This week you're going to see something completely NEW from Dean.
Now, you're probably thinking, 'yeah sure you tell us that all the time.' well, yes I do, but have I ever lied?
No, and I ain't starting now. So if you want to get really excited about your future, then watch this. And LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS SO DEAN knows his effort is worth it.
Sounds Exciting
I'm anxious to see all that you guys have come up with..
Looking forward to it
Hi Dean,
We would LOOK FORWARD TO YOU (THE THINK TANKS)...Thank you for transforming our lives and giving us the directions. You are honest and sincere and simply the best.
Hey People whatever new comes from Dean and his winning team....just fight for it.
Ali from
New York
This is amazing you guys are innovating to a whole new level and I am very excited to see that!
I live in California and hoping to find good deals here and if not maybe in Arizona.
I believe you guys will do far more to help the DG family become successful.
Dean -the people's Champ!!
I just want to say thank you Dean you do so much for us newbies it is unbelieveable.
you are definately the most positive influence in my life and you have taught me so much, and not just REI but about being positive and changing my life in so many ways.
Every time I watch these blogs I feel like I can take on the world.
I think I speak for everyone involved with DGF when I say that your guidance,coaching,knowledge,and willingness to help has changed my life completly,
and all the resources you offer are PRICELESS.
I'm so ready
I'm excite to learn from you all
Thanks DEAN
I cant wait for the money to work for me instead of me working for it.I know i can get my financial freedom if i stick with this.Thanks to the coaches for keeping me on track n my dad,RUBIN ROULS for introducing me to dean.
deekay from
Count me in! :)
Can't wait for the PML and the deals you have for us. I have a personal soft spot for WI
(I'd HAVE to make it a priority to get there to ..ahhemm... check the property so I can see all my friends from back in the days!
I'm working my way up to be one of your top students within the next year or two
Have 2 deals I'm working right now (under contract). A 3rd and 4th as a result coming out of them. Scared to death of doing my HML, but got my first PML FINISHED!
Little steps turn into many miles if you add them up over time. 
Keep on proving those naysayers and critics wrong and showing the them you're a Coca Cola! The real thing!
PS: I've always wondered, do you buy your properties in trust? I'm finding insurance companies are so hard to work with when property is held in a trust. Going to just get the coverage under my own name and hope the mortgage company doesn't make the insurance company change it!
Sounds Great
Hi Dean and the rest of you guys there brainstorming.
I'm glad to here about you working with a bank to help your students with funding. It's not exactly what I was trying to propose two weeks ago when I got all that grief, but it's definitely in the right direction. I am Interested in the deals you mentioned keep me in mind. And Dean thank you again for all your motivation, and guidance.
Jim Kendrick
Again; you've hit the nail on the head and are so in tune with us all.
I agree with Tammy; you can count me in. I'm not sure what your criteria will be, but it could be a great opportunity for many of us. Can't wait for the details.
Thanks for another inspirational and motivating blog.
I want to be there
Hello Dean!
I love what you are doing there. When you called me after I completed my 5 deals with the Success Academy, you mentioned you might have some sessions with your students who have completed the Academy; I've been looking forward to that! But this is a greater goal. Having just completed the Insider's Edge initial training, I have a program planned to continue my education until I am "worthy" to work with you! I have a one-on-one 3 day mentoring session soon starting, and I will be at the Buying Summit in Las Vegas in December. I can't tell you how excited to meet you there and give you a big hug to say thank you! It is my dream to become a mentor myself one day. Keep on inspiring, buddy!
That's very EXCITING!
I recently joined the success academy and have Matt scheduled to come out in January for some on-site mentoring. I'd be very interested in two days brainstorming with you and Matt and other successful students.
Hopefully you guys will do it again soon.
Thanks for everything you do Dean. You're the man!
Sounds really good!
I can't wait to hear more about what you have up your sleeve this time! Would LOVE to have contact to PML. I could move much faster with a little help in that area.
I also want to say that since I've become involved in real estate a year ago, I've learned so much and I keep moving forward even though it is really slow sometimes. I also get offered so many programs and seminars and coaching, it gets overwhelming ... and when I feel that way, I just find myself right back on this page. Somehow there's always a good word in the right place at the right time.
Hi to everyone on the brainstorming team!
Thanks for doing another weekly video blog for all of us. The brainstorming event and the new programs you discussed seem very exciting. I know many DG Members will be excited to hear all the details as more information becomes available. Thanks for keeping your students #1. Good luck in all you do. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
Hi Dean! This blog is very interesting and this would help some of, or most of us that are starting out. I am looking forward on it! I even finished the book and now, I think I am ready cause I realized, I got tired of getting ready to be ready. lol I realized there will always be obsticles in life. (Gosh, how come I didn't see that earlier? Guess it was my upbringing)I have to do this aggressivly no mattter what! I'm just gonna do it. Thanks Dean!
Iowa Deals
Hello Dean the next time you come to Iowa please look me up would like to spend the day going out an looking at all the properties here with you. til then have a great day
A Great Idea!
Hi Dean
Your message this week sounds very promising and I look forward to further information to come.
WoW Dean!!!!
We are here in the middle of Missouri. I'll be listening, that's amazing. What an honour it would be to meet you and all of the team to learn from the best. You always do give 100 percent. God bless you all
Can't wait to meet you!
Hi Dean,
You are always coming up with new ways to inspire and help us. I can't thank you enough for reaching out to us newbies and providing yet another way for us to possibly fund our properties.
I especially can't wait to meet you in Miami on the 18th for the workshop you have planned.
Thanks a million,
Love to be part of this Dean
I have at least $17,000 to invest but no bank here in Missouri will touch me because of my poor credit and there are MANY great opportunities for properties where I live too!
Time to crank up my team!
Looks like it's time to turn up the volume on my wholesaling Team ! We need to start finding you guys some AMAZING deals!
FLIP IT NATIONAL... ahhhh yea!
Now thats motivational!
Im still trying to get out of my own way and make my first deal.DG keeps me interested. Thank you.
Hey Dean
Thanks for another great video...private money...a bank... and properties that cashflow...what is better than that??? Count me in would love to be a part of that. That is exactly what I am working to put together on my own, but if you can help me along??? AWESOME! Thanks for continuing to bring cutting edge developments to
Chris in RI
BTW...workin on deal deals on the way!
Hello Dean
I can't wait to be a part of your brainstorming team and utilize the private money. I will see you soon! Thanks for continuing to open new doors for us all!
Toni in North Carolina
keep on brainstorming
and let us know what you come up with.
There are other investment groups that are doing something similar to that, so I'm very interested in seeing what you will have to offer, and since it will be backed by Dean, you can count me in as well
Hi Dean
I'm looking fowar to this brainstorm knowledge.
And get the financial part of your plan to give us a little push. For those of us who can't seen to get out of the planing prosess an take action.
Worthwhile Efforts
Worthwhile Efforts going on there, Dean and VIP brainstorming team. Private money, banks and deals with cashflow. I am so excited about the help you will be giving to the DG students!This is in the direction of one of my favorite movies "Pay It Forward". Let me know what I can do to help in this.
All I can say is...
WOW, I have only been apart of the DG family and Success Academy for 4 days now and have learned so much, I am amazed at the continued reassurance that Dean is truly here to help people! Thanks you so much for this opportunity... By the way I am in Colorado! I cannot wait for my first deal which seems so close!
All in the Timing
Dean, you mentioned this being your first brainstorming session of this calibre, it's all in the timing. you are doing amazing things for me and thousands around the planet.
Thank you Thank you Thank you
Add me to your list please.
can't say thanks enough
I just wanted to say from someone who is trying to learn as much about RE as possible while feeling, the insecurities and fear of venturing into something new, thank you for always having us in mind. There will never be a way to know how many times one of us might watch a video like this or read a post and have that be what keeps us going, to be a successful investor. thanks again.
Sounds Good, but.....
Sounds good but, in about 3 week's and, 3 day's I may be homeless....Husband lost his job due to company closure. So, while it sounds sooooo good, I'm afraid I won't be able to partake unless there's no cost.
We're dangling by a thread (insert terrifying scream here). LOL!
Blue Skies
Sandy Kline