This week Dean attacks the bottom line that we all want. "Results." He summarizes the key points covered in the last few months and sums up what it takes to get those results. He systematically reveals the traits you must practice and how simply putting them together ensures you have the stamina to keep going for your goals.
Plus, it's time for another FREE training call, and because Dean has skipped a few months, he is doing something AMAZING to make up for it - so watch this blog, register for the free training next Monday and go kick this week's butt.
Hi Dean..
You are my favorite public figure that I know of.
I love that you are so encouraging and full of spirit. Just wanted you to know..
I hear you read all these messages, so I wanted to tell you that I have been reading your books for quite awhile.. (about 2 years) Think I have 'em all. lol
Wish I could transform some money into my hands and afford your success accademy..
I am (and have been) struggling to just survive and I know that I can get this and do it.. I just need the access to someone to call for security on my first deal or so. Then I will have a practical application to attach this information to.
I realize how important this is.. I just keep hoping to make enough $$ to pay for the help.
I am keeping the faith and reading 'til then.
Barbara Rae =:D
To new beginnings!
WOW!!! AWESOME blog this week Dean!
To new beginnings! Anything IS possible if we believe and are willing to do the work!
This weeks message was spot on! I've spent quite a bit of time over the last few days reviewing, analyzing and focusing on improving myself and my business. As Matt say "You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!" I am determined to make huge impacts. I am determined to take things to a whole new level! I know I am destined for greatness! Securing myself to allow me to be able to be a blessing to others. Because what I do know is if you are struggling to 'breathe' aka having challenges meeting your financial obligations, etc., all you are focused on is yourself. Trying to get 'air' just trying to breathe!
I think it is selfish of us/anyone to be equipped with the knowledge that we've gained through your teaching, each having the ability to do it and then do nothing to improve our situations or the situations of those around us. Because of what?? Not having 'time', because we allow fear to control us, or whatever other poor excuse we find to use to ease our conscience and justify to ourselves why we think we should remain the same. NO, we have the pieces! They are right there on the table...it's up to US to put the pieces together to create the beautiful picture/image that awaits itself to be revealed! It's already been outlined. They've already been 'cut to fit'. Reach out one by one and start putting them into place! The life we want depends on it!
Holy cow, STOKED about the training next Monday! Just registered! My two heroes 1 full hour of non-stop goodness! CAN'T WAIT! It's going to be awesome!
Thank you Dean! I appreciate you sooooo much!
Happy Easter!
God bless,
Jen Gray
~~Hi Dean honestly i opened
~~Hi Dean honestly i opened my laptop just to see if you posted your weekly wisdom already and wala there you were... Im so happy i decided to do so because the way i was feeling and thinking were so neg.. but as always after listening to ur weekly wisdom i shaked those neg. thoughts and looking foward to a brighter and successful future once again and just as you said even things are going rough for me right now this is my time for my new beginning!! Thank you for your insiration may God bless you and your family...
Hello Dean,
I know I need your weekly wisdom blogs. They inspire me, motivate me, give me hope and knowledge. This is core of everything. I thank you for it, from the bottom of my heart. I wish you and your Family a very Happy Easter.
Thank You Dean
Good afternoon to you and your lovely family Dean;
I just want to thank you for every good advice you are always sharing. You are a wonderful human being, and I admire you!! The world need more people like you! Well I havent done any real estate deals, much time and dedication is needed, but I tell you one thing, you helped me alot after I watched your webinnar on " The Blue Print " after I watched, I started transforming my thoughts and began taking action, little by little changes I did . Thank God for YOUUUU! You are a blessing.
Many Thanks.
live telecast
Can't wait for next Monday!!!!!This is just another piece of the puzzle to the transformation of the old mind set to the new. Were looking forward to the knowledge that will be presented and thanks for caring for your students! Have a blessed day & Happy Easter.
Rocky Davis
Hi Dean New Beginnings
Looking forward to next Monday. It is time for my own transformational stamina.
Happy Easter.
Michelle Ward
Timing is PERFECT!!!
Thanks for todays message and for puuting together such a great set of tools for success. The timing of your message is perfect! I literally just finished reading your book, "Profit from Real Estate Right Now" an hour before you posted your video about taking action. I am building my list of buyers and interviewing Real Estate agents right now as Im writing this thank you note. Im looking forward to a great year in 2012 and can't wait to do my first deal in the coming weeks. Thanks again and I'll be back here soon to post about my first results.
Thanks Dean
I can't wait we will be there!
You are AMAZING Dean
I have made a list of half a dozen or so mentors and you are first on that list. None of my mentors know me personally but that is about to change where you are concerned. This is going to be a jam packed month for me and I am trying to contain my excitement and hoping nothing goes wrong. Hard times? Yes and I need to put an end to them. I have given it all to the Lord and am taking steps to do my part in this. I need all my guardian Angels to encamp around me. You know Dean, in spite of the hard times that I am faced with I refuse to let it get me down. I only look at what is good and seek ways to make things better. I just registered for the live event on the 16th. He is risen Praise the Lord and I will be flying on the 27th. Need I tell you how grateful I am?
Transformation Stamina- coined well
Thank you Dean, not only for today's blog, but for summarizing each week how all your lifestyle lessons go together. We need all the tools and you have an uncanny way of know exactly what we need each week.
Good job, Dean!
Needed this good Transformation
Thank you Dean for this blog because it just give the motivation to go on and make that next move to be able to freedom wealth. So keep feeding me more.
Resurrection, the new life for all, because of one
Hi Dean, awesome video!! Well it finally happened, a house jumped on me. This is a property that I looked at back in Dec2011. The couple are going through divorce (a sad, sad case), She showed me the house, it was assessed at $142,000, comps were $120-$130K,and she owed $95k. The house needed $20k worth of work. In short I offered $60K then she said "my lawyer is handling everything please call him". Well a month ago I get a call from the lawyer, He has a buddy that handles short sales and wants to move ahead. I tell him that I need to see the house again, no-one has lived in it for 5 months now. The house was ugly inside in Dec, however now it got uglier, It now has a problem in the basement another $20K needed in repairs for a total of $40k. In short, for me it had become a "pig in the poke". Instead of passing it up I make an offer of $21,500, at the time I thought that that they would run me out of town, however since Dec the Bank did an assessment of the property and found the issue in the basement. They filed a claim against the insurance company to repair the basement, they said no-way. In short all parties want to move ahead with the Short Sale! It is not a done deal yet, But is sure is exciting, Matt always said not to worry what others think, Greg always said "ugly" can be wiped away". Plus I have found an investor the help me do the deal. We serve an awesome God to him be the Glory! Amen
Thank you Dean, Matt, Greg and the whole DG Family, for your help and great training! I'll keep you all posted.
Happy resurrection Day
God Bless
Nathan & Sandy
PS FYI-- I stopped putting out “bandit signs” at the end of Dec and am still getting calls, they are powerful!!
Resurrection, a new life for all because of one sacrifice
Hi Dean, awesome video!!
Well it finally happened, a house jumped on me. This is a property that I looked at back in Dec2011. The couple are going through divorce (a sad, sad case), She showed me the house, it was assessed at $142,000, comps were $120-$130K,and she owed $95k. The house needed $20k worth of work. In short I offered $60K then she said "my lawyer is handling everything please call him". Well a month ago I get a call from the lawyer, He has a buddy that handles short sales and wants to move ahead. I tell him that I need to see the house again, no-one has lived in it for 5 months now. The house was ugly inside in Dec, however now it got uglier, It now has a problem in the basement another $20K needed in repairs for a total of $40k. In short, for me it had become a "pig in the poke". Instead of passing it up I make an offer of $21,500, at the time I thought that that they would run me out of town, however since Dec the Bank did an assessment of the property and found the issue in the basement. They filed a claim against the insurance company to repair the basement, they said no-way. In short all parties want to move ahead with the Short Sale! It is not a done deal yet, But is sure is exciting, Matt always said not to worry what others think, Greg always said "ugly" can be wiped away". Plus I have found an investor the help me do the deal. We serve an awesome God to him be the Glory! Amen
Thank you Dean, Matt, Greg and the whole DG Family, for your help and great training
Happy resurrection Day
God Bless
Nathan & Sandy
PS FYI-- I stopped putting out “bandit signs” at the end of Dec and am still getting calls, they are powerful!!
Transformation stamina -
Transformation stamina - interesting description and well done!
see you on the conference call - Monday
Happy Holidays to all - Passover and Easter
Yee Haw!
I went to church today for the first time in a long time. Emotion overwhelmed me with something the pastor said. I know religion is a touchy subject, but this really hit me. In a nutshell, he said: "Are you happy? Is your marriage good? Does your job/ career make you happy, pay the bills?" I thought, "Yes, yes and yes! Except I really can't wait for this rei to take off." Then he said, "Are you doing all this alone? Are you going in the direction the Lord wants you to go?" And I felt a little humbled because I have been a bear at home trying to figure all of this new information out. I've been almost blaming my husband for not understanding what I'm doing, though he is very supportive.
I have never had a problem finding motivation to do something. I read a quote when I was in high school basketball in an opposing team's locker room. It read, "When you are not practicing, someone else is. And when you meet, they will win!" To this day I use that quote whenever I need it for whatever reason. I have always believed that I will win at whatever it is I do. Do I lose... of course, a lot, but that's not the point. But from now on, I know I will succeed with a little help from the man upstairs. I guess I had to write about it because Dean is so inspiring, and I guess I had a really good Easter! Thanks for reading...Yee Haw!
Thank you Dean
Thanks again Dean for another great blog. Wow Dean it is kind of scary that you know exactly what I have been thinking. That is why you are a great mentor you know what your students need to make us better investors.
Dean I hope you and your family have had a great Easter Sunday together. Thanks for taking time to give us more weekly wisdom.
Take care Dean and God bless you and your family plus the DG family.
Happy Easter Dean!
thank you for another weekly wisdom piece of advice!
I like your term 'transformation stamina'; I don't know if anyone else on this site has noticed, but I was thinking about how my mentality has changed from the day I joined this family to this day, and because it's a gradual change, I had not noticed that I do have an abundance mentality now, I do have a big WHY now, I do not listen to the villain within me-heck, I don't think the villain within me even exists anymore- and it's all because of what I have replaced within myself from what I have been listening from you!
Coincidentially, today I was listening to Joel Osteen and he also said that however we think of ourselves, that is what we will become.... if we call ourselves blessed, we will be blessed; if we call ourselves successful, we will be successful... now, if that doesn't give anyone the transformation stamina they need to succeed, I don't know what will!
I am truly blessed for having become part of this wonderful family,
Another great one Dean!
Great way to transform our week Dean! Very motivational and powerful message. Ready for another productive week. We are in for your video call. Thanks again for your blogs. We enjoy everyone of them and work hard to apply them to our life. Happy Easter! See you in few weeks.
Very powerful,Dean.I also went to church today.My Pastor & you are very powerful speakers.You guys know just what to say & when to say it.I am so stoked now and looking forward to the upcoming week and the Live Webcast(I just registered).Thanks to GOD for you,Dean.
Happy Easter & Happy Passover.GOD Bless you & your beautiful family.
Corpus Christi,Texas,USA
I Feel The Stamina!!
Liked the video. Good way of putting it. I feel the stamina! Now I just need our first deal
. We're pushing it, just trying to figure things out. But it's so true. It's the stamina that allows us to keep going even after all the rejections, doubts, and negativity that we've run into. With our faith and our confidence in ourselves and in you guys, we already know we will make it. It's just a matter of time. Thanks Dean.
Hey Tina!
Nice to see a familiar face
. How's everything? Just wanted to stop by and say your awesome
. Hope everything is going well. Ok, talk to you soon. Bye
Good stuff Dean! The cares of life can get in the way of our goals for sure but with a definitive goal that keeps you pushing on, keeps your focus you will succeed.
Thanks for the encouragement! Jeff & Ronda
Transformation Stamina
Sometimes, that is all there is to keep you going, stamina. That is when the real transformation happens. Thank you for the reminder to keep on keeping on. Use your "transformation Stamina"!
Hi Dean
Great blog again. I look forward to next week with the live blog. You and your trainers are great I look forward to many more deals.
Signed up and it sets a registration Thank You with the wrong website. Thought it should be changed. http://edgelivcast.com
Should be as on reply email.
Transformation Stamina
Hi Dean
This weeks blog is AWESOME!!, I couldn't agree more, Transformation Stamina is diffidently needed in order to follow your dreams, I personally have to make a Transformation.. Looking forward to Monday,
Thanks Dean!!
Thank You
Thanks for the inspiration and the reminders. Thanks for caring. I will NEVER GIVE UP! I can't wait for your live cast next Monday.
Thank you for another great
Thank you for another great weekly wisdom. Looking forward to the webinar.
Love those blogs
Just a quick note to let you know just how important your blogs are. I know your system works. I have no money, no credit, no equity, and no one to lend me money. What I do have is my first deal under my belt, done, closed, check cashed. Of everything you offer, learning material wise, your blogs are what keep me focused on the goal. My life is beyond hectic right now, but I know when I have a few hours for real estate, I just sit down and watch one of several blogs that I have book marked, and thats it. I'm off to the races. It's my opinion that these blogs are the most powerful tool you offer. Thanks
Thanks Dean
Good morning,
Dean, you are so inspiring. I have been working at the real estate investing now for a couple of months and things are falling into place. I have a mentor/partner working with me now and I just feel so good about all of it. I feel like God says just go for it!! He takes leads us in the right direction and puts people like yourself in our path all we have to do is listen and follow!! See you on Monday!!