I am Jeff and my wife is Ronda, she currently is working on her Masters Degree and will finish next May, yeaaaa! We live in Brown County but both work in Bloomington, In, I am self-employed as a handyman and contractor and my wife works at Cook Medical in customer relations.
Real-estate is more my passion but Ronda has seen potential after the three day seminar and is coming on full bore after she completes her degree. I just signed up with PMI Friday and am starting the action items today for step two. At the beginning I was feeling a little overwhelmed as I did not know where to start with all the literature I got but with coaches directing me I'm off and running.
I am looking to get back into flipping homes and now think renting properties along with some possible leases are what I'm currently focusing on. I started developing my power team and already have a few realtors who I know from previous houses I have flipped who are investors as well.
Jeff Aloha & Mahalo! Welcome
Jeff Aloha & Mahalo!
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