
All About T-Bone

Terrence C. Shands

Topics I've Participated In

Learn all you can in 2010! Rina1113 years 42 weeks ago
We will Succeed! eaglescrestprop...614 years 38 weeks ago
Postive thinking T-Bone815 years 1 week ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Getting Started

I would like to know where to in my area I have a house in mind that is not to far from me.
I been looking at it every since I moved on this side of twn,I looked it up and it is in foreclosure as we speak.
I printedout the infomation on the house.


REvans's picture

Hello Terrence,
Welcome to the DG family!


Hello Rhonda
Terrence here you make me feel so welcomed here
I am trying to get started and I need some help so I do nt make a fool out of myself.
I will see what the out come wll be in a month from now
thanks again I will see what this program is abou because I need a change in my life right now.
Happy valintine to you and yours


I do not know what website I was on just now every one has something going on these days,program all a brother trying to do is to get some information to get started.

I have one Problem Since my Accident on 12/01/2009 I have a studdering problem now it is hard to talk to people on the Telepone.
Everybody is in a harry these days,I just get hung up on my own coach did not call me back.

It seems as if I can not get a answer from anybody when I do make calls it has been hard for me,no one returns my calls because of my studdering.

And I need some help here I return my calls and after that I get no more responses
So I am going to call the academy again and see if I can get head way on things.