
All About StephanieS

StephanieS's picture
Stephanie Sagesse

Topics I've Participated In

Insiders Edge StephanieS111 years 34 weeks ago
DC's Journey To 39 Transactions DTerry64077613 years 45 weeks ago
Ok, im back n i did a lil homework =o) StephanieS1414 years 5 weeks ago

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No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Im new and i wanna make money!!! =o)

StephanieS's picture

Hey everyone! I just attended my first forum and it was a great experience...OK i got some new so dont laugh at my questions...=o) OK, so at the forum thier were investors and i assumed that they were all there to find people that had great properties so they can close deals. And a great idea popped into my head how about if we throw a "house party"!! i have deans aff, now in order to throw a house party wat do i do? do i have 2 speak 2 the owners of the foreclosed homes, and wat should i say? can someone walk me through it w some ideas.. (only about properties refreshment n everything else is takin care of) =o) Thanks alot u guys -Steph


Lane McCaw's picture

Fill out your profile page and start reading on this site to find out where you want to start. Lease Options and Assignments are the easiest and fastest way to get started.

You have the motivation

shaun omar's picture

You definately have the motivation you need to get the job done but please write things out it makes you look more professional. Greg Murphy does assigments in Mississippi and has done very well at it. check him out I think you will find he will be a big help. Dean's book "Your Town Your Real Estate Profits" is a great book, Greg is the first student in the book and he walks you through the entire process. We don't mean to be nasty but we are all trying to be successful on this site and we all have read books, blogs and forums and watched Dean's video blogs so it is very important to word your questions properly. You would have got a better response by asking where you could go to learn more about what you wanted to do. Keep the faith and good luck


kareng's picture

Welcome to the DG site. You will get a lot of valuable information here.

I recommend you use it wisely by reading as much as you possibly can.

Good luck.


Wow. Took some cold water to the back of the neck,

Dana Leigh's picture

didn't you. Grab a towel, buddy; and shake it off. Sit by the heater with some good books. ; ) AND... Keep coming back with your questions. Don't let anyone hold you back. peace,

Where are you from

shaun omar's picture

Hi Stephanie,
Where are you looking to do your investing? You have a lot of motivation and spirit and I think you will definately be someone to watch