My name is Arthur Melchor I have been interested in Real Estate for quite some time and have recently started taking my first steps in trying to gain knowledge and putting that knowledge into action.I have been an entrepreneur my whole life maybe before I even knew it,I currently live in Indianapolis and recently moved from Las Vegas and was there for just over two years. I previously lived in Michigan where I was self employed as a marketer/advertiser and spent the first 29 years of my life there and left a week before my 30th b-day. I am 31 now, never married and have no children I have been working as a server at two different places and have promised my self not to go back into the corporate world and get in the 401k i hate my job can't wait to retire wishing my life away mindset, I'm ready to meet great people wherever and whoever they are. I would like to have RE take me as far as i can go and make as many friends and business associates along the way. My goal is to help others while helping myself, not to get greedy and keep my eyes on the prize. We can all be in this together that is my mindset, I think it's possible. Will add more as I grow. Thank you.