -- the one that told me she'd add me to her list and send me out a list of "repos"...and she did!
Some - several - look quite AWESOME and I am trying to get some information together on some of them so that I can make an educated offer. Many of them are homes in GREAT shape that need little or NO work done on them at all.
Anyway - that was an awesome feeling to see that and I've been sneaking some time in here and there trying to take a look at them.

There have also been 2 properties in town that I have been looking over -- one is an empty, run down property with a grown up yard and the other was the one I mentioned MIGHT be from a recent death or sudden move.

Anyway, after I was done with work today I got over to the courthouse (they don't have any on-line presence) before they closed and tracked down what I could on both of them. They were really helpful on the first one I described and they had to do quite a bit of searching to track down a name and number for me. The other one got me a name quickly, but it's not in the phone book, but I found out he owns a local hotel.

So...tonight I've called the name for the one "nasty house" and found that they don't plan to sell it but "once it cools down" they plan to remodel it themselves. (I couldn't help but think, "yeah, but you don't really care about how it looks in the neighborhood right now, do you?")

I will try to track down the person on the other property and may very likely drive over to look at some of the properties on this list. Friday is my day off and I can always enjoy a nice ride on my motorcycle!

Thought I'd share - everyone is such a great source of inspiration on this site!



"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

General Goals

I've seen the potential for these goals to be met in several different areas and FOR SURE I see it in real estate investing --- in other words, I know it's not a "pipe dream".

So, here are my "general goals" that CAN BE and WILL BE met (keeping my "specific timeline to myself for now Eye-wink ):


1. achieve my current ANNUAL income within a 6 month period.

2. achieve my current ANNUAL income within a 3 month (quarter) period.

3. achieve my current ANNUAL income within a 1 month period.

4. achieve my current ANNUAL income within a 1 week period.

5. (ultimate goal!) - achieve my current ANNUAL income within a 1 DAY period!

This WILL happen - no doubt about it. I CAN, I WILL, I MUST!

And, for those doubters that would like to "rain on my parade" - keep your clouds to yourself. I choose SUCCESS!


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

FRUSTRATED With the Lack of "Customer Support"

I've posted a request for help in a different forum that was reserved for questions about the website and - over 2 weeks ago - I sent an e-mail to "customer support" asking a very specific question and I never have even received an acknowledgement that they received my query.

Very frustrating and disappointing.

Anyway - if ANYONE can help me with this, I'd appreciate it.

I have recently returned to the pages here after about a year away. The "newer" videos that are posted (like the one's on the main page)are "unviewable" to me - let me explain what I mean.

Some of the "older" videos that are on the site allow me to "pause" the video so that it will load and I can watch it flow continuously without hesitation. Know what I mean?

However, NONE of the newer ones - again, like the ones on the main page - allow me to do so. I can "pause" the video but it does not continue to load. I really can't get anything out of it since it "hiccups" and then pauses every few seconds

I am missing out on all of these videos and I have tried access on several different computers all with the same result.

HELP? Advice? Suggestions?




"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

So Inspiring

Hi Mike,
I love reading your journal, you are so inspiring! I went to your blog and you talked about being in foreclosure and some people feel like their life is ruined. I am here to say's not! I had to sell my house to an investor last year because I couldn't make payments because of my health, he did a short sale with my bank. I knew it was better than a foreclosure but it still felt like I lost my took me several months to get over it.

I have been studying real estate for three years, one of nephews bought me Deans books... Your Town and Profit From Real Estate. I get excited every time I think about real estate and how I can get out of my current situation.

I know now that I want to help other people that are going through the same situation that I went through. Tips I can give them like stay in your house because I moved in an apartment with my boyfriend, the company that changed the locks, locked me stuff was still in there and they took whatever they wanted, this was a month before it was supposed to go to auction. That part still bothers me because we called the police and they said it was a civil matter and I would have to pay to take them to court, and didn't have the money so they got away with it! That's ok though, my motto is what comes around gos around.

Anyways, I love life and want to make it a better future for my nephews that I raised, and show them anything is possible as long as you set your mind to it!

I will be checking back on a regular basis, I have been lurking around for several months and I could help but comment on the fact that you inspired me even more to move forward and make this dream a reality! I love this site!

Thanks for your kind words of wisdom and I have to tell you, I love it...Make It An Awesome Day!

Live, Love, Laugh


"Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements." Napoleon Hill

Dawn H


Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your heart and desire to help others that have been what you (and me along with countless others) have been through in the past.
What better person is there to help in this area than one that as BEEN THERE and KNOWS what they are talking about!
This IS a great site and a great "family" (now if I can ONLY get an answer to the problems watching any videos)and it is inspiring to read of each other's journey!

And yes....whatever you do - "Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" ---- If any of us are WAITING for someone else to do it for us...friend, it's going to be a LONG wait! GET UP - DON'T GIVE UP - AND GET GOING!



"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman


I hear Dean talk about this site in "shortened talk" as

So, I thought, hey, let's see if it works..... is the website for DOLLER GENERAL STORES!


Sorry Dean - they beat you to it.


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

Latest Happenings...

...and observations:

1. I've been spending too much time commenting on this site! *LOL* Now, this is a WONDERFUL site, but -- if you are not careful - you can easily spend WAY too much time here. It IS addictive though, isn't it?

2. It's so funny how you start noticing things that have been there all along but you never noticed before. Like EMPTY HOUSES or FSBO signs, etc. My wife is even now to where when we are riding around she'll say, "Hey, that one looks empty!" *LOL*

3. I have been doing a lot of looking at properties on-line. Where I live is a "tourist town" and the prices here are unbelievably high and not much chance of finding a very good deal. Yes, I know they CAN be everywhere, but here is like looking in a proverbial needle in a haystack. So, I've been concentrating my efforts elsewhere.

4. It's amazing to me how a real estate company can have a house listed on their site and not answer a very detailed e-mail to them about a particular property and about me wanting to actually set up a day/time to see the property. This is about 4 hours away so I would have to plan ahead and also want some basic information in my hands before I would even go that far for a look-see. Wrote them like 2 days ago and still have not received an answer or reply. Yes, I know I can call them - but why have an email addy there for information???

5. I am still 100% convinced that there is NOTHING like REI and I love the potential. However, FAITH without WORKS(ACTION) is DEAD! What I (or you) FEEL or BELIEVE may be a wonderful thing - but it ain't happenin' by itself!

6. From reading some of the journals on here what I have seen is the tendency for some to be so overwhelmed that they chase after too many possible tracks of action -- do you know what I mean? It's like a hen chasing after a bunch of lady bugs just dumped out of a can. So, I must remind myself to try - REALLY TRY WITH THE EFFORT - on one type of area and stay focused. Expand later as I go along. But, again, what I see from some is that overwhelmed "chasing the ladybug" activity that seems to lead to a lot of frustration, a lot of "activity" with very few - if any - results.

7. There is a lot of GREAT support on this site and, at the same time there are a lot of "not so considerate people" here as well. Hmmmmmm.....sounds like the real world, no? Eye-wink

8. I've written enough for now! Stop by and say hello!



"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

A Swift Kick in the Pants!

I'm a believer and I believe that God has a sense of humor at times. I'll explain more a little later - but first, let me set the stage.

If you read earlier in my blog and as you can see from the dates of entries on my blog, I was "getting into" this RE thing a couple of years ago after reading Dean's "RE Millionaire" book. I was getting excited and making plans on being able to step away from my job as a minister so that I could be free to pursue this area. Hey, in my "religious circle" there are few - if any - benefits for us guys for retirement, insurance, etc. Too, it was just a feeling I had that it was time for a change.

I don't remember exactly what happened, but, here we are a couple of years later and I bought and read dean's "Profit From RE" book and, got excited once again. And, started making plans again. (In between I also started making plans on a professional motivational speaker career and I DO still plan for that to be a reality in my life but realized I needed more time and, honestly, some more $$ to make it happen.)

A year ago today - as I type this on 8.20.10 - my wife had a heart attack and nearly died. As a matter of fact, she had to be "shocked" back to life at least 2 times that I know of. It was not due to poor habits like most - it was one of those freakish "1 in a million" type things. She survived and we were left with a HUGE pile of bills to pay ourselves. Remember, I said there aren't many benefits with my job.

Plus, on top of that, our youngest son just graduated from HS this past school year and, as a matter of fact, we took him to college yesterday to move in.

So, for one, my wife's "near death" experience openened our eyes to a lot of things as far as "stop talking and do whatever it is NOW" type stuff. Know what I mean? And, the bills also helped reinforce the idea that SOMETHING needed to be done to create more income.

So, when you put all of this together, I, again, have been talking about the "right time" to step away from what I'm doing and pursuing this RE thing full time.

Over the past couple of years I have set and reset several "deadlines" for this. They have come and go. Recently I have even moved a deadline at least once just since reading the "Profit/RE" book. I finally set a deadline for the end of this year BUT have also been talking with my wife about the fact that I WISH I could find a way to be free to go examine some of the properties I've found and - if they needed some repair - to be able to be there for an extended period of time (as needed) to get it done and ready for resale or whatever. But I just couldn't figure out how to get that done.

Now, here's where I see God's sense of humor come in. (Those of you that don't agree, that's fine, but there's no need to express that fact here, o.k.?)

This past Wednesday - one day before taking my son to college and us being "free" in that sense as far as not being held back here at all due to school - I was informed that I was being "let go" from my position.

HOWEVER, I was going to be compensated until the end of October - with NO OBLIGATIONS to the "present/former" job so that I could freely pursue other employment.

Yeah, I was ****ed at first and then, it was like a burden had been lifted and a sense of peace came over me even in the midst of this discussion.


To me, it's almost as if God (now, you have to know me and the fact that I have a vivid and humorous imagination)said, "Look, you've been talking about this for YEARS now. So, here you go (as he kicks me out the door) - THERE IT IS! NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?"

It's really rather funny and, honestly, my family has actually been laughing about the whole thing off and on.

Is it scary? YES!
But is it exciting? DOUBLE YES!

So now - I have my wish and I MUST stop talking and start DOING what I have talked about doing for the past few years.

AND IT WILL WORK AND IT WILL HAPPEN and I already have some great possibilities lined up.

Now comes the ACTION!

Without that, everything is dead!

So....there's my book for today.

And so it begins FOR REAL -- nothing like a good, swift kick in the pants to get you going sometimes!


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

Somebody's Gonna Hit The Powerball ... Why Not Me ???

Mike ~

Your journal is a keeper !!!!

Too many good things to start singling them out ...

(You just saved me a bunch of money at Barnes & Noble.)

Thanks so much,

~ Sherri


No, not the mindset that people have WISHING to "hit the powerball". And, knowing your sense of humor I believe that you were saying that "tongue in cheek". Eye-wink

The phrase, "Success is what you make it" comes to mind and, the thing is - opportunity abounds EVERYWHERE for EVERYONE regardless of who they are or where they live. I truly believe that and, I bet you do too!

Now, for all others - BELIEVE it - it's TRUE!

Napoleon Hill has been misquoted so often that I sometimes get a little hacked off when I hear someone say, "If you believe you can achieve" and attribute that quote, alone, to Mr. Hill. I even heard a very well-known speaker (and have read other "not-so-well-knowns") rake this over the coal and say that Mr. Hill had it wrong because just believing is NOT enough!

They are right and wrong at the same time. Anyone that has ever taken the time to actually read the book, "Think & Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill knows that he VERY PLAINLY talks about the need for ACTION - or NOTHING will ever happen no matter how strongly you believe it.

So, those that have criticized Mr. Hill are WRONG in that he premise was NOT "all you have to do is believe it" and right in their assumption that it also takes ACTION.

One final thought...have you ever noticed that the "lottery winner" stories you hear or read are never rich people that hit the lottery?

Hey, whatever you do - "Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"



"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman


I hope your wife is doing a lot better now. I injoy reading all of your post. I wish you and your family all the success That God can give us.

Steve and Veronica.

Yes, Tongue Was Welded Into Cheek ... You Got Me !!!

Y'know -- it took me the longest time to understand the wisdom of that saying

from "Field of Dreams" (I think that's the right movie / Costner) ...


Initially, I thought ... "Well, how do you know?"


And (chicken-or-beef-tasting-Mike -- that's still debatable, the culinary issue)

I believe that's exactly what you are spelling out here, too.

We are the architects of it. Either we build it, or we don't.

Our success is not going to come knocking on the door to devour us while we

daydream. (Bummer, that would have been nice, though...)

~ S


for the comments, friends!

Steve and wife is doing WONDERFULLY well and has never had ANY problems following this event..NONE! Now, go figure THAT one away and leave God out of it, right? Smiling And thank you for your wishes for our future --- we are VERY excited about the possibilities and, after a quick trip down to the in-laws for a visit (and to tell them the news) it's down to strategy and mapping out our course this week!

Now for Sherri...I usually have to read your posts AT LEAST twice to catch EVERYTHING that is written and then all the stuff that is there "between the lines"! Eye-wink

I always enjoy your comments and I appreciate your humor and added insight.

Ooops...hand on a second...I think I hear opportunity knocking.....


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

Going to be a BUSY weekend!

Well, over the next 3 days my wife and I will be heading up to NW Arkansas (about 4 hours away)to look at some properties...7 or 8 that I have been looking at on line and getting information about.
So now, it's time to "eyeball" them and possibly even make some offers....we'll see!
We're both excited to be able to spend the time looking at these properties and are hoping that - if nothing else - at least one of them will turn out to be something that will work.

Have a great weekend everyone!


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

*Whew* I'm tired!

Had a LONG weekend on the road to look at some properties...more to come later. Right now, I'm bushed!


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

The first big step for me....

I just made offers on 2 properties (side by side)that a I have been looking at recently.
I'm not going to share figures, etc. at this time but, FOR ME, (since this IS my journal), I wanted to chronicle this first step. we go. Now, let's see what happens next!


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

Be Careful What You Ask For !!!

Mike, Mike, Mike !

You might start to get bludgeoned with posts now from those (uh, okay, me) who have been accused of having too much time on their hands !!!

That particular comment always amuses me !!! Smiling Like that's a bad thing to have too much time on one's hands ??? (Don't drink that Kool-Aid, folks.) Wrong!

Most people *** wish *** their time was their own !!! People spend their whole lives working to get to a point where they can afford to have free time to do what they please. (Yet, that remark is delivered like it's an insult or something.) Delusional !

Basically, it's a form of "wealth" to have time at one's disposal to do what is desired with it. I desire to do REI and muse here some days.

Let me re-focus and say that (although I've been on a little hiatus from the site) I am re-appreciating, with a new enthusiasm, the thread you've got going here, Mike !!!

It's chock full of great information and perspective.

Thank you for it! We are helped by it.

~ Sherri

The Latest...

Going back a few posts up where I had put in 2 offers on houses right next door to each other...
I had to explain to the real estate agent how an assignment worked. Long story short, she had no problem with the situation, etc. and would talk to the owner about it and I have never heard back from her since then. This has been about a month now. Me? I move on. If a real estate agent doesn't have the consideration to at least let me know if the owner said "no" or what then I just move on.
I'll give the specifics on this next situation IF things go through on it but I will give a brief synopsis of what has happened so far.
Probably almost 2 months ago I called on a FSBO (for sale by owner) property that I passed by in a town that is about 35 miles away from where I live. The guy told me that it had belonged to his mother and that she had passed away about 3 years ago. Her wishes was that the house be sold and divided between him and his 3 other siblings. They were asking $40,000 and told me one of his sisters really was the one that dealt with the $$ part but he was the one that could show me the house if interested.
At that point, I didn't really need to know more -- $40,000 was WAY over any possibility of me doing anythin with it and being to make any kind of profit and, from what little I knew of the area I also felt it was a lot higher than what they could even get for it.
So, a couple of weeks ago I called the man again (didn't let him know I had talked to him before) and actually made an appointment to look at the house. It is quite small but seems to be in good shape overall. I told him what I did and what I was looking at doing and told him that, obviously, for me to be able to make any profit I'd have to be looking at a lower price. (Now, I'm not going into all the details, etc. about just talking with him about family, etc to make a connection with him -- but I did). I left him my card and told him to have his sister give me a call if they get to the point that they are tired of dealing with it and are ready to consider doing something different.
She called me this past Thursday or Friday (it is Monday now) and said that her brother had given her the card and she asked me what I was thinking about as far as the price on the house. I told her that I didn't want to offend anyone (she interrupted me and told me that I wouldn't) and I told her that the best I could offer was $20,000 (that's HALF of what they were wanting) and she responded with, "Well, we really do need to sell and we're tired of hanging on to it. Let me talk to my brothers and sisters to make sure but I think they'll say 'yes'."
I haven't heard from her yet, but I think I'll hear from her one way or another and I think they'll go for it. (I told my wife that I should have offered her $15k instead! *LOL*).

I'll update when more happens...but I do think for sure I can pull $5k out for myself and I'm going to see how close to $10k I can pull out for myself. Who knows?

More to come...

(keep up the great work everyone!!)


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

Hey Mike!

Haven't seen you around in quite some time! Would love to have an update on your deal above and hear what else you've been up to! Thanks for always being so positive here! Smiling