This time of year so many people across the country set new goals and new resolutions...
Goals they’re never going to reach because they set the WRONG goals.
This week Dean wants to share with you how to set goals, and how to set the RIGHT goals.
This time of year so many people across the country set new goals and new resolutions...
Goals they’re never going to reach because they set the WRONG goals.
This week Dean wants to share with you how to set goals, and how to set the RIGHT goals.
Thanks Dean. I'm going to get a tablet and write down my goals right now for 2015. And then I'm going to look at it every day to remind myself what I need to do.
Looking back on 2015
Feeling content and proud. Grateful and fulfilled. My goals to grow my business with more private money, more interns, in more cities are met. My goal to increase my fitness is surpassed. My goal to write another book is accomplished and it's in the hands of thousands. My goal to take my family to our special spot in South Caroline is in the books. My goal to be a better mother is evident in the life choices of my children. Yes, I'm feeling very satisfied looking back on 2015.
The market is changing minute by minute. I'm finding new strategies that work. Can't wait to get in on what Matt the prodigy has to share!
Happy New Year!
That's good Dean
Bring on those videos. I need to keep it simple and go step by step. Wholesale is my game and 2015 has got to be my year. My brother had a lung transplant on Friday and at the same time I had and engineer here making arrangements for a new roof. I have been locked into a special program. The last wind storm we had a week ago did a great deal of damage to an already damaged roof. One year from now things will be very different. I wish the best for one and all in 2015.
full force
Dean i really enjoyed the video "you doing it all wrong." and your right we all set goals too high sometimes and I think it's a character flaw of one self wanting to be a better person and thinking that we need to be way above who we actually are in order too be a better person. And this is so not true. I'm keeping it simple and leaving 2014 behind me and press on forward. I want to have the opportunity to meet positive people that can become the stepping stones to the paved road of a financially sound real estate based lifestyle
I KNOW I CAN DO THIS. this world is too large and vast for not every man or women not too have some form of personal wealth.
Like the message
I like the message and all that, but I'm afraid this site is going too heavy on self improvement subjects. Lately, it seems to be the only focus. It has even taken over the forum topics. I think a realignment back to the core subject is long over due. The constant talk of self improvement can itself be detrimental. It takes away time and energy from actually doing the things that can make one successful.
I understand that there are newbies on this site everyday, but most of the messages are from members who have been here for a while. Once you set your priorities and goals it's time to move forward, otherwise, the constant discussion of self improvement techniques just becomes another one of those feel good spinning of the wheels effects.
Every year we make a new
Every year we make a new year resolution on 1st January but as the week passes we forget and live the life as we are living before new year. I am also one of them. But you told me good techniques dean. I will try to implement this year, so i can stick on my resolution.
Thank you! I'm so grateful
Thank you! I'm so grateful to be a part of the DG family. The encouragement you present every week is motivating! Each year we are thankful for whatever we have experienced and what was accomplished. It makes us better people than what we were yesterday! We will keep moving ahead toward our goals and dreams!
Looking back on 2015
Great idea...looking back at 2015. I did stop the video and write it out. This was actually fun and exciting. Dean you ROCK!!!!
love that energy
Hi Dean thanks for all that and it really helps a lot and looking forward even more to 2015 in doing deals and hearing more from you on how to get private money and finding great deals, housing and Real Estate is on the way back and you hear and see that all over, want to make this the greatest year ever, in life and doing Real Estate, awesome Dean and thanks, Jim
Always A Motivator
Dean always has a good word and great motivation - he does rub off on you and 2015 will be the best year for us and I'm sure all .Keep listening !
That was another! good! one
Thank you Dean a giant hug to you.
Yes money is so important in this world for so many reasons to help our selves and others.
Thanks Dean!
My goals for 2015 are in place and I can visualize their completion. Again, your advise, training and teaching is right on!
Excited to Hear more!
Dean I always love your WW's..I am so excited to hear more about Matt's tips! You are a wonderful teacher and motivator! Thanks for all your hard work! God bless you and your family!
That was awesome!
I actually sat down and started working on my goals for 2015 a couple of weeks ago. Now I have to go back and revise some of them because, as you said, I was doing them wrong! I am grateful for the examples you gave in the video because that really offered some guidance into more realistic, attainable goals for the new year! Looking forward to hearing more from you and Matt in the near future. Have an amazing year everyone!!!
Video Pop-Ups....
Hey, Buddy, ya'...
But these constant pop-ups on top of your videos are getting REALLY distracting...and are detracting from your message. They break-up a person's concentration on what you are saying, redirect their attention to getting rid of the interruption, and then the focus on you is GONE. I'm having to rewatch just to follow your train of thought. Please move them to the end of the videos when you are plugging your free books. Think about it,...the people who are members have ALREADY been sold on joining you(!)...making these pop-ups beyond obnoxious--and for some, I assume, offensive. Maybe the "unsold" world needs a different set of videos than loyal members do. Thank you. And Happy New Year!!!! I hope it is your best year yet!
Making Goals stick
Great Weekly Wisdom Dean, I used this goal strategy a couple of years ago when you first made a video about it. I find this goal setting strategy very affective and would be using it this year to set my goals for 2015.
Great message on goals, Dean. I very seldom do goals. I need to this year. I plan on getting out of this financial mess I am in.
Thanks Dean.
Weekly Wisdom #321 - "You're doing it all wrong"
Happy New Year Dean!! Thanks for the information on setting goals correctly to obtain better results. I will implement your method and stick to it to help improve my goal setting strategy.
Thanks for another hyped up WW. You are always on and that can be contagious.
So I am going to follow this formula and begin carrying around a piece of paper very much like Ali Safavi.
Have a great day.
Visioning works....
Let me start by wishing you, Dean, and the DG Family a very Happy New Year.
I will make it happen no matter what. THAT is where I am in my life. I know it sounds cocky but...... that's my mentality. If I need to work round the clock, I do it. If I need help, I find it. If I have distractions, I compensate for them. What I've learned most about myself over the years is that when I want something bad enough, I do whatever it takes to get it. If I am not willing to do that, I didn't really want "that" that bad to begin with.
As 2014 slowly, then rapidly came to a close, my goals and visions of those goals were looking more and more like they weren't going to happen. Things holding me back in early 2014, that I discussed in AZ, seemed to still be stopping me. But my vision was not to be denied! My goal was met just before Christmas. Hard work and perseverance paid off and now enables me to move far forward in 2015. So what do I envision myself seeing on Dec. 31, 2015 as I look back at the year? One word, satisfaction! I DID IT!!!! My businesses will have proven the necessity for their expansions. My "greatness" will once again rise to the top. My life will be even more fulfilled. And how will I feel if I don;t achieve this? NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!
So setting goals attached to emotions does work! My emotion for "failure to complete" in 2014 was utter disappointment coupled with proof that I can't do what I want in life. The ramification would have been a move away from my paradise and the need for a J O B to pay the bills. At %^&* years old, that's not how I want to be living. Thankfully, that's not an issue anymore thanks to this lesson which I heard you tell us before.
I'm looking forward to one hellofa great 2015
Can't wait for the Matt secrets too.
"till next week.....
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013 and 2014 EDGE Alumni
Are we married?
I'm doing it all wrong???? I don't thing same-sex marriage is allowed in Montana.
Thank you Again Dean !!
I Have my goals in place ,setting up the rest
getting my business re-set & Organized .
Ready to take to it to the next level
Thank you again for always sharing your incredible knowledge & training Dean
Happy New Year Everybody !!
Darren from Calif
Hi Dean and Happy New Year to all,
I decided to finally get the VA and getting help with my business. I know hat this a team business and I'm going to build it this year.Thanks for the support and Look forward to 2105
You're doing it all wrong!
Hi Dean,
Another great weekly wisdom.......
I have my resolutions in place,..... just a few.....less is more, and much more easier to attain.....
Thank You for all you did in 2014, and will do in 2015 for your DG always it's much appreciated....
Real estate
This is what im talking about Dean I love this because im a Christian man and I have all the motivation and confidence in the world. I just need information and knowledge in real estate on how to make money. I cant wait to learn what you and matt are going to be sharing with us to help us make money in real estate ill be patiently waiting dean pencil sharpened and notebook open. Thank you.
2015 is the year !
Dean, I'm so HAPPY to see you embrace and promote Totally Fulfilled. You know I've been doing that for years.
. I remember I had a conversation with you and you telling me how silly you felt because you wrote that so many years ago and everything's changed now and you weren't too keen on promoting it. I specifically remembered the look on your face. Lol I even told you to write another one! I'm so truly excited you are doing that!! I love the direction you're headed and the things you've always done for and how you're expanding in the direction of mindset once again. You truly have changed my life tenfold! I am so grateful for you! Thanks for helping to change 1000s of people's lives! Wish we could clone you!
. 2015 is my year to outshine all the others! Watch me! 
I will continue to grow and expand into the best me I can be and eliminate all the toxic stuff in my life that is holding me back from my true potential!
Hitting a road block
Hi Dean! Love the weekly wisdom. We listened to you and took the bull by the horns. We actually have a turn-key in Tuscaloosa Al right by the college that we have not been able to finance and we've done another in IL that we've paid cash for, now we're skeptical about being able to refinance. And have another in North Carolina that should be finished by month's end. Just hitting a road block. Do you have any great input, we are IE Members and would love some guidance. Loved everything in your last year of input. Thank you so much!
Re-set my goals using this method - Awesome!
Dean, I re-did my goals for 2015 using the method you outlined in this video. I have been very particular about setting goals for many years now. To be very honest, I have not really achieved the majority of the goals I set, and really have not made much progress towards them either. The impact that this method has had on me since I set them has been powerful! I dare say that I will achieve my goals this year BECAUSE I applied this method of goal-setting. I've been taking focused action and will definitely make 2015 a breakthrough year! First deal done by 2/15/2015!
Great Way to Start 2015!
Thank you Dean!
I really appreciate how you're always motivating us to be the best we can be, and giving us tools to accomplish anything we want to!
I have set my goals for 2015! And I am so excited to make them happen!!! Stepping on the gas pedal!!!
Thank you!!!
Looking forward
I love this goal sheet, I am going to do this today!! I put my goals and emotion together and it will explode!