This week's Blog is going to teach you what is really important when choosing a cash flow property.
But even better, you'll actually raise money for the devastated town of Joplin Missouri.
Unlike so many of the email scams you may have seen, (where you're promised to be sent $1,000 by Bill Gates for clicking), this is real.
Everyone who watches this video will help raise money to help the good people affected by the tornado of May 22nd. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore life to a hurting community. Thank you.
I am in Missouri and I am so proud to be a part of this family. I have liked posted and shared:) I hope many many more will do the same.
Do we have a place where we can make our own donations like we did with the edge contest? I think others can pitch in 5 bucks as well:)
Awesome way to motivate and Educate
Way to be!
Great Idea
I like it. Those poor folks need all the help they can get right now. There was a town in Kansas - Green something (can't remember the name) that was hit a couple of years ago. I saw recently on the internet or news where they have completely rebuilt the town and it looked great. Still they can't replace all the pictures, keepsakes and collections or the people they lost. I keep them in my prayers. Thanks Dean and Matt. By the way, I need some help getting into some cash flow properties. I am flat broke and experiencing my own tsunami financially so I need no money down cashflow deals. I am determined to be successful even though at present my spirit is broken and I am enduring a painful experience. I trust in the Lord.
Let's Spend Dean's Money!
Spread the word and Let's spend Dean's money! This is a great fundraiser using OPM for a great cause.
Thanks for doing another weekly video blog. Each day we can do our part to help others and the ripple effect will be tremendous on countless lives. There are so many people in need that if every person helps at least one other person the world will becomne a better place. It's all about people helping people whether its in your home town, across the country or with real estate. We wish you continued success in all you do. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
Way to be!
Glad to see you taking this step to help others!
All the best,Hilda.
Humbleness and giving
Thank you Dean for reaching out to those in need and urging us to do the same. Just like investing, you make it easy - you set the standard, tread the path to make it smooth for us.
All organizations reflect the spirit and mindset of their leader. You are why the DG Fam is so kind and helpful.
Let's go brothers and sisters.
Remember, "if you give a drink of cold water to the least of these..."
A lot of you can finish that reference, and if you can't, look it up.
Blessings greater than catastrophy, love larger than the mountains we face - There is a Way.
Thanks for providing this opportunity
I am amazed by the success of many on this site as well as their humbleness and goal to help others. Sitting in California watching the devastation in Joplin, immobility can set in on how to help. Thanks for providing this opportunity and thanks to Dean and Matt for the great blog.
Another Great Blog Dean
Way to go on helping the people in joplin,both dean and matt,you ever says these people dont care about other people,their nuts.
I wish I could contribute with more like you and
Mat, but at the present time I can't.
A week ago an organization here in Brownsville,Tx.,
named 'BROWNSVILLE RAZA' was able to gather water.
non perishable items and toiletries, and were sent to Joplin, to help these people in distress.
My daughter and myself are on the look out for
another fund raising to be able to help with some
other items. Hopefully this comment will help you achieve your goal.
God bless you and all the people that is spreading
the word .........
Thank you Dean and Matt
Thanks for setting a great example of compassionate capitalism and giving back to those who are truly in need. Special thanks for helping all of us each and every day, you have inspired me to step out and move forward. I am grateful for your leadership, your efforts and most importantly your ENTIRE staff! You have recognized that one is too few a number to truly accomplish anything. I look forward to meeting and working with you in the future. Thanks again for everything you do and everything you truly represent.
Great Idea!
I have already liked it and posted a link on my facebook page!
HEY MATT !!!!! loving the DAYTONA MAN. for those of you who dont know matt posted on here some months ago that he had ordered a ROLEX DAYTONA WATCH direct from the factory. he said it cost 10,000 dollars. the sweet smell of success. i was just noticing it on his arm in this video.
WALT !!!!
Thanks Dean!
My grandmother was born, raised, and married in Joplin and although I don't have any family left there that I know of, it's where my roots are.
The DG Family does it again!
Wow, awesome stuff Dean! And good to see you as well Matt!! : ) So this is definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, an amazing and wonderful opportunity to help reach out to fallen ones in Missouri, and I am totally on board with that. The more we help one another out and give back to people, the more in return we get back ourselves. Its like what Joel Osteen always says, "When we sow good seeds for others, God uses it to our advantage and helps us out even more by blessing and enriching our lives!
I also liked what I heard from Matt's advice about cash flow properties. I guess it doesn't matter if the property is a sore eye or its in an area that doesn't look too shaby, its all about the numbers in the end. I really hope this news does get spread around and that we are able to meet our fundraising goal and help out the people of Joplin as much as we can. My prayers have been with them all, but now I think its time to activate the faith and put it into action by doing my part to help out. And I know our whole family at DG is not only capable of restoring hope into these people's lives, but to also spread the love and wisdom for years to come. Thanks so much for another great weekly blog, especially with Matt's involvement as well. Take care and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Thanks Guys!!
Great to be part of this and yes, I did click the FB like and posted here.
Matt and Dean are right, it is all about the numbers. The numbers have to make sense.
In reading Walt's post above, Congratulations Matt, on your new Rolex. For those of us who wear Rolex, we understand this is a proud moment for you. Well deserved.
Thanks again Dean and Matt for all you do.
Good afternoon Dean and my DG Family!!
I knew it...Mi is it perfect site for REI...Take aim and reap great deals!! Wished I could have caught up with ya Dean and Matt!! I was prepared to call off from work on this past tuesday...would have been amazing and well worth calling off. Next time you're in the area maybe I could hang out with two superstars!!
Helping is the best way to live
I'm new to everything concerning being a REI, but I've been reading Dean's books, watching the videos, getting inspired by everyone's actions and fortunes. I believe that helping others is the most positive way to go and I’m totally inspired by Dean and Matt for their contributions to the town of Joplin. Keep up the inspiring work!
Thanks Guys
It's amazing how some people don't see past the ugly & see the potential in some houses. We have a remodeled house at 36K that will rent for 600 to 650/month & some people are still not sure.
Anyway, great cause Dean & Matt ... you guys always make us proud to be apart of the DG Family!
Great blog
Great blog! Its good to help others in need. I have some deals that i am brewing up. Again great blog. Thank you.
AS always we are to HELP
AS always we are to HELP others. Let's all support the cause.
Please remember there are others besides the residents of Joplin.
Great idea!glad your
Great idea!glad your supporting these people in need Dean:)
Giving to those in Need
Im always a big believer in helping those in need.
what a great Idea
this is what the DG family is all about-- People Helping People
DG family
This is incredible! Dean and Matt, thank you for being so generous. Is there a limit to the # of times I can like and/or reply?
Thank you so much! You know, twice this week people have referred to you as a 'celebrity'. This upsets me a little, as I view you as a mentor we all should strive to be like. You're the best mentor I know I've ever had Dean! GOD BLESS YOU BOTH!
I too
would like to contribute a small amount to the fund. Can this be set up like we did the EDGE send away contest?
Hope you
get the comments and the FaceBook "Likes" to raise money for Joplin. Good video.
Thanks for the inspiration and motivation!
And for those DGers thinking of giving to an organization, concider the Salvation Army. I recently read somewhere that MORE of the money you give to S.A. actually reaches people in need. Other big charities use 60% of donated money to pay big saleries to their executives and staff. The S.A. CEO makes only 30K a year. I want my donation to do the most good possible, so the Salvation Army will get my hard earned bucks.
God bless all that give and all who recieve.
Way to go, what a good cause!