This week Dean talks with a couple who just completed their first two deals and are totally jazzed with the results. They share how being a part of something bigger than themselves made all the difference.
But it gets even better. Post a comment under this video and tell Dean what it means to you to be part of something bigger than yourself, or how being part of a likeminded group is helpful to reaching your goals. When you do that, you'll automatically have a chance to win Dean's iPad. Want to increase your chances... share or like this on Facebook, Google+ or tweet it on Twitter we'll add an extra drawing for you for each one. At the end of your comment list what sites you shared it on (type "Facebook", "Twitter", "Google" depending on which one(s) you shared on) so we can add your extra entries and verify the winner's "shares". Watch and get in the drawing now. Winner announced next week.
Hi Dean and gang, It has
Hi Dean and gang,
It has been a little over a year now and I have all your books and TRBBP. I haven't done a deal yet but I have come close a few times. If it wern't for this site and all the people on it,including Dean I would have given up a long time ago. Thank you all for all that you do for us. Thank you Dean, my first deal is right around the corner.
Thanks Dean
Thanks Dean for another great blog! I just made the commitment today to make this work no matter what! If I don't do something to change my current situation then nothing will ever change and I MUST change NOW!! Failure Is Not An Option for me anymore! I'm very grateful for my DG family as I know that I always have a place to go anytime I feel like giving up and always leave this site with inspiration and motivation every time!
life or death
What does it mean to me? The difference between life or death. When I got started, did not have those like-minded people, support group and cheerleaders in my corner. I had to make the decision to separate myself, pull away from the crowd, take responsibility and chart my own course. Being able to come here every single day and immerse myself within a group of winners. People that knew the struggle, knew what I was going through, that no matter what would always give you a "great job", "Keep making it happen", "this is your time" energy and support. Before I walked away from my job (and still sometimes today) going out into a world of people that have given up, have no dreams, negative, toxic, that were crabs in a bucket trying to pull you back down, a world of people that were breathing but were dead. Here on DG, has been a place to recharge, renew, regroup, a place that I found all because of one guy with a mission to change the world.....brought me back to life!
Within this group it is my family and friends. I have been blessed to develop so many incredible relationships with people that I've only been fortunate enough to have in my life for a little over 3 years now but that I am closer to than some of my own actual family. It is something greater than ourselves. It's bigger than a deal, bigger than money.....we are changing the world together! It is in the spirit of never leave a fallen comrade. No matter what the war, how beaten, how bruised, how bloodied, how tired, etc., you can always bet you can come here and find someone else right there in the trenches, shoulder to shoulder out there doing battle too!
A thank you.....doesn't it do it justice!
It is so astonishing, amazing and how it is true one person CAN make a huge difference in this world. Well have and continue to do so. Thank you Dean....because of you my life, those before me, generations after me and those around me lives are forever changed.
God bless,
Jen Gray
That is so very incouraging
That is so very incouraging im in this to win. failure is not an option. Thank you for this video.
Thanks for another great video. This site and deans videos means making a better life for my grand kids future. I have tried 3 times to attend deans siminars but I didn't make it to a one of them, i did not have gas money and everyone I asked to go with me just laughed and said another pipe dream. I am very thankful for this site and the DG family.I have learned so much on the site and it's very incouraging. It has taught me to follow the blue print do not make up my own way. I come on the site at least twice a day just to get inspired and see what's new that can help and there is always something I can take away from and learn. Thanks everyone because comming on here makes us all a family helping one another.
Contest clarification
Just in case anyone needs clarification on the iPad drawing, this is how it works...
Anyone who posts a comment, their name will be automatically thrown into list of users we will pick from. You can post as many comments as you like but your username will only go in once.
However, if your comment contains the words "Facebook", "Google" or "Twitter" your username will get an extra entry for each of them. However, we will verify the winner's shares, so if you didn't actually share on the sites you listed you'll be DQ'd and we'll redraw - so don't say you shared where you didn't.
For instance, if you shared on all of them (Facebook, Twitter and Google) at the end of your comment just add something like:
What constitutes a Twitter share is a tweet that links to this blog post. A Facebook share is either using the "share" option or doing a "Like" (using the Like button on this post). A Google share is using Google+ (Google Plus) to add this page/post as a share.
We'd like to reach as many people as possible and we need everyone's help to do it, so that is why we want to reward you in some way if you spread the word. Of course, you don't have to do it - but it will give you an extra entry for each one.
Why you NEED to be here!
Great blog today! This is so important for us to be able to show our friends. I always tell people Dean is REAL, he is not just someone selling books and tapes and bootcamps, he is the REAL DEAL! That is important for newbies to know how to trust. I am on this site almost everyday, I don't post a whole lot, but read a ton. There is so much info to read and knowledge that you can gain just by spending 15-30 minutes a day reading blogs and starting your own. So far I have partnered with 3 DGers on deals. The first was he contacted us to help him wholesale a deal and we ended up taking it ourselves to flip($45k profit). We sent 2 other Marine buddies to this site and they brought a deal asking if we could help them wholesale it with a double closing and we ended up buying it and are in the rehab process now. I have another that sends us deals in the area also. This site rocks, everyone is here to help you out and make you better. Keep plugging away! Read and study Deans books and this site and YOU WILL be successful.
Another great weekly wisdom under your belt,
thankyou again.It might be me but every week
for some reason I think you're going to say
weekly blog like you used to call it.Anyway
it's one of the greatest things to be part
of one of the best things on the internet.I
have not done a deal yet but everyone on here
will know when I finally do. Silverhound
Liked on facebook.
The enthusiasm the couple on the blog shared, you can see their excitement. I love hearing the stories of others as they achieve their success. I am blessed to be a part of such a great thing.
Facebook share
This site is such a blessing. I haven't done my first deal yet but I am so close. I have learned so much from this site. These people are great!
You are giving me the tools and knowledge I need to succeed.
shared on facebook
Couldn't have done any of it without this site!
thank you for doing another great weekly wisdom for us! It is very energizing when you show interviews with new investors telling us what they're doing, and showing their enthusiasm!
For me being part of the DG family is beyond words! Every Sunday I watch the Weekly Wisdom to help me gain focus for the following week. I am constantly on this site, reading as many posts as I can, trying to help newcomers, and motivating both myself and others when we get stuck with an obstacle on our journey.
There is no way that I would be able to accomplish what I have been able to in the last couple of years without the guidance and motivation that I have received here.
The DG family has given me the strength to believe in myself!
Learning and progressing every day,
Liked on Facebook!
Inspiration to us all
Thanks Dean for another great weekly wisdom. I love to hear when newbies have completed their first few deals.
Every Sunday I look forward to hearing you because you have so much excitement in your voice--it gets me excited also about REI! It helps us so much to come to the DG website and communicate with like minded people. Have a great week!
Liked on FaceBook!
Like Minded People
Great blog again this week! When I started, I didn't have naysayers, but they would look at me funny if you know what I mean. Nobody ever said you can't do this or you won't make any money. But I didn't have anybody exactly encouraging me either. So after I became a part of, all that changed. All of a sudden, people were encouraging me and helping me and advising me. If I had a question, all I had to do is post it on and I usually got an answer right away. So this site and the whole DG entity means so much to me. I have just 2 deals under my belt but I know without a doubt plenty more are coming and I think this is the best decision I have ever made to better the future not only for myself but for my family. Why? Because I have the most fantastic support system right here on this forum every single day!! I can't tell you how appreciative I am!! Thank you Dean!!!
Having read all of your
Having read all of your books and met you in person at the very first EDGE 2009, you have been a true inspiration. Dean is different than all the rest because he is not in it just to sell you a book or a course; he REALLY wants EACH of US to TAKE ACTION and to invest in RE to whatever our comfort level and to be successful.
How do I know this? Well let's just say that having been a seminar junkie I've seen the gauntlet of 'experts' as they come and go. THEY all just want to sell you the latest and greatest soup-da-jour program, get your dollars in their pocket, and then good-bye. The program or coaching you bought expires all to quickly, and it is like they don't know you at all. Not the case with Dean folks, and I know from experience.
Shortly after attending the EDGE 2009 I got the unfortunate 'pink slip' from that insurance company that was so frequently in the news back in the Spring of 2009. Yep, that was me along with about 20% of my co-workers. Well I hate to admit it but it really knocked me off of my game and depleted my motivation from the EDGE 2009 event where I met Dean, his wife and daughter (about 3 at the time). I started with the Success Academy (which I had purchased along with the EDGE event) but the pressures of being unemployed soon had me abandon my my REI goals. Fast-forward 3 years and here I am again. And do you know what?? I still have access to the Success Academy, my PropTrend (love it) software is still valid, and so are my DG AFF websites! 3 years people; 3 years later and I still have full access! YOU WON'T FIND THAT OR ANYTHING CLOSE ANYWHERE ELSE.
Now I'm not suggesting your test my comment and put off TAKING ACTION for three years. I wouldn't want that on anyone. But isn't it nice to know that after you do invest in yourself and your education through Dean's programs, that it isn't just something on which you have just thrown away your money? Yeah, I believe in Dean, his material and advanced education so much that I have recommended it to others at my local REI group (the RICH Club Houston).
Yeah, Dean is the 'Real Deal' folks. He will look you in the eye (when you meet him), he shakes your hand, he will talk to you and ask you questions. Oh, and he will answer your questions too.
Thank you Dean. Thank you for believing in us; for sharing your knowledge, and also for not cutting us off after we have paid for your programs. I only wish I had responded to the late night tv spots sooner and not wasted any money on other programs.
Liked on Facebook!
Love this site...!
People HELP people on this site..Like you say..One big family!!
Every Monday is an Inspiration!
Every monday this is what gets me in the right mind set to attack the week! Infact I call your videos "MINDSET MONDAYs"!!! I CAN"T WAIT TIL NEXT WEEK!!!
Weekly Wisdom
So well titled. Mondays are so tough for me but getting the motivational video brings me out of the fog and reminds me again of what my task is and how to keep focused on my financial freedom.
Thanks Dean
Thanks Dean
The video very encouraging and shows the importance of attending events.
Thanks again for another great Blog.
Great Stuff
Boy, you really know how to pull these comments out of us. By you offering to give away another ipad, you sent me to my keyboard.
Being a part of this site, being a part of something bigger than myself has energized me.
You share so much usable knowledge. It's just great stuff.
You provide, free of charge, a platform that we can use to help each other with stories of how it is done and not done, a platform from which we can partner with each other. It's amazing.
Thru this site and your weekly wisdom videos you encourage us to keep going even and especially when we hit a road block.
Thank you again, Dean for all the effort you put forth for us. It is truly generous of you and we appreciate it.
Mike & Mary
What does it mean to me?
I really enjoy this site. I am going to spend a lot more time here because I am an island. I don't know anyone who is as interested in real estate as I am. I NEED to be around like-minded people so that real estate investing doesn't sound so pie-in-the-sky. When I have the time to be here, I really get motivated. But when I am away from it, the naysayers get to me. I will do anything to do the first deal. I am terrified. It feels like I am going to walk off a cliff. Winning the iPad doesn't interest me as much as getting over the first deal. I have your new "30 Days..." book. I started it before but lost motivation when someone told me that my head was in the clouds and that I needed to learn how to think. I know that I can do this. I just need to be around people who believe that it is possible. And that is what this site is for. Thanks, Dean! This is where my dream will begin.
Got me back on track....tgank you
"Google" Just had a job change which is great since I now have more money AND more time for this... thanks
Awsome and Awsome
every thing on this site is really awsome,great and ispirational. I keep on learning . thanks a lot Dean
It makes a difference
Congrats to Tom and Rashida!!
Simply put, being part of means the difference between possibility, hope and success versus staying in the rut!
Thanks, Dean!
Bigger than life
Without being a part of something that is beyond anything you could dream of is failure to me Dean- Thanks for all that you do- inspiration is 80% of the battle
WHY be a part of something big??
It gives you a sense of entitlement, and makes you feel as important as anything. That could mean either starting up a small rei group in your immediate area, starting your own rei group on Facebook, signing up for a linked-in account, or starting a free account right here at The enthusiasm and excitement you get from everyone's post or comment is amazing. To know that there are others out there who are experiencing the same things your are, whether you're first starting out, or on your way to the first deal. This site is full of awesome people, who understand and care about your success. To be able to give back what you learn, is amazing, and inspirational not only for you but for others. If I had to sum up the experience of being a part of the DG family, I'd say it's accountability at it's finest.
I've also shared this on facebook as well.
Thank you, Dean, for one of the greatest social websites any investor should be a part of.
Still keeping the "DREAM" alive!!!
Hi Dean, once again when I am down and feeling that achieving my goals for success in real estate is out of reach, or that it works for everyone else but for my partner and I, you post a blog like this and I am charged once more.
My business partner and I have come close several times but have yet to close a deal, we are still trying to continually learn and grow and someday we will get there. Please continue to do what you do, you are an inspiration to us and many others. God bless you and your family.
Susan in MI
Thanks Dean
I love your videos on this sight. Everything you say in them seems to come true. Just have to think positive and go do it! Cant wait to meet you someday.
Thanks for making my life better!
That was fun to which
Oddly enough
Oddly enough, I was to say the least ...skeptical about this RE stuff. I have watched the info-mercials more than enough over the years and finally signed up for the seminar.
The material covered in that seminar last week honestly "BLEW ME AWAY" !
I've had a vision for years of being able to help others in "Affordable Housing", but you have to be able to help yourself before you can help others.
That being said, the info from last weeks seminar has kindled a new fire in me that will never burn out.
Oddly enough...Skepticism went up in flames! Looking forward to a long relationship with the entire DG Family!
Using the DG website
has been a blessing! When I personally have a "piece" of the puzzle missing there is no other place to figure it out than on this website!
Having other members come on site and sharing with others is key! With that being said I'd
like to thank Dean and all who share on this website. Means a great deal to all who frequent this site. - respectfully, silentseawolf