This week's Blog is going to teach you what is really important when choosing a cash flow property.
But even better, you'll actually raise money for the devastated town of Joplin Missouri.
Unlike so many of the email scams you may have seen, (where you're promised to be sent $1,000 by Bill Gates for clicking), this is real.
Everyone who watches this video will help raise money to help the good people affected by the tornado of May 22nd. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore life to a hurting community. Thank you.
I think you are doing a wonderful job. The Bible said freely give and you will freely recieve. I know that you also give time to people, God has brought you this far and he will continue to lead you and your colegue/workers to continue to give time/effort/money to who truely needs it. God Bless you and your family.
Joplin, Mo
Dean, Thanks for everything you do. Keep up the great work
Inspiring Post
This is truly inspiring, I hope these donations can alleviate some of their pain.
Joplin MO.
God Bless to all in Joplin Mo.
Helping Joplin
Dean, what attracted me to you and your blog from the beginning is your big heart. And what you are doing now for Joplin is amazing! I will pass it on.
Your information - and the opportunity for growth - is great, too.
Great idea
Many thanks to you Dean and Matt for being so kind and gracious helping those affected in Joplin. Will continue to keep those folks in my prayers.
Once again, Thank You!
Gift for Joplin
Dean, this is just indicative of your giving spirit and could grow into a real help for the people of Joplin. I am so thankful to be a part of this contribution!
Great idea, Dean. Can't wait to find out how well we do. There's enough heart in this group to make a huge difference. Go for it, everybody! This is the real reason we want to make our millions. Make the magic happen.
Great way to start the week!
This makes me proud to be a member of the DG family.
Thank you Dean for reminding us that service especially to those in need is very important on our journey.
Helping Joplin
What a marvelous effort! Could be a Pay it Up scenario--the more you help others the more benefits come back to you.
Awesome idea
Way to go, AWESOME idea!
Great idea!
Thank you for doing this! I'm sure the people people in Joplin thank you more!
Take care and God bless,
What a Great Thing You Are Doing!
Thanks for thinking this up Dean. Like so many, I too would like to be in a financial position to do more for Joplin and other areas of the US and around the world!
great idea
Wish you all enough
Our prayers are with all the affected victims of the tornado dis
A natural disaster is something that no one ever prepares or have control over. Our outmost sympathies goes out to every community or family in Joplin that may have been affected by this natural calamity.
God bless & stay strong the people of Joplin.
Help in Joplin
That's a good thing you're doing.
Amazing Idea!
What a completely selfless idea to donate to such a great cause by simply asking folks to donate their time and learn something in the process
RE: Outstanding
Thank you Dean you truly are an Inspiration and this once again shows us how generosity is only a small part of what makes this the best country in the world. God Bless to all and our thoughts and prayers are with everyone.
Dean's Blog
I knew there was something about you I liked. I felt from the start that you weren't one of those "fly-by-night" "easy fast money" guys. I help spend your money and hopefully if there is a next time, be able to match it!
Hey Dean
doing my little part to make sure your checkbook gets hit hard.... LOL
Thanks Dean & Matt !
Thanks for your generosity--both in money for our neighbors in Joplin and for sharing your knowledge with all of us !
Dean you are an Inspiration
I am amazed at how motivated you get Dean, when you talk about what you are passionate about! Helping people achieve their goals or just lending a helping hand. Thank you for allowing us all to help too, we are more powerful in large numbers!
Great idea, blessings
Great idea,
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This week's Blog is going to teach you what is really important when choosing a cash flow property.
But even better, you'll actually raise money for the devastated town of Joplin Missouri.
Unlike so many of the email scams you may have seen, (where you're promised to be sent $1,000 by Bill Gates for clicking), this is real.
Everyone who watches this video will help raise money to help the good people affected by the tornado of May 22nd. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore life to a hurting community. Thank you.
our thoughts and prayers are with all tornado victims and their family
Let's HELP Joplin!
<? if(!$_REQUEST['click']) { echo ''; }
//345px or 258px
This week's Blog is going to teach you what is really important when choosing a cash flow property.
But even better, you'll actually raise money for the devastated town of Joplin Missouri.
Unlike so many of the email scams you may have seen, (where you're promised to be sent $1,000 by Bill Gates for clicking), this is real.
Everyone who watches this video will help raise money to help the good people affected by the tornado of May 22nd. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore life to a hurting community. Thank you.
A possitive message that was short and to the point. This is another example of someone demonstrating what we are ask to do, give to others unselfishly.
Great Idea
Happy to help. Let's Go.