
All About steelstud007

Dwight Truitt

Topics I've Participated In

Getting Started Need Some Advice frymissy2167 years 43 weeks ago
Single Family Home in a great area steelstud007012 years 46 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


No Earnest Money

Is there a way to do assignment deals if you don't have earnest money for the offers accepted?

Wholesale buyers

Hello everyone, looking for Wholesale buyers in the Atlanta GA. area. Some of the buyers on my list never response to my list of questions but still want me to bring them deals and it is like pulling teeth trying to figure them out. I'm not experienced but going by the teachings on this site and in the books and discovered that I'm a lot more knowledgeable than so of the experts LOL. But I'm looking for partners to send deals. I do have an agent now that is sending me properties and I make about 8 offers at 40% off the FMV a week. Contact me if you are interested in any potential deals in the Atlanta metro area. Thanks so much and success to all. Good Luck DG Family

Need help

I'm working hard and learning as much as I can, but I must admit, I got a little discouraged today. I made an offer on a house comps say it was worth about 40k. I made an offer for 24.5k

I did not have the earnest money to lock it up. I got 2 buyers and proof of funds from one of my buyers who also do transitional funding. The agent told me I had 10 days to do my due diligence but I had 2 days to pay my earnest money and lock it up.
Any suggestions?


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P.H.G. LLC.'s picture

Welcome to the DG family.

Add us to your buyers and sellers list asap.

God bless you keep learning the family business.