Joined: 2009-06-27
Points: 46

Oneonta, New york
About Me:
I recently had a stroke in September '08 and am working on coming back from that. I have "thought" of going into real estate for many years. Since I am no longer able to work a 9-5 job right now and I just "happened" to be awake in the early morning hours and saw Dean, well....."you know the "rest of the story". I am trying to convince myself to get out and do this but have only my disability to pay bills right now so I am scared. I know I have to 'get my rear in gear', It's just hard to start. I do feel that once I get started I will be addicted to it like so many other people are but, even with that's hard to start.
Counted cross-stitch, reading,documentaries and doing things with my sister and/or daughter
Hi Teri,
Just wanted to take a second to say congratulations on joining the greatest opportunity by far! Here you will find the best support system there is! Much success to you.......Lubertha